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🔎重大調查:比爾·蓋茨擁有輝瑞和生物科技的主要股份 MAJOR INVESTIGATION: Bill Gates Has Major Shares in Pfizer AND BioNTech🗂📑💵🧰

“如果一切順利,唯一可能在10月底申請緊急使用許可的 #疫苗 將是 #輝瑞 。” “The only vaccine that, if everything went perfectly, might seek the emergency use license by the end of October, would be Pfizer.”

2019年9月,就在所謂的 Covid-1 9 #大流行 爆發之前,比爾和梅琳達·蓋茨基金會也“巧合地”購買了價值5500萬美元的 #BioNTech 股票

註意:這些信息是公開的,包含在FDA的說明書中,你可以在這裏查看 (見第25頁,表5)。

Bill Gates says, wasting a few billion dollars on vaccine investments is fine because there’s TRILLIONS TO BE MADE.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation also “coincidentally” bought $55 million worth of shares in BioNTech in September 2019, just before the alleged Covid-19 pandemic struck.
NOTICE: The information is publicly available and contained within an FDA fact sheet which can be viewed here (see page 25, table 5 on-wards).


#行動 #Action
#BillGates #Pfizer #MelindaGatesFoundation
#Investigation #比爾蓋茨 #梅琳達蓋茨基金會 #調查 #基金會

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對柔佛州的那779位教師豎起拇指!👬👭 與此同時也為他們掛心。👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

☞ PPIM: aduan.ppim.org.my

同時,接種之前務必寫好一份跟“逼迫方”共同協議的合法同意書,需要Pesuruhjaya Sumpah的蓋章認證,萬一發生糾紛,能隨時呈堂法庭。





#行動 #Action
#Legal #HumanRights #Reject #人權自由 #法律維權 #擋針

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🧠🧠🧠 震盪腦殼👂👁️👄(雖然我也知道你已聽過此陰謀 ☠️

💥mRNA是對DNA的一種操縱,它使接收器成為政府的準超人類財產 (Transhuman Asset),他們將自動接收生物代碼,因為接收器可以傳輸 WiFi。
💥一旦 #mRNA#DNA 結合,世界政府將基本上擁有向大眾(接種疫苗者)發送信號的權力和頻率
💥#氧化石墨烯 納米技術被用作電磁導體,以頻率Hz的形式發送和接收信息。
💥#5G 發射器的存在是為了向疫苗接種者發送這些特定的信號。
💥有趣的是,CDC早前已有關於《如何應對即將到來的 #僵屍啟示錄的文章發表!他們實際上必須告訴我們他們正在做什麽,因為這也是他們的“規則”之一。


#末世大災難 #Apocalypse
#Catastrophe #災禍


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🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️ 大家都聽過一首名叫《ZOMBIE》的歌曲:歌者吶喊出人類亙古不變的願望……

🥀 愛爾蘭著名搖滾樂隊小紅莓 #TheCranberries 的一首名曲《Zombie》是一支反戰歌曲,收錄於樂隊第二張專輯《No Need to Argue》中,於1994年10月3日作為專輯的主打單曲發行,詞曲由主唱 Dolores O'Riordan 創作。

#Zombie 直譯就是“喪屍、僵屍”,有人把歌名翻譯為《劊子手》,也有的直譯為《行屍走肉》。以“喪屍”為名,則是赤裸裸地在抨擊那些開動戰爭機器、屠戮無辜平民的劊子手。

*MV發佈在留言評論區* ↓↓↓

Another mother's breaking heart is taken over
又一位母親的心已破碎 你把她的靈魂奪走
When the violence causes silence
We must be mistaken
It's the same old theme since 1916
那是永恒的經典悲劇 自1916年起
In your head, in your head they're still fighting
在你頭腦之中 人們從末停止爭鬥
With their tanks, and their bombs
And their bombs, and their guns
In your head, in your head they are dying
在你的頭腦之中 人們在茍延殘喘
In your head, in your head,
在你的頭腦中 在你的頭腦中
Zombie, Zombie, Zombie
劊子手 劊子手 劊子手
In your head, what's in your head
在你的頭腦中 究竟有怎樣的邪惡


關於這首歌的創作背景,國外音樂網站 Songfacts 曾專門做過介紹,並采訪了主唱 Dolores 關於歌曲創作的一些想法。

This was inspired by the IRA bombing in Warrington, Cheshire, England on March 20, 1993. Two children, Jonathan Ball and Tim Parry, were killed.

