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RT @Defensa_Israel: Trump: "Si no se devuelven a todos los rehenes de Gaza antes del sábado a las 12 del mediodía, yo diría que se cancele el alto el fuego. Que se desate el infierno, Israel puede anularlo".
1/2 - Tengamos en cuenta que EEUU es el garante del acuerdo y tiene el poder legal de decidir si permite o no permite a #Israel cancelarlo.
Gabriel Yerushalmi 🇮🇱 Israel Def
Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
1/2 - Tengamos en cuenta que EEUU es el garante del acuerdo y tiene el poder legal de decidir si permite o no permite a #Israel cancelarlo.
Gabriel Yerushalmi 🇮🇱 Israel Def
Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Forwarded from Breaking News War in Gaza - Palestine / Israel on Telegram : Hamas Ḥarakat al-Muqāwama al-Islāmiyya חדשות חמות מלחמה בעזה-פלסטין
⚡Trump to Al Arabiya: I believe that Israel's annexation of the West Bank will succeed well
War Monitor
Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
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War Monitor
Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
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Media is too big
The Palestine Red Crescent Society has started setting up camps to shelter displaced people returning to #Gaza and North Gaza governorates, helping to ease their suffering after losing their homes because of the war.
Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
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Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Forwarded from Breaking News War in Gaza - Palestine / Israel on Telegram : Hamas Ḥarakat al-Muqāwama al-Islāmiyya חדשות חמות מלחמה בעזה-פלסטין
RT @no_itsmyturn: Hamas political and military leaders have been instructed to once again stop using mobile phones and hide themselves in light of the potential collapse of the ceasefire in Gaza, reports @aawsat_News.
Israel War Room
Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
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Israel War Room
Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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Israel has released two Palestinian bookstore owners after detaining them from their store in East Jerusalem on Sunday.
Mahmoud Muna and his nephew Ahmad Muna were handcuffed and taken away by undercover Israeli police officers from The Educational Bookshop at around three in the afternoon, the Middle East Monitor (MEMO) reported.…
The Palestine Chronicle
Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Mahmoud Muna and his nephew Ahmad Muna were handcuffed and taken away by undercover Israeli police officers from The Educational Bookshop at around three in the afternoon, the Middle East Monitor (MEMO) reported.…
The Palestine Chronicle
Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
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🚨The forced displacement of Palestinian communities in the northern part of the West Bank is escalating at an alarming pace, displacing 40,000 Palestine refugees, @UNRWA warned on Monday.…
UN Palestinian Rights Committee
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UN Palestinian Rights Committee
Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
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UN News
Israeli military operation displaces 40,000 in the West Bank
The forced displacement of Palestinian communities in the northern part of the West Bank is escalating at an alarming pace, the UN agency that assists Palestine refugees UNRWA warned on Monday.
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RT @EUSR_Koopmans: The Gaza ceasefire has brought the beginnings of relief, freedom and hope
for safety to countless suffering, innocent people. It must be implemented in full and without new conditions. More war would only mean more man-made tragedy.
EU and Palestinians
Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
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for safety to countless suffering, innocent people. It must be implemented in full and without new conditions. More war would only mean more man-made tragedy.
EU and Palestinians
Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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Apoyar a UNRWA es defender la humanidad.
Apoyar a UNRWA es no permitir que el mundo abandone al pueblo palestino.
No más muertes.
Es el momento de recuperar nuestra HUMANIDAD. #YoApoyoAUNRWA #PaulaGallego
Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Apoyar a UNRWA es no permitir que el mundo abandone al pueblo palestino.
No más muertes.
