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Overall Band 7.0

Overall Band Score: 6.5

We should give a credit to this student and his instructor Summer!

NewScientist August 2021.pdf
28.5 MB
We should finish this article within TWO WEEKS!
Print it out and bring it to the lesson so that we will decide on how we are going to finish it!

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Above is a map of the city of Brandfield. City planners have decided to build a new shopping mall for the area, and two sites, S1 and S2 have been proposed.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

The picture compares two areas which have been proposed by city planners for a new shopping mall in Branfield.

It seems clear that the location S1 will be easier to access than the S2 option because it will be constructed near the areas where a lot of people live.

First of all, the proposed area called S1 will be situated in the north, while the other one is going to be in the South. The former will be quite close to a large housing area and the city centre which means it can be visited by more people than the latter sitting in an industrial area.

While the proposed area – S2 – can be quite close to the main road and railway than the S1 option, the northern option will still offer people a better shopping experience as it will be providing a view of the river, which will also makes it possible for having a golf course and park for these visitors.

In some countries, more and more people becoming interested in finding out about the history of the house or building they live in.
What are reasons for this?
How can people research this?

Researching what kind of places they live in has become quite common among an increasing number of people, and I believe there are enough reasons for this. Although it is challenging to get information that covers years and years, I can propose a few ways of dealing with it.

I think there are three reasons as to why people research their homes or apartments. First, it is just part of being human which means people are always eager to discover all aspects of their life, and their home is one clear example of this. Second, they might have been having paranormal activities around the house, so they carry out little study about their place in order to fully confirm their assumptions. There are hundreds of such examples, and some movies have been shot based on such true stories. Finally, knowing in what year one’s home was constructed is important when it is being sold because its final price depends on how old or new it is.

Regardless of the fact that many years have passed, I can suggest a few tools that help people who are researching their home or apartment. First of all, they need to make a trip to the local archive or library where they live, and they will hopefully find old books or newspapers which might have included events related to their house. Also, they may visit older people in their neighborhood who may give them the information they want, but this may be little challenging owing to their aging memory. Lastly, these amateur researchers may check their attic and end up finding a photo or object that gives them what they have been looking for.

In conclusion, people who want to study the history of the place they live in have valid reasons, and it can be done in a few ways.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The pie charts show the electricity generated in Germany and France from all sources and renewables in the year 2009.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

The pie charts compare all the sources of generating electricity in Germany and France in 2009.

Clearly, the use of the sources to generate power significantly varies between these two nations: the biggest electricity source for Germany was conventional thermal, while that for France was nuclear, but the former still produced more energy, 560 billion kWh, than the latter, 510 kWh.

59.6% of the energy was generated using conventional thermals in Germany, as opposed to just one-tenth in France. In contrast, a massive 76% of the power came from nuclear in France, which was about a quarter in Germany. The proportion of renewable energy sources accounted for 17% and 13.7% respectively.

Looking specifically at the renewables, a staggering 80.5% of the electricity was generated using hydroelectric power, which was bigger than biomass and wind combined in Germany. Moreover, hydroelectric was 17.7% in Germany, which was almost similar to the amount produced from wind and biomass in total in France. Little or no power was generated using solar and geothermal sources in these nations.

People today have too many choices.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, people are given far more options than they really need, which I think is true and harmful for people in several ways.

It is first important to mention the reasons why the paradox of choice has been taking place in every aspect of people’s lives. First, competition in each sector has become quite high, so in order to win their customers’ trust, almost all companies are offering products which come with a huge range of features, designs, colors and others. For example, in the past, if one wanted to buy a mobile phone, he or she would go to the market and purchase a simple Nokia phone, but today the same market is saturated with at least ten types of brands.

Moreover, globalization has made it quite easy for companies to sell their goods and services around the world without any legal or political restrictions. This is the reason why our markets are packed with imported products and services. Finally, the difference between people in terms of their income has widened which means a consumer from a low income group cannot afford an item produced for one who belongs to a middle or upper class. In order to cater for these varying needs, companies are required to offer various products.

This paradox of choice can result in several drawbacks. One is that customers are exposed to stress because the process of choosing and making the best deal among many options requires great deal of mental effort. This also takes plenty of time as the buyer needs to thoroughly check and try different products at the shop for example. What is more, studies have already confirmed that many consumers end up having no purchase or delay it since they could not decide whether to buy the product now or wait for the other coming-soon ones to have the best deal.

To conclude, I do believe that people now are having the paradox of choice, which will continue to consume their time and effort if not addressed properly.

These people are the real power of Papa IELTS. Unfortunately, some of our other members could not make it today!

Thank you guys for being part of the Papa Family!

Overall Band Score: 7.0

Overall Score: 6.0

the real certificate will be posted soon!
Overall: 6.5

the real certificates will be posted soon!