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Forwarded from Almanar TV
Swedish Prof doesn't rule out a fifth COVID shot

👉🏻 Berthe P. was a 91 year old French woman who lived in a small low-rent apartment in the Paris area. Despite her old age and the fact that she was in a wheelchair, she remained very involved in the life of her neighborhood with associations.

🇵🇰 In June 2021, a Pakistani burglar broke into her house and stole a few objects of little value: the loot amounted to less than 1000€.

👊🏾 He took advantage of the burglary to rape the old lady who cannot move alone. During the rape, he hit the old lady several times. He ended up running away, leaving Berthe in agony.

☠️ The poor woman died a few hours later as a result of the rape.

🏥 Her body had an incredible number of injuries: several fractures, open wounds, head wounds, which testify to the violence of the rape.

📌 The Pakistani was arrested. He will not be deported.

🔗 Source : La Dépêche (MSM)
Forwarded from Disclose.tv
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NOW - Biden says 350 million Americans are vaccinated, which is more than the entire U.S. population.

The U.S. has a population of 331 million, and Biden doesn't realize what he's saying even after glancing at a piece of paper.

Forwarded from Based Der Fuhrer (Der Fuhrer)
Been saying this for year just go for it already.
Forwarded from Based Der Fuhrer (Der Fuhrer)
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Chicago had 3 times as many murders than Covid Deaths. But you can't mention that cause that would be "racist!"
Forwarded from woozuh YE24
I got banned on Paypal
Gledam kroz što Škoro prolazi, to je horor u režiji najbližih ljudi koje je gurnuo u Sabor i koji po mom sudu nikad Sabora ne bi vidjeli da nije bilo njega.

Sada kad je Škoro osnovao stranku i kad ta stranka dobiva milijune iz proračuna došlo je do borbe oko toga tko će ju voditi, odnosno, doći do tog novca. Po mome sudu, ta osoba je Škoro jer cijela stranka zavisi o njemu, on ju je stvorio i bez njega ta stranka nema budućnost.

Anti-Škorina ekipa unutar stranke koja se bori za prevlast je bila vještija u tome kako izlobirati ljude i tako su na svoju stranu pridobili kritičnu masu u vrhu stranke, te de facto preuzeli stranku.

Optužbe protiv Škore smatram apsurdnima, ako sam dobro shvatio sporna je jedna (1) narukvica i nekakve butelje Škorinog vina. U svakom slučaju, ako nije bio od ranije, Škoro je sada svjestan kakve ljude je vukao sa sobom, a kakve je odbio od sebe na savjet tih istih ljudi.
Dragi prijatelji, budući da imam smokvu kraj kuće, svaki dan se za doručak najedem smokava.

Danas nisam jeo ništa osim njih, tako da sam imao "besplatan" doručak bogat vlaknima i mineralima. Pojeo sam ih 15-ak.

Potom sam ručao i nakon ručka (kozletina i krumpir) opet smlatio 20 smokava.

Do večere neću jesti ništa, ali ono što vam želim reći je sljedeće. Ako imate neku voćku kraj kuće, jedan obrok u danu neka vam bude samo to voće.

Napravit ćete dobro vašem zdravlju i dobiti besplatan obrok odnosno uštedjeti novac.

Smisao ishrane bez rafiniranih šećera nije u tome da budete gladni, već da uživate u zdravoj hrani do mile volje.
Forwarded from Mark Collett
Another story of the successes of diversity falls to pieces.
Forwarded from Every Day
On August 2, 2019, Erin Langhofer was killed by a stray bullet. She was out with her boyfriend and others, enjoying a public event among a crowd of thousands of people. Nearby, Deon'te Copkney got into a fight with another man; by his own admission, as Deon'te ran away from the confrontation, he turned around and "emptied his clip," firing a handgun nine times "into the air." Erin, a social worker focused on victims of domestic violence, was struck in the head.
Forwarded from Every Day
On August 4, 2014, Michael Connor Verkerke was spending time with his little brother at the playground near his home when he was attacked by an older boy. The 9-year-old Connor had never met the other boy, 12-year-old Jamarion Lawhorn, but Jamarion pulled a hidden knife out of the sand at the playground and stabbed Connor several times in the back. The victim's brother helped him back to the porch of their home, where Connor told the 7-year-old "it's not your fault" and "I'll always love you" as he bled to death.

Jamarion was released from custody in early 2021, shortly before his 19th birthday.
Forwarded from Every Day
On August 7, 2015, Heather Nicole Maples was found face-down on her bed with severe signs of trauma. Heather, who had recently been accepted into college, had been raped and strangled to death. DNA evidence and fingerprints in her blood tied the scene to an acquaintance named Brandon Bowling. Investigators later discovered that Brandon had taken video of the crime, along with other sexual assaults.