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Look at the games motha futhers be playin. Wanting to get photographed being someone... and creating the perception of something being there which isn't. ⁣

How many fake hate crimes have we heard of since Trump has come into office? The Juicy Smolyeh incident was but one in the vast array one can find. We only know about this one so much because it was so very prominent ⁣

Check out fakehatecrimes.org and fakehatemap.com. The tales of "hate crimes" are so often spun up, and when they're later debunked, rarely is that tale told. Why? Victimization sells. Entire organizations live off of money created to battle "hate." It also sells in the media. It's a "juicy" kinda tale. The continued recycling of these tales helps to feed the narrative that this perceived hate exists and backs up the whypepo privilege + microaggression/systemic racism narrative.⁣

Wash, rinse, repeat.⁣

Story goes out saying something racist/evil/nazi/whypepo-hate/etc.⁣

Story gets headlines.⁣

Story reinforces narrative.⁣

Media ge
Media gets sweet advertising clicks.⁣

Organizations claiming to fight that hate can use it as a talking point to get more sweet donations.⁣

Story gets debunked. Media will do a minor retraction which still gets clicks, but it isn't shared virally because it doesn't hit the same irrational emotion levels, so people only remember the original. Win/win for media dollars.⁣

Organizations continue to used the debunked story in talking points because it sells and only a few recall that it was debunked. (We can just call them conspiracy theorists.)⁣

Wash, rinse, repeat.⁣


By doubling down on the Russian Collusion narrative the conspirators created a ‘catch-22’ defense. They could/can claim Deripaska was/is giving disinformation in his version of events to support the interests of Russia and sewing chaos in America etc. And any Republican who would give Deripaska a platform to tell what happened in 2016 would be doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin. See how that works?

The soft coup team protects themselves by impugning the motive of Deripaska, and diminishing his credibility under the auspices of Russian disinformation.

And new from
USC lapublichealth
: An antibody study showing 4% of LA has been infected. With a clear explanation:

"Infections from the new coronavirus are far more widespread - and the fatality rate much lower - in L.A. County than previously thought."

They estimate the true infection rate in LA was 28-55x than the reported rate (similar to the
stanford study); anybody who claims the
stanford study got it wrong somehow has basically zero case They don't quite come out and say it's time for the lockdown to end, but they do say this:

"The estimates also suggest that we might have to recalibrate disease prediction models and rethink public health strategies."

Rethink how, grasshopper?
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"If we die.... we die." -Drago. 2020. Swedenistan Not Cucked For Once -R1O

Some great data from Ohio, where
ohio began mass testing in prisons on April 11. The state now reports 3312 #SARS_CoV2 positive tests and 8 deaths among prisoners, 302 positive tests and 1 death among staff, for an infection fatality rate of 0.25%.

Two points here - the deaths are likely to keep rising (two overnight), so this may understate the current IFR; on the other hand, this population has high comorbidities and many tests remain pending.

Overall, yet more evidence of very widespread asymptomatic transmission.
The CNN footnote story abridges the findings of the Horowitz report this way: “Steele’s report played no role in the opening of the FBI investigation, according to Horowitz, and he found that the most salacious allegations weren’t proven.” That’s a convenient formulation, considering that the Horowitz report said the FBI determined that the dossier was a mix of uncorroborated, inaccurate/inconsistent and publicly available information.