Es el momento de recuperar nuestra HUMANIDAD. #YoApoyoAUNRWA #PaulaGallego
Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Forwarded from Breaking News War in Gaza - Palestine / Israel on Telegram : Hamas Ḥarakat al-Muqāwama al-Islāmiyya חדשות חמות מלחמה בעזה-פלסטין
⚡️King of Jordan after Trump meeting in a statement: I insist on rebuilding Gaza without displacing the Palestinians
War Monitor
Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
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War Monitor
Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Forwarded from Breaking News War in Gaza - Palestine / Israel on Telegram : Hamas Ḥarakat al-Muqāwama al-Islāmiyya חדשות חמות מלחמה בעזה-פלסטין
RT @FDD: Insight by @JoeTruzman: "The Palestinian Authority is attempting to compromise with the Trump administration. However, it does not change the fact that the program will continue to run and will still incentivize terrorists to carry out acts of violence..."
Israel War Room
Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Israel War Room
Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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King Abdullah II confirmed Jordan will take in 2,000 sick Palestinian children from Gaza but stressed that any broader resettlement plan must wait for Egypt’s response.…
The Palestine Chronicle
Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
The Palestine Chronicle
Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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Israel's ongoing military invasions in the West Bank's refugee camps have displaced thousands, leaving them in dire conditions amid a harsh winter.
Read the latest article by Fayha Shalash, reporting from the occupied West Bank.…
The Palestine Chronicle
Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Read the latest article by Fayha Shalash, reporting from the occupied West Bank.…
The Palestine Chronicle
Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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RT @HalaAbouHassira: Les rapporteurs spéciaux des Nations unies @UN_SPExperts :
“La mise en œuvre de la proposition américaine briserait les règles les plus fondamentales de l’ordre international et de la Charte des Nations unies depuis 1945, que les États-Unis ont été instrumentaux à créer pour restaurer la paix après la catastrophique Seconde Guerre mondiale et l’Holocauste.
Cela ramènerait le monde aux jours sombres de la conquête coloniale.
Il est manifestement illégal d’envahir et d’annexer un territoire étranger par la force, de déporter de force sa population, et de priver le peuple palestinien de son droit inaliénable à l’autodétermination, y compris de conserver Gaza au sein d’un État palestinien souverain.
De telles violations remplaceraient la règle du droit international et la stabilité qu’elle apporte par la loi du plus fort.
Le droit international a pour objectif d’empêcher les pays prédateurs de coloniser par la violence des terres étrangères et de subjuguer leurs populations, ce qui mène inévitablement à de graves violations des droits humains.
Tout comme plus d’un demi-siècle d’occupation israélienne de la Palestine n’a pas apporté la paix ni la sécurité à Israël ni à la Palestine, une occupation américaine serait tout aussi désastreuse et alimenterait une guerre perpétuelle, la mort et la destruction.”
Palestine en France
Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
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“La mise en œuvre de la proposition américaine briserait les règles les plus fondamentales de l’ordre international et de la Charte des Nations unies depuis 1945, que les États-Unis ont été instrumentaux à créer pour restaurer la paix après la catastrophique Seconde Guerre mondiale et l’Holocauste.
Cela ramènerait le monde aux jours sombres de la conquête coloniale.
Il est manifestement illégal d’envahir et d’annexer un territoire étranger par la force, de déporter de force sa population, et de priver le peuple palestinien de son droit inaliénable à l’autodétermination, y compris de conserver Gaza au sein d’un État palestinien souverain.
De telles violations remplaceraient la règle du droit international et la stabilité qu’elle apporte par la loi du plus fort.
Le droit international a pour objectif d’empêcher les pays prédateurs de coloniser par la violence des terres étrangères et de subjuguer leurs populations, ce qui mène inévitablement à de graves violations des droits humains.
Tout comme plus d’un demi-siècle d’occupation israélienne de la Palestine n’a pas apporté la paix ni la sécurité à Israël ni à la Palestine, une occupation américaine serait tout aussi désastreuse et alimenterait une guerre perpétuelle, la mort et la destruction.”
