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Patriarch Kirill blesses statue of St. Olga of Kiev near tallest structure in Europe

The unveiling of the monument and a church in honor of the holy Princess was timed to coincide with the 1050th anniversary of her repose, which is celebrated in 2019.
The Adventures of an Atheist Mother in Jerusalem

Maria Saradzhishvili

I met with a friend not long ago. She relocated from Tbilisi to Moscow many years ago, but she comes home every summer. She has been a churchgoer for a long time, but her parents joined the faith when they were already on the threshold of eternity. I wanted to record what I heard. Here is my friend’s story:
Never Laugh at Anyone in Church!

Vladimir Shemenev

Everyone waiting for confession was standing and watching the poor woman, and probably pitying her in their souls. And the matushka again turned to the woman, now white from horror, and added: “You see… Never laugh at anyone in church.”
Two-thirds of Russian youth are believers, survey says

“The majority of our youth—63 percent—are believers,” commented the head of the Дepartment for External Church Relations, His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, citing a VTSIOM survey, according to which only 37% of young Russians aged 18-24 consider themselves unbelievers.
Philaret effectively admits to election tampering, claims Epiphany became primate thanks to him

In a new statement published on the official site of the “Kiev Patriarchate,” Philaret’s recently-revived jurisdiction, Philaret remarkably admits to both influencing and pushing his bishops to vote for Epiphany, as well as his own terrible judgement.
U.S. Consul General meets Greek hierarch who served twice with Ukrainian schismatics

Metropolitan Ioannis (Tassias) of Langadas received the U.S. Consul General Gregory W. Pfleger, Jr. in Thessaloniki together with Xenia Kosmidou, a political and economic specialist at the U.S. Consulate General, recently.
Thousands take to streets to protest repeated attacks against Ethiopian Tewahedo church (+ VIDEO)

The protestors were demanding an end to what they consider a “planned and orchestrated attack” on the Ethiopian Tewahedo church.
Top 4 points of the Greek Commissions on recognizing Ukrainian schismatics

The issue of recognizing the schismatic OCU within the Greek Church is highly polarizing, unlike in the Polish or Serbian Churches where there is virtual unanimity among the bishops.
How to Live in the Flow of God’s Mercy

Archpriest Maxim Chanturia

And on this day, I decided to especially pray to God about my question. I got on my knees and began to pray: “Lord, tell me how to serve Thee.”
Elder Aristokly, His Prophecies, and Spiritual Daughters

Bishop Alexei (Polikarpov)

Venerable Aristokly of Mt. Athos and Moscow is one of the most popular saints among Muscovites.
Ukrainian Church thanks Met. Sawa of Poland for unwavering support

Meeting with His Beatitude Metropolitan Sawa of Poland yesterday, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church’s representative to international organizations expressed gratitude on behalf of His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kiev and All Ukraine and the entire canonical Ukrainian Church for the Polish Church’s firm stance in supporting the suffering Ukrainian Orthodox Christians.
Met. Ambrose of Kalavryta: “Decision of the Ecumenical Patriarch is leading to a schism”

In a new open letter, the former ruling hierarch of the Metropolis of Kalavryta, His Eminence Metropolitan Ambrose, calls on the hierarchs of the Greek Orthodox Church to reject the schismatic so-called “Orthodox Church of Ukraine” (OCU), stating that the Patriarch of Constantinople’s actions in Ukraine are only causing further divisions in the Church.
Court returns citizenship to Ukrainian bishop who was suddenly deported under Poroshenko

Having been forcibly separated from his flock for seven months, Bp. Gideon experienced a change in fortune yesterday, as the District Administrative Court of Kiev found the State Migration Service’s decision to revoke his citizenship to be illegal and canceled the decision. Proceedings had been ongoing since April 23.
90,000 catechisms distributed to every family in one Romanian county

His Grace Bishop Gurie of Deva and Hunedoara of the Romanian Orthodox Church has personally reached out to citizens in Hunedoara County, in an effort to help them deepen their knowledge of the Orthodox faith that they practice and confess.
Archdiocese of Western Europe to hold Pastoral Assembly to confirm attachment to Moscow Patriarchate

It is widely expected that more than the 58% will follow Abp. John into the Moscow Patriarchate in order to continue their existence as an Archdiocese, although there are those who strongly oppose this move.
The Mother of God—the Morning Star, Foretelling the Appearance of the Sun of Righteousness, Christ the Savior

Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov)

She was the Morning Star, shining amidst the sinful darkness and announcing to the world that from her soon would rise the spiritual Sun—Christ the Savior, Who enlightens all who come to Him by His Divine teaching.
Sermon for the Nativity of the Theotokos

Where are we to begin in extolling her greatness and with what tongue can this be done?
The Rule of Opposites

Priest Dimitry Shishkin

For a long time I doubted whether I should share this story or not. But our general negligence, coupled with a desire to lead a sinful and at the same time joyous and carefree life, prompted me to bring up the subject of the reality of the invisible, spiritual life and the need for a right attitude towards it, for the umpteenth time.
“We Can Draw Closer to God When Our Hearts Are Broken”

In Memoriam: Elder Macarie (Tanase) of Mt. Athos
Hierodeacon Macarie (Tanase)

Never separate your mind from prayer! It is no use suggesting yourself that it is necessary: if you do not have love, you will not keep your mind focused on prayer and God.
Our World At War:

Part 1. A Warfare Theodicy
Archpriest Nectarios Trevino

Why did the September 2001 and do subsequent atrocities occur? To answer this question, we must understand the world and its reality.
Patriarch Ilia has more than 40,000 Godchildren following 60th mass Baptism

Since January 2008, His Holiness Catholics-Patriarch Ilia II has been holding several mass Baptism ceremonies in a year, in which he personally becomes Godfather to the third and later children of married Orthodox couples.