This song takes the unassailable position that killing young children is tragic, but in venturing into the political fray, it created a great deal of controversy. This didn't surprise O'Riordan. "I knew that would be the angle of the song, because it was controversial," she told Songfacts. "But, I suppose I was kind of taken aback with the success of the song. I didn't know it was going to be that successful."
這首歌描述了殺害兒童的悲劇,放在政治鬥爭中引起了很大的爭議。但這並沒有讓 Dolores 驚訝。“我知道這是這首歌曲的一個角度,因為它具有爭議性。” 她告訴 Songfacts,“但我對這首歌曲的成功是感到驚訝的,我沒想到這首歌會如此成功。”


#Art #AntiWar #小紅莓樂隊
#Zombie #Catastrophe #災難

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這是來自中國的滅活疫苗,標註著 Vero 細胞(非活性),有效期至2023年6月6號,批量編號是2021年2月28號。單劑含有600 SU的非活性SARS-CoV-2病毒的抗原。感謝Lin Dan從中國發過來給我們。這星期五我們也將收到由美國發過來的輝瑞針劑,感謝Mike Yeadon博士的贈送。


BARANG panas sampai!!
Rakan-rakan lain pernah tengok vaksin depan mata? Ini barang sudah sampai!
Pada botol tertera:
Vero Cell (Inactive)
Lot No : 28.2.2021
Expired: 6.6.2023
Single dose contains 600 SU of Inactived SARS-CoV-2 virus as Antigen.
🧪Terima kasih ejen di lapangan Codename Lin Dan kerana sudi kirimkan vaksin dari China.
🧪Jumaat nanti terima Pfizer dari US, rakan saya Dr. Mike Yeadon akan kirim sebagai hadiah.


#報告 #Report
#Malaysia #Vaccine #HumanRights #Study #Lab #實驗室 #疫苗成份 #科研 #人權自由

YY Community Channel
🌟 @PandemicTruths
Letter to decline PCR testing at work, produced with references provided by Ellie Grey of power to the people


【Sample 範文】
Dear (Managers name),

You have recently told me that I am now required to consent to weekly PCR testing at work, to determine my SARS-CoV-2 status.

This letter is to inform you that I decline consent to the same for ethical and other reasons which I set out below.

1. Physical and mental Health concerns.
It is now a well established fact that the PCR testing swabs are sterilised in Ethylene Oxide [1]. This is a Group 1 Carcinogen, which means it is a potent cancer causing chemical [2]. Short term exposure to ethylene oxide can also cause eye and upper respiratory tract irritation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, headache, dizziness, malaise, fatigue, muscle weakness, and signs and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy [3]. I am unwilling to subject myself to such health hazards and neither should I have to.

If I test positive, this is likely to be a false positive as the PCR test is highly inaccurate [4]. However, a positive result would mean that I and my entire family would have to self isolate for 10 days. This would adversely affect the mental health of myself and my family, which has already been compromised during the last year. I regret that neither myself nor my family would be able to mentally cope with what could potentially be reoccurring isolations due to ongoing testing

2. Contractual concerns
My contract of employment with you does not state that I must be tested weekly for any illness whatsoever. You cannot change my contract of employment without my agreement and if you seek to do so, I will have rights under constructive or unfair dismissal law.

3. Your obligations as an employer
As I am sure you are aware, you have duties and obligations to all your employees under Health and Safety at Work legislation. Whilst you may feel testing staff falls within this remit, given the health issues connected to the ethylene oxide on the PCR swabs, I believe you are in fact breaching your obligations to your employees by requiring them to take a test given the health issues connected to ethylene oxide.

