Paranoid Android
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Hello everyone!

All the Paranoid Android 7.3.0 release strings have been uploaded to Crowdin(our translation tool/website). This also includes the option to translate Paranoid Android to three new languages, which are Hebrew, Serbian(Cyrillic) and Korean.

These new strings lets you translate new Launcher3 features as well as our new Paranoid Camera.

Please translators and contributors of this project, check your Crowdin inbox for these new strings as well as register and help us if you are a new translator.


Thanks in advance!
Times Like These

Hi folks, today we're bringing you our final Nougat Release of Paranoid Android 7.3.1.

We have been working on improving our new features from 7.3.0 and almost all of the bugs reported have been fixed. We're confident that this is a very stable release and are happy to push this as our final build. This will allow us to focus solely on Oreo and stabilising our infrastructure.

New wave of translations

As this is our last Nougat release, we are adding the final translations from Crowdin. In Oreo, we will also be including support for more languages.

Global Changes

With 7.3.1, we have several changes that impact all of our devices. The majority of these are improvements to Paranoid Camera, which launched in our last release. We have also implemented the required patches for the recent KRACK Vulnerability.

Add Anti-Shake mode to Paranoid Camera
Fix compatibility issues with third-party camera apps
Fix front-facing camera crashes in Paranoid Camera
KRACK Vulnerability patches
Various improvements to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity
Performance and efficiency improvements for Pocket Lock
Launcher improvements and fixes
Various performance and battery improvements
Other minor improvements and fixes
Final update for translations


In our last release, we mentioned that we are currently struggling to keep up with our outlay for infrastructure and we are looking to you, our users and fans for help.

We are looking for funding to:
Keep our servers up and running.
Have servers available for building and testing of our builds.
Get new devices for development.

If you would like to discuss recurring payments, please contact Rob Farnham at





Official community:

Device Specific Changes

Google Nexus 5:

Patched BlueBorne kernel vulnerability

Google Nexus 5X:

Fixed Paranoid Camera issues

Google Nexus 6:

Merged latest Google security patch

Google Nexus 6P:

Fixed Paranoid Camera issues

Google Pixel / Pixel XL:

Merged upstream scheduler changes
Various kernel improvements

Le Eco Le Pro 3:

Updated all the proprietary blobs from latest EUI
Imported IR remote Controller App and SDK from EUI
Updated the Kernel against the latest CAF tag available.
Updated F2FS
Migrated F2FS GC mechanism to Kernel, reaching efficiency and compatibility improvements
Adjusted audio platform configuration with N blobs
General improvements to battery consumption.
Big improvements in boot times, about 7 seconds faster
Enhanced power supply mechanism to be safer and faster (QC 3.0)
Fixed fingerprint sensor when pocket detection is enabled

OnePlus 3/3T:

Fixed ogg handling issues, fixes Google Assistant compatibility
Majorly improved photo quality and processing time
Improved GPS lock time
Improved Wifi power consumption
Improved Wifi stability
Updated SRGB calibration
Migrated F2FS GC mechanism to Kernel, reaching efficiency and compatibility improvements
General performance improvements
General improvements to power consumption
General stability improvements

OnePlus X:

Patched BlueBorne kernel vulnerability

OnePlus One:

Patched BlueBorne kernel vulnerability

Nextbit Robin:

Fixed fingerprint sensor not working for some users
Improved Wi-Fi calling capability

Xiaomi Mi5:

Updated to MIUI 7.9.22 Global dev blobs and configs
Patched BlueBorne kernel vulnerability
Other minor enhancements
Minor hotfix

Hi everyone!

We've pushed a hot-fix OTA update for the below devices to solve the next issues.

Nexus 5:

Fixed random reboots while watching videos
Fixed freezes within some apps

Nexus 5X:

Fixed Paranoid Camera freezes when taking pictures

Please, check Paranoid Android Updates section in Settings -> About Phone so you can download it.

Thanks for your patience!

Hi everyone!

We've just created our first official group on Telegram, where you can talk to us and get to chat and know other Paranoid Android users around the globe.

There you will be able to report bugs, give tips or get help from other users if needed.

Many of Paranoid Android members, including maintainers, will be chatting around it from time to time.

For joining this group you just need to click on the following link:

See you there!

A quick update

Firstly, we’d like to thank every one of you for your support; especially the donors who have helped us continue working on the project and therefore keeping it afloat. We couldn’t ask for a better community.

We have heard your cries; we haven’t been transparent enough with the community and it’s time to change that. We’d like to build trust between us and the community. To help accomplish this we are going to be transparent about what is happening and keep you up to date about potential development cycles, respective news and more.

As a start we will soon show off some of the feature concepts we have in the form of concept art videos courtesy of +Espen Flagtvedt Olsen that we want to bring into the ROM, but currently lack the manpower to implement.

Current status

* We are working internally on getting our features bug free
* We are finalising the work on our device trees for our initial release
* We are preparing to push ALL of our sources open on GitHub

Oh and we have a new website! Thanks to our newest member +Andrew Fluck, we’ve been able to design and build the website from ground up, it has been a long time coming.

That being said, for the time being we are unable to access our servers as the server maintainer is currently inactive.Because of that, the new website will not be available, and the builds will be available from another source.
As part of becoming more transparent, we feel we should be making more steps to be including our community in the work that we do. One big thing that we are wanting to focus on is having our sources available for all. This will allow you to help us make Paranoid Android even better!

Furthermore, some of you may know CAF dropped support for Oreo. We managed to get the system in a stable state last December however we weren’t satisfied enough to release due to the lack of feature support and active developers to make the features polished enough for release.

Roll call

To follow on with this we would also like to make a call for anyone who is interested in helping us with development of our features and improving our UI. Currently we are lacking in developers having experience working in framework development, and we feel we need a boost in this area. With having our sources publicly available anyone is free to contribute.


We currently only have builds for Sony to offer. We hope to expand this a bit in the coming days to weeks, but note that we will be primarily focusing on Pie. We will be bringing you things as they come along rather than wait for months and months as we have done.

Please note that the builds are released as is and might have some bugs.

Also do note that there are very specific instructions for the installation this time, so make sure to follow them!

If you have any questions, post them and we will reply as we can.

Another short update

Device trees and kernel sources of the OnePlus 3/3T and OnePlus 5/5T(both unified) for Oreo are been pushed to our Github.

Builds will be posted during this weekend.

OnePlus 5/5T

Device tree:


OnePlus 3/3T

Device tree:



As many of you know, Google+ is shutting down and there's a need for new channels. There's a lot going on behind the scenes and we think Twitter & Telegram might be the best place for constant updates. Follow us to know what's up!

Follow us on Twitter:
Join our Telegram channel:

Paranoid Android pinned «Shift As many of you know, Google+ is shutting down and there's a need for new channels. There's a lot going on behind the scenes and we think Twitter & Telegram might be the best place for constant updates. Follow us to know what's up! Follow us on Twitter:…»
Channel photo updated
Expanding frontiers

Hey there!

We're looking to expand our team and are hoping for budding developers to join us.

If you're interested in being a maintainer and building PA for your device(s), please fill out the form below.
