Paradajz Radio
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Incompetence је позната по широком спектру музичких експеримената. Никад не знате шта ћете пронаћи у њиховим новим издањима. То може бити авангардни рок, неконвенционална електроника, минимализам, краут, сирови даб. Како се каже у саопштењу Aborigen, на ову тему постоји веома занимљиво поређење — трипи оркестар. Можда не можемо пронаћи тачнију дефиницију.

У петак, 22. марта, управа етикете коју представља Inturist, Andrey Kling, и њихова колегиница из свима омиљеног Изића — Anit Levan, направиће малу помутњу на Парадаjз радију. Припремите се за најнеочекиваније музичке одлуке. Сигурно неће бити досадно.

Andrey Kling
Anit Levan



Paradajz Radio
Jug Bogdanova 17A
Incompetence is famous for its wide range of musical experiments. You never know what you will find in their new releases. It can be avant-garde rock, unconventional electronics, minimalism, kraut, raw dub. As it is said in Aborigen’s press release, there is a very interesting comparison on this topic — trippy orchestra. Perhaps, we can't find a more accurate definition.

On Friday, March 22nd the label's management represented by Intourist, Andrey Kling, and their colleague from everyone's favorite Изич — Anit Levan, will make a little mess on Paradajz Radio. Get ready for the most unexpected musical decisions. It won't be boring for sure.

A fresh faces on the Belgrade's underground scene joining us for the evening with the pre-party material and an obscure selection made only for special ocassions. There will be something on contrasts: complex rhythmically or samples of speeches to groove. A mix with clarity, calmness and clear movement. For example, Isa has prepared a set message about illusory nature of the Persona and the everyday beauty of broken lines above it.

Celte (Tbilisi, GE)
Isabel Candia



Paradajz Radio
Jug Bogdanova 17A
Paradajz Radio
23.03: SATURDAY A fresh faces on the Belgrade's underground scene joining us for the evening with the pre-party material and an obscure selection made only for special ocassions. There will be something on contrasts: complex rhythmically or samples of speeches…
Celte, a dear guest from Tbilisi, will also perform in the Krastavac (or Paradajz).

Dima is a visual artist by profession and the father of .Solutions Radio — a multi-genre 24/7 auditory space exploration. He is a master of analog effects and a fan of hardware equipment. This speaks volumes, as the process of making mere connections requires a lot of time, effort, and attention. With the same meticulousness, Celte crafts each mix, creating a whole story, almost like in a movie, translating extensive experience from the visual to the auditory realm. Every mix is carefully balanced and explores various emotions, traversing through diverse musical genres while always staying within the framework of the initial concept and not straying beyond the scope of exploration. What Dima has decided to share within the framework of our show is for you, dear listeners, to discover.
Недељна промоција. Продајемо занатско пиво по невероватној цени. IPA, XPA и лагер по цени Зајечарског.

200/300 RSD

Sunday special. Craft beer at an incredible price. IPA, XPA and lager at the price of Zaječarski.

Данас нам је последњи радни дан, а сутра почињемо са петодневним реновирањем. Овом приликом вас позивамо да заједно проведемо вече. Наш пријатељ Junker, члан FAXXE FAUNA, суоснивач Arai Shau, је овде. Музика ће бити одлична.

П.С. акцијске цене занатског пива у Парадајзу данас — само 200/300 динара по чаши.

Today is our last day of work and tomorrow we start our 5 day renovation. On this occasion, we invite you to spend the evening together. Our friend Junker, member of FAXXE FAUNA, co-founder of Arai Shau, is here. The music will be great.

P.S. special prices for craft beer in Paradajz today — only 200/300 RSD per glass.


Paradajz Radio
Jug Bogdanova 17A
Yay 🌝 We are doing renovations till friday.

Vidimo se u petak
Paradajz grand opening party tonight. Now we have a second sound system upstairs, 5 towers of draft beer, also new lighting, new coffee machine and locks on the restroom doors (finally). Our house is much more cozy now. Also we got a new supply of Jezek, IPA, XPA, wine, club mate and everything else you could ever dream of.




Paradajz Radio
Jug Bogdanova 17A

21:00 Hot Wife
22:00 Leshutler
23:00 Anymodal — live
00:00 Junker
01:30 Anya Fo

Paradajz Radio
Jug Bogdanova 17A
05.04: Dima Midborn (live), Nu Simakina

Dima Midborn is an avant-rock project of a Tel-Aviv-based musician who takes a minimalist approach to music: he recorded his first album using only three instruments – a bass, voice and a drum machine. His concerts are based equally on songs and improvisation, whether it is a three-piece band or a solo performance with a bass and a drum machine.

Nu Simakina is an artist, performer, curator, art activist and DJ who delights with her energy. Whatever she does, it is always at the highest level. Be it a theatrical performance or the organization of a thematic exhibition or a DJ set of the most unexpected compositions that you could only imagine.


21:30 Doors
22:30 Dima Midborn — live
23:30 Nu Simakina

Paradajz Radio
Jug Bogdanova 17A