I would like to reach a satisfactory conclusion between us about this issue, and I feel sure we can do so, given I have now set out my reasons for declining weekly testing.

However, if we are unable to reach a satisfactory conclusion, I regret to inform you that I will have no choice but to raise this matter as an official grievance, and take legal action as may be necessary.

In ending I should make clear that I am of course happy to self isolate if I feel unwell, and would naturally inform you of the same.

Yours sincerely,

References -
[1] - https://cdn.website-editor.net/6f54caea7c6f4adfba8399428f3c0b0c/files/uploaded/Innova-SARS-Cov-2-Antigen-test-IFU.pdf
[2] - https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2016-09/documents/ethylene-oxide.pdf
[3] - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK208167/
[4] - https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp2015897

#行動 #Action
#Decline #SayNo #PCR #SwabTest #Legal #HumanRights #Protection #法律維權 #人權自由 #拒針 #擋針 #反疫苗 #拭子測試 #婉拒

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I do not want the only reason I can be exempted from vaccination is due to health reason. I want my right to choose remain unvaccinated to be respected by the gov, employers, banks, mall, school, supermarket & council.
一定還有一些醫生是能給我們提供避免疫苗的服務的。他們可以在不施打疫苗的情況下獲利。我們只需要認證書。There must be some doctors that could give us the service to avoid vaccines. They could make profit though not giving the jab. We only need the certification.
我曾在家鄉美裏試過一次,但醫生堅持要接種疫苗。我失敗了一次。我正在等待美裏還有任何其他可信賴的診所是KKM授權為疫苗接種中心的。我們還是可以和醫生協商的。 I had tried once in Miri, my hometown, but the doctor insisted that I need to undergo vaccination instead. I failed once. I am waiting for any available clinic which serves as the KKM authorized center of vaccination in Miri. We still could negotiate with the doctors too.
我們在選擇診所時必須有選擇性。如果抗體計數的檢查是零,我們可以產生事實核對單,其中提到不是所有的疫苗都是永久有效的。有些已經產生光澤了,3 -6個月後就沒有抗體了。但是,根據KJ的說法,不需要檢查數量。We have to be selective in choosing the clinic. If the checking of antibody count is none, we can produce the fact check sheet which mentioning that not all vaccines are permanently efficacious. Some of them are varnished, no more antibody after 3 -6 months. But then, according to KJ, no need to check the count.
一旦你遵從並放棄,他們會來向青少年和兒童下手。他們已經盯上孕婦了。 不是開玩笑的事!Once you comply and give up. They will hunt the teenagers and kids. They are already after pregnant women .. Its no joke!
Not giving up. Being realistic.
I never said I was going to take the actual shots. Realistically, unless something supernatural happens which I believe it will, what you say is going to happen like it or not. I am just delaying it as much as possible. And I have let almost everyone around me know my intentions of not taking the jab.
與此同時,我們的新首相又訂購了600萬劑疫苗。🤬 Meanwhile our new PM ordered additional 6mill vaccines further..🤬
大家等等,看看法國、美國、澳大利亞、意大利等西方國家的人們開始團結起來,很多人開始覺醒!因為開始給孩子們註射,已經觸及了人類社會底線……他們讓更多的人更加警惕疫苗的危險,就像在美國,近30%的人沒有註射,20%的人只註射了一半。主要是在已經對政府失去信任的紅色州。 Hold on everyone, the western country people like France, US, Australia, Italy start united, many people start awakened, cos jab start going to the kids.... already touch the sensitive points of Human Society.......They got more ppl more alert to the dangerous of the vaccines, like in US, nearly 30 % haven't jab, 20 % just half way. Mostly in red states which already lost trust to the GOV.
Infection with 99% survival rate: available therapeutic treatments but banned, mandating experimental biological agents that does not give immunity, does not stop transmission, causes variant mutations, weakened immunity and potential death to the recipient. This is not healthcare, its inhumane discrimination from Nazi Germany.
太過分了!這種疫苗不適合孩子們接種。他們想做什麼??嘗試和錯誤會發生什麼?孩子是安全的,他們可以通過自己的抗體快速復原。對於成年人已經有很多不良影響了,我們還想把孩子們的生命置於危險之中嗎?真的瘋了!Yupp... this is too much! The vax not suitable for the kids...what's they're trying to do?? To try and error what will happen? Kids are safe and they can recover fast by their own antibody..we have a lots of adverse effect in adults. We want to put our kids life in danger? Really insane!

