ozkriff.games 🦀
243 subscribers
158 photos
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173 links
👋 I'm @ozkriff: Rust zealot, hobby game developer, fan of turn based games, one of arewegameyet.rs' maintainers and gamedev.rs' editors. ex-Wargaming, ex-JetBrains.

See the pinned message for more info and links: https://t.me/ozkriff_games/4
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# June Dailyart Sketches #1

✍️ The first bunch of my June dailyart doodles: an old brick building, Henry Worsley, a ferret trying to steal food, and a old man reading a book.
# Rust Foundation Community Grants 2023


Just wanted to remind all the rustaceans that, despite all the Rust governance drama, you can apply for the grants and help convert these funds into useful activity for the Rust ecosystem and community in a way you see fit.

Also, if you hesitate to apply because you don't feel skilled enough, maybe this post will help a bit: https://blog.rust-lang.org/inside-rust/2022/04/19/imposter-syndrome
Rust fact vs. fiction: 5 Insights from Google's Rust journey in 2022


For those thinking about getting started with Rust here Google Devs confirm and debunk some rumors about the language:

Rumor 1: Rust takes more than 6 months to learn – Debunked (1-2 month to be productive)

Rumor 2: The Rust compiler is not as fast as people would like – Confirmed

Rumor 3: Unsafe code and interop are always the biggest challenges – Debunked (interop is easy, macros and async are the hardest)

Rumor 4: Rust has amazing compiler error messages – Confirmed

Rumor 5: Rust code is usually of high quality – Confirmed (people feel that code written in Rust is usually of high quality by nature)
# Rust GameDev News 46: May 2023 🐌


Ugh, I'm really bad at being a responsible editor. 😓 The May's issue is finally out and while it's late again it still brings a lot of updates - about 13 games, 4 engines, 4 learning resources, 3 tools, and 13 libraries - from various corners of our ecosystem that you may have missed!
ozkriff.games 🦀
# Spring Vacation Our spring vacation is coming to an end - as usual nowadays, this mostly was a week of tranquil walks around Yerevan's cool places. The botanical garden deserves special mention - it's an extremely atmospheric place at this time of year…
# Second Armenia-Russia Trip

Hey, sorry for disappearing for month and a half and ignoring lots of DMs.

I was supposed to visit my hometown in Russia for two weeks in the first half of July to see with my family&friends and do some legal paperwork. Buut it didn't go as planned: instead my wife got seriously sick and then one of our favorite pets got even more ill at the same time, so I had to help out for a couple more weeks until they both recovered.

I've returned to Armenia recently and now I'm slowly getting back to my usual rusty routine.
# Rust GameDev News 47: June 2023

Speaking about rusty things! While I was away, Forest released a newsletter issue with June news. Here's the link if you've missed it:


Meanwhile, I've just started collecting a summary of July events for N48, please join if you've been doing cool rust gamedev stuff last month.
# Meanwhile in Parallel Rust Universe 😁

> I swear to god everytime im trying to look for anything related to rust the stupid programing language pops up. Is there a way to blacklist it from searches or something? Cuz its darn annoying.

Uh, all this rust-the-game-vs-rust-the-language confusion never gets old 😌

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# Rust GameDev News 48: July 2023

Forgot to post that we've released This Month in Rust GameDev for July 2023 a couple of weeks ago: https://gamedev.rs/news/048

In the meantime, we've already started putting together August news for the 49th issue. Please join: https://github.com/rust-gamedev/rust-gamedev.github.io/issues/1440
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Yet another interesting Rust game is coming to Steam - a very nice minimalistic twin-stick shooter "GUN RUN" by Terry Brush:

> GUNRUN is a twinstick survival roguelite with crazy enemy density, and even crazier weapons! Roam the crypts blasting holes through waves of undead, collecting resources to craft your perfect build, and discovering forgotten treasures!


> The demo is going to be released probably sooner than you think!

As always, consider following the dev, adding the project to your wishlist, and trying out the demo once it's out!
# Another Vet Care Trip to St. Petersburg

The health of our dear Durin keeps deteriorating and last week he was hospitalized again. Even though his quality of life is still not that bad, the amount of daily medical procedures keeps growing and Sasha is too busy with her vet work and lectures to find enough time - so I've decided to return to Russia for at least a couple of weeks to help out.

Sorry for another bunch of delays with the newsletter and other rust community activities, I struggle to find energy for all these things.
# Rust GameDev Pause

I have to stay in St. Petersburg longer due to yet another bunch of unfortunate family reasons and this drains the last bits of my mental energy for doing any gamedevy stuff. So, I'm stepping down from the Rust GameDev WG and putting both my community duties and personal projects on official pause - for a long time, probably.


PS: I'm also looking for a job in Russia, so if you know a fitting and ethically ok-ish position opening here, please ping me (linkedin, hh).