Forwarded from israel is Terrorist
🔴After a decision was issued against a large number of Palestinians.
Saudi Arabia issues prison sentences against a number of Jordanians too, with a maximum of 22 years and a minimum of 3 years for "supporting Palestine".
It seems that there is close competition between Arab leaders to please their israeli masters!
Saudi Arabia issues prison sentences against a number of Jordanians too, with a maximum of 22 years and a minimum of 3 years for "supporting Palestine".
It seems that there is close competition between Arab leaders to please their israeli masters!
Jehovini svjedoci imaju isti pogled na židove koji su odbacili Isusa kao i ja, jako dobar film njihov možete pogledati ovdje
“Živimo po vjeri, a ne po onome što vidimo” | Video
Pogledajte film o razorenju Jeruzalema. Kršćani su poslušali Isusa i pobjegli iz grada. Pouzdanje u Boga pomoglo im je donijeti ispravnu odluku.
Fina neka gospođa
Žena (38) u Varaždinu škarama ubola svog partnera u prsa
U POLICIJSKOM pritvoru završila je 38-godišnjakinja koja je škarama ubola svog partnera u prsa, priopćili su u ponedjeljak iz Policijske uprave varaždinske o slučaju koji se dogodio u subotu u ranim jutarnjim satima.
Forwarded from israel is Terrorist
🔴 #Bahrain: The concern about #Iran was one of the reasons for signing the normalization agreements with "#israel"
Biblija nas uči da je su ljudi u početku govorili istim jezikom, međutim, Božjom voljom raspršeni su po cijeloj kugli zemaljskoj, te su im pomiješani jezici tako da ne razumiju jedni druge. To piše u Postanku 11,9.
Također, Bog je izričito zabranio miješanje svog naroda (tada židovskog) s drugim narodima koji nisu dijelili vjeru u njega, ta zabrana ulaska u brak s osobama koje ne dijele njihova uvjerenja i dalje je na snazi za sve kršćane.
Jehova nas uči da će na kraju vremena doći do jedinstva među narodima, ali to jedinstvo bit će u službi vraga, a ne Boga.
Koncept globalizacije u kojem su svi izmiješani (jedna rasa), u kojem svi govore isti jezik i imaju istu religiju je opisana u Otkrivenju. Cijela zemlja će se zanijeti za Zvijeri i služiti vragu izuzev Božjih odabranika kojima je dana spoznaja o duhovnoj istini.
Medije i financijski sustav, kao i države, trenutno vode većinom ljudi koji su u pobuni protiv stvoritelja.
Nažalost, mnogi toga nisu svjesni i zato su im po slušni. Cijenu svog neznanja će prije ili kasnije skupo platiti.
Također, Bog je izričito zabranio miješanje svog naroda (tada židovskog) s drugim narodima koji nisu dijelili vjeru u njega, ta zabrana ulaska u brak s osobama koje ne dijele njihova uvjerenja i dalje je na snazi za sve kršćane.
Jehova nas uči da će na kraju vremena doći do jedinstva među narodima, ali to jedinstvo bit će u službi vraga, a ne Boga.
Koncept globalizacije u kojem su svi izmiješani (jedna rasa), u kojem svi govore isti jezik i imaju istu religiju je opisana u Otkrivenju. Cijela zemlja će se zanijeti za Zvijeri i služiti vragu izuzev Božjih odabranika kojima je dana spoznaja o duhovnoj istini.
Medije i financijski sustav, kao i države, trenutno vode većinom ljudi koji su u pobuni protiv stvoritelja.
Nažalost, mnogi toga nisu svjesni i zato su im po slušni. Cijenu svog neznanja će prije ili kasnije skupo platiti.
Forwarded from Anastaci91 (Anastasia)
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Udomili su ga haha
Ruandski imigrant ubio katoličkog svećenika na zapadu Francuske
Senator regije Vendee Bruno Retailleau rekao je da je žrtva Olivier Maire i da je šokiran ubojstvom. Dodao je da su lokalna Katolička Crkva i ubijeni svećenik osigurali smještaj Ruanđaninu.
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Facebook-Funded “Researchers” and the New York Times Team Up to Attack Gab
Gab News
Facebook-Funded “Researchers” and the New York Times Team Up to Attack Gab
This evening I received an email (shared below) from Davey Alba at the New York Times. Davey explained that "researchers" from two organizations with direct connections to and funding from Facebook were defaming both myself personally and Gab as a whole for…
Ludovic Clerc
Moderna 22nd July 2021
Died 24th July 2021
Age: 39 Years Old
Ludo's Story Told by his Father Jean Francois
My son received his second Moderna injection on Thursday, July 22nd at around 5pm. The next morning he informed me of pain in the arm where the injection had been done.
The next day Saturday 24th around 12noon we he tried to wake him and my son wasn't moving and blood had spilled his nostrils!
Despite the response of the firemen I urgently contacted, they could only see his death 😩
I lost a huge part of myself this terrible day in July and will hold a great place in my heart for this beloved son.
For my grandson Melvin (Ludo's Son) who is only 13 years old, yet I have to keep living in honour my Ludo
Rest in peace my baby
Moderna 22nd July 2021
Died 24th July 2021
Age: 39 Years Old
Ludo's Story Told by his Father Jean Francois
My son received his second Moderna injection on Thursday, July 22nd at around 5pm. The next morning he informed me of pain in the arm where the injection had been done.
The next day Saturday 24th around 12noon we he tried to wake him and my son wasn't moving and blood had spilled his nostrils!
Despite the response of the firemen I urgently contacted, they could only see his death 😩
I lost a huge part of myself this terrible day in July and will hold a great place in my heart for this beloved son.
For my grandson Melvin (Ludo's Son) who is only 13 years old, yet I have to keep living in honour my Ludo
Rest in peace my baby
Sputnik V 💉💀
On August 2, a 24-year-old boy, Mikhail Kharchev, died in Kholuy, Russia.
“He was forced to get vaccinated at work (he worked as a senior investigator in the Ministry of Internal Affairs)” - his mother told. “After the second 💉 he felt bad, but he went to work. He came home for the weekend and on Sunday night he became very sick. When the ambulance arrived, he could not walk well and could not talk, only moaned. Doctors pumped his air for several hours manually, as he could not breathe. At 3 A.M. he was gone...”
On August 2, a 24-year-old boy, Mikhail Kharchev, died in Kholuy, Russia.
“He was forced to get vaccinated at work (he worked as a senior investigator in the Ministry of Internal Affairs)” - his mother told. “After the second 💉 he felt bad, but he went to work. He came home for the weekend and on Sunday night he became very sick. When the ambulance arrived, he could not walk well and could not talk, only moaned. Doctors pumped his air for several hours manually, as he could not breathe. At 3 A.M. he was gone...”
26 yrs old from Fort McMurray, Alberta
Dead after her 2 dose 💉
Dead after her 2 dose 💉