Ivan Pernar
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Forwarded from LAURA LOOMER
When CAIR, a designated Islamic terrorist organization, lobbied twitter to ban me, I lost 90% of my income, which they celebrated online. They admitted to the Wall Street Journal that they lobbied Twitter to ban me.

You can’t “pay up” when you have no money! They left always says deplatforming works.

You can’t deplatform someone, destroy their income and livelihood, and then ask for money.

I chose to invest my money and anything I ever owned over the years into my investigations and lawsuits fighting against Big Tech censorship so what has happened to me doesn’t happen to any other American. I was also one of the only congressional candidates who didn’t take a salary during the election because I knew the left would only use it against me or use it to unfairly target me. I didn’t make one penny off my campaign in 2020.

I’m broke. I don’t have $120,000. I don’t even have a consistent monthly income thanks to Big Tech demonizing my website and banning me on sites that are needed to have a career as a journalist.

The deplatforming has put me in debt over the years and the Left’s character assassination of me has made people scared to employ me even though I’m highly qualified. Big tech has threatened to ban people who associate with me or employ me which has made it impossible to be employed.

They have maliciously and falsely smeared me as a white supremacist, a KKK member, and a Nazi, and Facebook designated me as a “dangerous individual”, which has made it impossible to be employed in the private or public sector when 95% of prospective employers google you before they hire you. Wikipedia refuses to allow me to edit my page and as a result, when people google me, the first thing they see is pages full of blatant lies and false accusations against me. When you’re deplatformed, you don’t have a way to counter the lies spewed about you online on a daily basis.

I stand by my claims and the reporting of the Wall Street Journal which prove that CAIR lobbied twitter to ban me over my investigations into Ilhan Omar, who they financially support and endorsed.

There is no money to “pay up”. That’s literally why I sued to begin with.

Everything I ever had or hoped to have in my life has already been destroyed or taken from me over the years in my legal fights against big tech tyranny, the radical left, and designated Islamic terrorist organizations like CAIR. I invested anything I ever had left into running for Congress in 2020 to try to make a difference.

Now it’s just me and my dog. And knowing what I know, I don’t think CAIR is going to want my dog...

Media is too big
Momci koliko vas ima koji možete 10 zgibova napravit?
Dragi prijatelji, smisao mojih objava nije u tome da se osjećate loše ako jedete šećer ili ne možete raditi zgibove, već mi je želja da vas potaknem na promjene u tom smjeru - svojim vlastitim primjerom.

Bio sam u vašoj koži, sjedio sam u Saboru, jeo šećer, bijelo brašnu i rižu, imao trbuh, mogao možda 2 zgiba i to je to. Nijedna promjena nije preko noći, dajte sve od sebe da do nje dođe, energiju i vrijeme koje dajete u igrice, gledanje televizije ili pornografiju usmjerite ka razvoju svog vlastitog tijela. Volim vas! <3
Forwarded from LAURA LOOMER
This is the woman who works for cair and admitted to the WSJ that they lobbied twitter to ban me.

In her own words she’s pro-Jihad and pro-Sharia.

This is who is meeting with Twitter execs to get people banned. This is who judges are siding with.

The proof is in their own words.
Budući da velika većina nas politički razmišlja u istom smjeru, imate li želju da se vidimo i uživo?
Anonymous Poll
Da, rado!
Ne, nemam tu želju!
Svejedno mi je.
Zbog ovog videa mi je facebook srezao domet stranice, tada ga je pogledalo više od pola milijuna ljudi. Rekli su da je to lažna vijest i da on nije rekao to što je na videu hahaha https://gab.com/ipernar/posts/105090278769954467
Moj cilj nije dobiti vaš glas, moj cilj je promijeniti vaš život, učiniti promjenu u njemu koju samo vi možete učiniti. Čak i da imam svu vlast u zemlji ne mogu vas natjerati da izbacite šećer iz ishrane, da vježbate ili povadite mrtve zube i amalgamske plombe iz čeljusti. To su sve odluke koje samo vi možete napravit. 90% svih vaših problema proizlazi isključivo iz vaših odluka, tek kad vi promijenite svoj život, tada dolazi mojih 10%, odnosno smisao mog političkog djelovanja i vas kao nositelja NS ideja koje zastupam.
Forwarded from Almanar TV
Swedish Prof doesn't rule out a fifth COVID shot

👉🏻 Berthe P. was a 91 year old French woman who lived in a small low-rent apartment in the Paris area. Despite her old age and the fact that she was in a wheelchair, she remained very involved in the life of her neighborhood with associations.

🇵🇰 In June 2021, a Pakistani burglar broke into her house and stole a few objects of little value: the loot amounted to less than 1000€.

👊🏾 He took advantage of the burglary to rape the old lady who cannot move alone. During the rape, he hit the old lady several times. He ended up running away, leaving Berthe in agony.

☠️ The poor woman died a few hours later as a result of the rape.

🏥 Her body had an incredible number of injuries: several fractures, open wounds, head wounds, which testify to the violence of the rape.

📌 The Pakistani was arrested. He will not be deported.

🔗 Source : La Dépêche (MSM)
Forwarded from Disclose.tv
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NOW - Biden says 350 million Americans are vaccinated, which is more than the entire U.S. population.

The U.S. has a population of 331 million, and Biden doesn't realize what he's saying even after glancing at a piece of paper.

Forwarded from Based Der Fuhrer (Der Fuhrer)
Been saying this for year just go for it already.
Forwarded from Based Der Fuhrer (Der Fuhrer)
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Chicago had 3 times as many murders than Covid Deaths. But you can't mention that cause that would be "racist!"
Forwarded from woozuh YE24
I got banned on Paypal
Gledam kroz što Škoro prolazi, to je horor u režiji najbližih ljudi koje je gurnuo u Sabor i koji po mom sudu nikad Sabora ne bi vidjeli da nije bilo njega.

Sada kad je Škoro osnovao stranku i kad ta stranka dobiva milijune iz proračuna došlo je do borbe oko toga tko će ju voditi, odnosno, doći do tog novca. Po mome sudu, ta osoba je Škoro jer cijela stranka zavisi o njemu, on ju je stvorio i bez njega ta stranka nema budućnost.

Anti-Škorina ekipa unutar stranke koja se bori za prevlast je bila vještija u tome kako izlobirati ljude i tako su na svoju stranu pridobili kritičnu masu u vrhu stranke, te de facto preuzeli stranku.

Optužbe protiv Škore smatram apsurdnima, ako sam dobro shvatio sporna je jedna (1) narukvica i nekakve butelje Škorinog vina. U svakom slučaju, ako nije bio od ranije, Škoro je sada svjestan kakve ljude je vukao sa sobom, a kakve je odbio od sebe na savjet tih istih ljudi.