BeliEve: Removal of BCHSV

Dear BeliEver,

Binance has announced that Bitcoin Cash SV (BCHSV) will be delisted and trading of this coin will cease on 2019/04/22 at 10:00 AM UTC.

As such we have ceased all trading of BCHSV and we have been forced to exit all open positions on BCHSV. Regretfully this has resulted in unavoidable losing trades.

Thank you for your continued support,
Dear Community,

We have initiated the Peculium project with the objective of building a savings mechanism on the blockchain.
By reaching our goal of raising the soft cap after our successful ICO and the five phases of the CCO, we have delivered the AI engine AIEVE as well as two other exclusive products ASKEVE and BELIEVE even in the challenging market.

However, without reaching the hard cap of 25 Million Euro we had aimed for, our future project goals will be limited. Seeking investment is an ongoing activity for start-ups to safeguard the technological progress, adequately support our efforts and for continuing the development of our products as well accelerating it.
This call for investment is the first and many more will come in the coming years to place Peculium as a full and complete player in the financial ecosystem.

Take part of our adventure, become a partner in AIEVE and make sure to save differently.

Rashid Oukhai - CEO

In the light of offering shares of AIEVE Ltd. we have held an fruitful investor-meeting on April 30th 2019 in Paris/France.

Thanks to all participating interested investors.

The campaign is on and going for some more days and we are optimistic to reach the target.
We already want to thank everyone who did and will participate in AIEVE Ltd. fundraising-campaign, in which within 15days, already more than €150,000 have been invested.

As there is a total of 232 interested investors and buying shares in a startup is a decission that should be well thought, we decided to increase our target to €300,000 equaling 4.14% of the company.

To find out more & invest

Next Live-AMA session about BELIEVE Sunday, May 26th

Dear Community,

We are organizing an online Ask Me Anything LIVE session on Sunday, May 26th.
This AMA will be dedicated to answering all your questions regarding AIEVE and its latest updates and development.

AIEVE’s CEO, Abed will be hosting this session so make sure to prepare your questions and do not miss the date.

In March, we have introduced the sweet pot real-time feature and in May we had to perform large-scale maintenance to improve the UX and prepare for the release of the BeliEve live-version. Throughout the maintenance period, Believe has continued trading our customer´s portfolios and our team has been working on improving it and incorporating the needed updates.

Prepare your questions and keep an eye on our YouTube channel where we are going to launch our LIVE AMA! See you there.

The Peculium Team
🇺🇸Peculium participates in LCL Startup Day
This event is organised by LCL- Crédit Lyonnais, which is a French bank. LCL is interested in solutions that imagine the urban #bank of tomorrow by pursuing partnerships and innovative ideas. See you on Wednesday 15th May at LCL, Paris.

🇫🇷Peculium participe au LCL Startup Day
Cet événement est organisé par LCL-Crédit Lyonnais, la banque française. LCL s'intéresse aux solutions qui imaginent la #banque urbaine de demain en recherchant des partenariats et des idées innovantes. Notre rendez-vous est le Mercredi 15 Mai, au 19 LCL, Paris.

🇩🇪 Peculium nimmt am LCL Startup Day teil
Diese Veranstaltung wird von LCL- Crédit Lyonnais, einer französischen Bank, organisiert. LCL ist an Lösungen interessiert, die sich die urbane #Bank von morgen vorstellen, indem sie Partnerschaften und innovative Ideen verfolgt.
Wir sehen uns am Mittwoch, den 15. Mai bei LCL, Paris.

Further information here / Plus d'informations ici / Weitere Informationen Sie hier:
Updated Roadmap of BeliEve!!
BeliEve goes live! And let us talk about the future of PCL-token!

Today we inform you about

- a brief look onto the latest KPIs of BeliΞVE Beta
- Strategic improvement of the PCL value
- End of BeliΞVE Beta + Start of the Live-Version

In-depth ▶️
Product-Upgrade to BeliEve 1.1

What is new:

# deposits are possible in USDT, BTC, ETH and LTC now

How the backend- workflow will change:

# AIEVE will exchange BTC, ETH, LTC to USDT

# trading will remain on USDT-pairs

# withdrawals will remain in USDT

Registration and onboarding:
Dearest community,

some of you have already noticed.
From now on, we will provide regular blog posts with chart analysis, opinions, ideas and trade setups for various crypto currencies. Peculium presents "Thoughts of the Day" by AIEVE!
