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1700-1900s Classical Art by White men in HD
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Part 2
Bernardo Bellotto (1721-1780) was an Italian/Venezian urban landscape painter or vedutista, and printmaker in etching famous for his vedute of European cities – Dresden, Vienna, Turin, and Warsaw. He was the student and nephew of the renowned Giovanni Antonio Canal Canaletto and sometimes used the latter's illustrious name, signing himself as Bernardo Canaletto. In Germany and Poland, Bellotto called himself by his uncle's name, Canaletto. This caused some confusion, however Bellotto’s work is more sombre in color than Canaletto's and his depiction of clouds and shadows brings him closer to Dutch painting.

Bellotto's style was characterized by elaborate representation of architectural and natural vistas, and by the specific quality of each place's lighting. It is plausible that Bellotto, and other Venetian masters of vedute, may have used the camera obscura in order to achieve superior precision of urban views.
George Wesley Bellows (1882 – January 8, 1925) was an American realist painter, known for his bold depictions of urban life in New York City. He became, according to the Columbus Museum of Art, "the most acclaimed American artist of his generation"
Bellows' urban New York scenes depicted the crudity and chaos of working-class people and neighborhoods, and satirized the upper classes. However, Bellows' series of paintings portraying amateur boxing matches were arguably his signature contribution to art history.They are characterized by dark atmospheres, through which the bright, roughly lain brushstrokes of the human figures vividly strike with a strong sense of motion and direction.
To all those who follow this channel, Ill be on a break for 2 weeks.
Will resume posting from 3rd March till then i wish you all well and keep great art alive!
Emilo Sala- Expulsion if Jews from Spain in 1492
Before the Catholic kings decided to expel the jews from Spain they received, one of the jewish representatives that promised money to the royals, towards to cost of the "War for Granada" . At that moment the Inquisitor Torquemada hurled down a crucifix before the royals accusing them of selling Christ like Judas.
Jean Béraud (1849 – October 4, 1935) was a French painter renowned for his numerous paintings depicting the life of Paris, and the nightlife of Paris society. Pictures of the Champs Elysees, cafés, Montmartre and the banks of the Seine are precisely detailed illustrations of everyday Parisian life during the "Belle Époque". He also painted religious subjects in a contemporary setting.

He painted many scenes of Parisian daily life during the Belle Époque in a style that stands somewhere between the academic art of the Salon and that of the Impressionists. He received the Légion d'honneur in 1894.

Béraud's paintings often included truth-based humour and mockery of late 19th-century Parisian life, along with frequent appearances of biblical characters in then contemporary situations. Paintings such as Mary Magdalene in the House of the Pharisees aroused controversy when exhibited, because of these themes
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Claus Friedrich Bergen (April 18, 1885 – October 4, 1964) was a German illustrator and painter, best known for his depictions of naval warfare in World War I
Bergen was born April 18, 1885, in Stuttgart, Germany, the first son of Fritz Bergen, a popular painter and illustrator of the Imperial era. He was raised in Munich, where, starting in 1904, he attended Moritz Weinhold's painting school and the Royal Academy of Fine Art, studying under Carl von Marr.
In 1914 Bergen was appointed Marine Painter to Kaiser Wilhelm II. After the 1916 Battle of Jutland there was enormous demand for depictions of the action, both from the public and the captains of ships which had participated; to satisfy it, Admiral Scheer, the High Seas Fleet commander, took the fleet into the Baltic with Bergen aboard his flagship and went through a replay of the battle complete with blank firing of the guns.