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Forwarded from Every Day
On August 2, 2019, Erin Langhofer was killed by a stray bullet. She was out with her boyfriend and others, enjoying a public event among a crowd of thousands of people. Nearby, Deon'te Copkney got into a fight with another man; by his own admission, as Deon'te ran away from the confrontation, he turned around and "emptied his clip," firing a handgun nine times "into the air." Erin, a social worker focused on victims of domestic violence, was struck in the head.
Forwarded from Every Day
On August 4, 2014, Michael Connor Verkerke was spending time with his little brother at the playground near his home when he was attacked by an older boy. The 9-year-old Connor had never met the other boy, 12-year-old Jamarion Lawhorn, but Jamarion pulled a hidden knife out of the sand at the playground and stabbed Connor several times in the back. The victim's brother helped him back to the porch of their home, where Connor told the 7-year-old "it's not your fault" and "I'll always love you" as he bled to death.

Jamarion was released from custody in early 2021, shortly before his 19th birthday.
Forwarded from Every Day
On August 7, 2015, Heather Nicole Maples was found face-down on her bed with severe signs of trauma. Heather, who had recently been accepted into college, had been raped and strangled to death. DNA evidence and fingerprints in her blood tied the scene to an acquaintance named Brandon Bowling. Investigators later discovered that Brandon had taken video of the crime, along with other sexual assaults.
Forwarded from israel is Terrorist
🔴After a decision was issued against a large number of Palestinians.

Saudi Arabia issues prison sentences against a number of Jordanians too, with a maximum of 22 years and a minimum of 3 years for "supporting Palestine".

It seems that there is close competition between Arab leaders to please their israeli masters!

Oslobađanje Kunduza od Američkih marioneta
Forwarded from israel is Terrorist
🔴 #Bahrain: The concern about #Iran was one of the reasons for signing the normalization agreements with "#israel"

Biblija nas uči da je su ljudi u početku govorili istim jezikom, međutim, Božjom voljom raspršeni su po cijeloj kugli zemaljskoj, te su im pomiješani jezici tako da ne razumiju jedni druge. To piše u Postanku 11,9.

Također, Bog je izričito zabranio miješanje svog naroda (tada židovskog) s drugim narodima koji nisu dijelili vjeru u njega, ta zabrana ulaska u brak s osobama koje ne dijele njihova uvjerenja i dalje je na snazi za sve kršćane.

Jehova nas uči da će na kraju vremena doći do jedinstva među narodima, ali to jedinstvo bit će u službi vraga, a ne Boga.

Koncept globalizacije u kojem su svi izmiješani (jedna rasa), u kojem svi govore isti jezik i imaju istu religiju je opisana u Otkrivenju. Cijela zemlja će se zanijeti za Zvijeri i služiti vragu izuzev Božjih odabranika kojima je dana spoznaja o duhovnoj istini.

Medije i financijski sustav, kao i države, trenutno vode većinom ljudi koji su u pobuni protiv stvoritelja.

Nažalost, mnogi toga nisu svjesni i zato su im po slušni. Cijenu svog neznanja će prije ili kasnije skupo platiti.
Propaganda koja nameće šećer cilja na našu djecu.