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Kaže Stoltenberg da će Ukrajina ući u NATO ako pobijedi Rusiju, ako ne - ništa od članstva.

Ista stvar i s obnovom Ukrajine, ako pobijede Rusiju, Zapad će se angažirati oko obnove.

Ali ako izgube rat, NIŠTA od obnove.

To u prijevodu znači da su sva obećanja dana Ukrajini dana UVJETNO. Međutim, naivni Ukrajinci su mislili da je to bezuvjetno! Da su znali da će ih NATO i EU izdati i prepustit samima sebi, da će podržavanjem Zelenkove politike završit u ratu, da će bit nasilna mobilizacija, da će milijuni biti raseljeni, da će doći do golemog razaranja zemlje i gubitka života, vjerujem da bi se mirno dogovorili s Rusima.

Najveći apsurd je u tome što će Zelenko na kraju morati sjesti za pregovarački stol i da za tim stolom neće dobiti ništa više nego bi dobio da se u startu išao mirno dogovoriti s Rusima.

Toga je svjestan i on, zna da je kraj rata i njegov kraj, zato će taj monstrum kojeg nije briga za Ukrajince razvlačiti rat koliko god je moguće, sve dok ima budala koje će se pokoravati njegovim zapovijedima.
Forwarded from Intel Slava Z
🇷🇺 🇺🇦🇬🇧 - “You know you're corrupt when you've been prepping for months for a Russian attack in the Kharkiv region, but they just walk across because the money for defences was stolen.

Is the £3bn Cameron agreed to send Ukraine every year going to end up as Rolls Royces, villas on the French Riviera, and luxury Chalets in Val d'Isere? Because if so, I would like a refund, given it's my tax money that's going to fund the lavish lifestyles of Ukrainian nomenklatura. If not, what safeguards has Lord Cameron of Tripoli put in place to protect our money?”

🔗 Collingwood
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Forwarded from Lord Bebo & Friends (крип)
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Kaže Zelenko da su idućih par tjedana ključni, ta retorika u Ukrajini se neprekidno plasira još od početka rata, istina je da agoniji nema kraja sve dok Zelenko ne kapitulira.
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A viral video demanding the Israeli Apartheid teams to be banned from international sports competitions and tournaments for their war crimes in the Gaza Strip.

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Provjednici u Libanonu traže odlazak Sirijskih izbjeglica iz zemlje
Američka odluka o uvođenju 100% carina na uvoz električnih vozila iz Kine pokazala je koliko je Američko gospodarstvo nekonkurentno.

Drugim riječima, Amerika je izgubila kompletno međunarodno tržište jer ne može konkurirati Kineskim proizvođačima.

Dok Amerikanci skupo plaćaju električne aute, ostatak svijeta uživa u jeftinim Kineskima.
Forwarded from UKR LEAKS_eng
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A heartbreaking video is circulating online in which a legless Ukrainian war veteran asks the authorities why he doesn’t have enough money to feed his family.

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❗️Zelensky's thugs reportedly tried to mobilize an 18-year-old 🇺🇦

Forwarded from Rise of the Global South
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🆘 Amsterdam, 2024: Police Officers Assault Their Own Citizens in the Name of Israel

If this had happened in Iran, Russia or China, these scenes would have made international news and Western governments would have risen up in protest and anger.

‘Rules-based’ western democracy in action.

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Forwarded from UKR LEAKS_eng
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In Ukraine, they denied the right to be Ukrainians to those who refuse to be mobilized.

“If you are a draft dodger, then you have no right to say that you are Ukrainian. You are a gypsy,”
said former adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Viktor Andrusiv.

by @sputniklive
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❗️Another victim of forced mobilization in Ukraininan Ternopol 🇺🇦