UN experts: #US proposal to ‘take over’ #Gaza would shatter fundamental rules of international order & embolden other predatory countries to seize foreign territories, with devastating consequences for peace & #HumanRights globally.…
- UN Special ProceduresPalestine en France
Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
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El frío es una nueva amenaza para la salud de los niños y niñas desplazados en #Gaza. Sus familias apenas cuentan con recursos para protegerles.
Con tu #regalojusto puedes enviarles algo esencial en invierno: una manta para calentarse.
Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Con tu #regalojusto puedes enviarles algo esencial en invierno: una manta para calentarse.
Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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Among those detained humanitarians are 20 of our UNRWA Gaza colleagues.
Humanitarians are #NotATarget.
Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Humanitarians are #NotATarget.
Condolences to our colleagues @wfp & Ahmad’s family in #Yemen.
I join calls for the release of all detained humanitarians & UN colleagues wherever they are.
They are #NotATarget
- Philippe LazzariniUNRWA
Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
X (formerly Twitter)
Philippe Lazzarini (@UNLazzarini) on X
Condolences to our colleagues @wfp & Ahmad’s family in #Yemen.
I join calls for the release of all detained humanitarians & UN colleagues wherever they are.
They are #NotATarget
I join calls for the release of all detained humanitarians & UN colleagues wherever they are.
They are #NotATarget
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Aid organizations continue to scale up operations across #Gaza.
Since 1 January, over 2,300 children have been admitted for outpatient treatment of acute malnutrition.
More is being done. Much more is needed.
Read more:…
OCHA OPT (Palestine)
Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Since 1 January, over 2,300 children have been admitted for outpatient treatment of acute malnutrition.
More is being done. Much more is needed.
Read more:…
OCHA OPT (Palestine)
Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Forwarded from Breaking News War in Gaza - Palestine / Israel on Telegram : Hamas Ḥarakat al-Muqāwama al-Islāmiyya חדשות חמות מלחמה בעזה-פלסטין
RT @IranIntl_En: Unannounced power cuts hit several parts of Tehran on Tuesday evening amid a deepening energy crisis that is forcing the government to shut down all schools, universities and public offices on Wednesday.
Israel War Room
Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
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Israel War Room
Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Forwarded from Breaking News War in Gaza - Palestine / Israel on Telegram : Hamas Ḥarakat al-Muqāwama al-Islāmiyya חדשות חמות מלחמה בעזה-פלסטין
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Netanyahu comunica al pueblo israelí lo resuelto hoy por el gabinete de ministros con respecto a la entrega de los rehenes!
🇮🇱 #Israel Abrir el post
1/2 Hamás respondió al comunicado de Netanyahu diciendo: "Estamos comprometidos con el acuerdo de alto el fuego siempre y cuando la parte israelí esté comprometida con él".
Gabriel Yerushalmi 🇮🇱 Israel Def
Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
🇮🇱 #Israel Abrir el post
1/2 Hamás respondió al comunicado de Netanyahu diciendo: "Estamos comprometidos con el acuerdo de alto el fuego siempre y cuando la parte israelí esté comprometida con él".
El gabinete de ministros de #Israel ha decidido apoyar el ultimátum de Trump a Hamás pero decidió continuar con el acuerdo tal cual está configurado y sin romper las reglas.
Esto significa que si Hamás libera a los tres rehenes que se supone que serán liberados el sábado, Israel seguirá respetando el acuerdo original, o sea que liberará a los prisioneros palestinos y seguirá llevando ayuda humanitaria a Gaza.
Fin del Comunicado ✍️ Likes! 👍
- Gabriel Yerushalmi 🇮🇱 Israel Def Gabriel Yerushalmi 🇮🇱 Israel Def
Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
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Minister of Culture strongly denounces Israeli's assault on "Scientific Bookshop" in Jerusalem…
Palestine in the UK
Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
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Palestine in the UK
Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
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WAFA Agency
Minister of Culture strongly denounces Israeli's assault on Scientific Library in Jerusalem