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🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️ 大家都聽過一首名叫《ZOMBIE》的歌曲:歌者吶喊出人類亙古不變的願望……

🥀 愛爾蘭著名搖滾樂隊小紅莓 #TheCranberries 的一首名曲《Zombie》是一支反戰歌曲,收錄於樂隊第二張專輯《No Need to Argue》中,於1994年10月3日作為專輯的主打單曲發行,詞曲由主唱 Dolores O'Riordan 創作。

#Zombie 直譯就是“喪屍、僵屍”,有人把歌名翻譯為《劊子手》,也有的直譯為《行屍走肉》。以“喪屍”為名,則是赤裸裸地在抨擊那些開動戰爭機器、屠戮無辜平民的劊子手。

*MV發佈在留言評論區* ↓↓↓

Another mother's breaking heart is taken over
又一位母親的心已破碎 你把她的靈魂奪走
When the violence causes silence
We must be mistaken
It's the same old theme since 1916
那是永恒的經典悲劇 自1916年起
In your head, in your head they're still fighting
在你頭腦之中 人們從末停止爭鬥
With their tanks, and their bombs
And their bombs, and their guns
In your head, in your head they are dying
在你的頭腦之中 人們在茍延殘喘
In your head, in your head,
在你的頭腦中 在你的頭腦中
Zombie, Zombie, Zombie
劊子手 劊子手 劊子手
In your head, what's in your head
在你的頭腦中 究竟有怎樣的邪惡


關於這首歌的創作背景,國外音樂網站 Songfacts 曾專門做過介紹,並采訪了主唱 Dolores 關於歌曲創作的一些想法。

This was inspired by the IRA bombing in Warrington, Cheshire, England on March 20, 1993. Two children, Jonathan Ball and Tim Parry, were killed.

This song takes the unassailable position that killing young children is tragic, but in venturing into the political fray, it created a great deal of controversy. This didn't surprise O'Riordan. "I knew that would be the angle of the song, because it was controversial," she told Songfacts. "But, I suppose I was kind of taken aback with the success of the song. I didn't know it was going to be that successful."
這首歌描述了殺害兒童的悲劇,放在政治鬥爭中引起了很大的爭議。但這並沒有讓 Dolores 驚訝。“我知道這是這首歌曲的一個角度,因為它具有爭議性。” 她告訴 Songfacts,“但我對這首歌曲的成功是感到驚訝的,我沒想到這首歌會如此成功。”


#Art #AntiWar #小紅莓樂隊
#Zombie #Catastrophe #災難

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