#行動 #Action
#Reject #SayNo #ProChoice #AntiVaxxer #Vaccination #Mandatory #Civil #反疫苗 #強制授權 #拒針 #擋針 #人民

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Lawyers Unite Against Discrimination [MFM]

昨天 (周一 23/8/2021) 晚上8點#馬來西亞 ,所有律師舉辦了一個全國性會議。




Lawyers, please join this closed group:


#行動 #Actions
#Legal #Lawyers #Discrimination #Protection #Protest #Malaysia #法律維權 #人權自由 #歧視 #律師 #抗議

💉疫苗劑的成份 ☠️😱💀 誰敢說不是 #毒針 ‼️

硫酸銨 Ammonium sulfate
丙內酯 Beta-propiolactone
轉基因酵母,動物細菌病毒DNA Genetically modified yeast, animal, bacterial & viral DNA
乳膠 Latex rubber
谷氨酸單鈉-味精 Monosodium glutamate
鋁 Aluminium
甲醛 Formaldehyde
微生物群 Microorganisms
聚山梨酸酯80 Polysorbate 80
磷酸三丁酯 Tri-n-butylphosphate
戊二醛 Glutaraldehyde
動物膠 Gelatin
硫酸慶大霉素和多粘菌素B Gentanicin sulfate & polymyxin B
汞 Mercury
硫酸新霉素 Neomycin sulfate
苯酚/苯氧乙醇-防腐劑 Phenol/Phenoxyethanol
人類細胞和動物細胞 Human & animal cells

#毒物質 #Poison
#Vaccine #Ingredients #Toxic #疫苗成份

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“毒文明” ⚰️🖤🐍 是什麼文明‼️




“A major cause of the Roman Empire's decline, after six centuries of world dominance was its replacement of stone aqueducts by lead pipes for the transport and supply of drinking water. #Roman engineers, the best in the world, turned their fellow citizens into cripples. Today our own "best and brightest," with the best of intentions, achieve the same end through childhood #vaccination #programmes yielding the modern scourges of hyperactivity, learning disabilities, autism, appetite disorders, and impulsive violence.” - Harris L Coulter


#警告 #Caution
#Vaccine #Children #Autism #Prophecy #疫苗接種 #兒童 #自閉症 #預言

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Info sheet v1.0.pdf
118.7 KB

Freedom of Choice Msia
This is a group for people who wish to come together to take #legal action against the #Malaysian #government to nullify #vaccine mandates headed by barristers Mdm SP Chanra and Mr Amarjeet


#行動 #Action
#Legal #Protection #Malaysia #法律維權 #人權自由

💡 @PandemicTruths

“被隔離的人很有可能出現各種心理壓力和紊亂的癥狀,包括情緒低落、失眠、緊張、焦慮、憤怒、易怒、情緒衰竭、抑郁和創傷後應激癥狀。其中,情緒低落和易怒非常常見。” ...Develop a wide range of symptoms of psychological stress and disorder, including low mood, insomnia, stress, anxiety, anger, irritability, emotional exhaustion, depression and post-traumatic stress symptoms. Low mood and irritability specifically stand out as being very common.

...we are conducting arguably the largest psychological experiment ever.
...a secondary epidemic of burnouts and stress-related absenteeism.
...taking action now, mitigate the toxic effects of COVID-19 lockdowns.




#敘事 #Narrative#MentalDamage #Lost #迷失 #精神損失 #心理戰 #危機 #Psywar #Crisis

