Olive Tree Ministries - Jan Markell
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Jan Markell, Founder, President and Host of Understanding the Times
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Townhall Jocelyn’s mother shared that “it’s definitely been something that’s been hard to grasp for reality,” also adding “but now, I have to be her voice and I need to make sure that everybody hears the horrible thing that happened to my daughter and give her justice and make a change because this — we … Continue reading "Ted Cruz: “Enough is Enough!”"

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Today is a dark day for freedom in America.  The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 Wednesday in Murthy v. Missouri that challengers alleging the Biden regime colluded with social-media companies to remove content the government viewed as unfavorable did not have the legal right to sue.

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The LineUp With Barry Stagner Subscribe and turn on notifications: https://www.youtube.com/@TheTruthAboutGodBarryStagner
WND Exactly one decade after their martyrdom, a film about the trials and travails of the 21 Coptic Christians who were ritually decapitated by ISIS terrorists in Libya in 2015, is – if it surmounts the challenges facing it, including financial – to be released in 2025.  The movie’s trailer is available here.

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Gateway Pundit The mood at CNN after tonight’s presidential debate was downright funereal. Biden’s performance was a disaster and everyone knows it.   When Van Jones commented on it, he said that this was a test for Biden and that he ‘failed’ to reassure voters that he should be given another four years. He even said … Continue reading "CNN’s Van Jones Says Joe Biden ‘Failed’ at Debate: ‘That Was Painful’ (VIDEO)"

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MediaProphecy News Watch The explosion causes no immediate deaths. But after roughly 10 days, many people will die due to lack of food (because refrigeration is impossible), water (most water is delivered by electric pumps), working sewer systems, communications, transportation, etc. Russia is now perfecting such a weapon.

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WND “There is a sense of shock about how he came out at the beginning of this debate. About how his voice sounded. He seemed a little bit disoriented. There are going to be discussions about whether he should continue.,” he said.

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God initiated my blessed country through Abraham. He rescued it through Moses. He restored in through Joshua. He preserved it through David. He rebirthed it from the ashes of the Holocaust, and He’s going to do an amazing work in my people in the future, just as He promised through the prophets and New Testament … Continue reading "Amir Tsarfati: Nothing Israel Faces Can Change The Promises Of God"

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Understanding The Times: "Entertaining The Goats, Starving The Sheep" Jan Markell and Pastor Barry Stagner discuss signs that show us transitioning toward a world order. The silence of the shepherds discourages the flock from looking up at a time when we need hope and encouragement. They also consider some coming “distractions.” Watch Via Olive Tree Ministries: https://ift.tt/Rnl1h3I YouTube: https://youtu.be/exs6f6Z2ezM?si=Nd4w4SFMr0UItXy5 Or Rumble: https://rumble.com/v546dlf-entertaining-the-goats-starving-the-sheep-pastor-barry-stagner.html
Dr Robert Malone: "In a major blow to US Federal Administrative State power, the US Supreme Court overturned the Chevron Deference precedent by a 6 to 3 vote. Chevron deference is an administrative law principle that compels federal courts to defer to a federal agency’s interpretation of an ambiguous or unclear statute that Congress delegated to the agency to administer. As a consequence, executive branch administrative agencies have been able to step into the policy and power vacuums created when the legislative branch fails to define legislative intent clearly, and to functionally define law and policy as each agency sees fit." https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/chevron-deference-overturned-by-scotus
Full House at Prophecy Watchers
FrontPageMag Suddenly media figures began arguing that someone should have reported on Biden’s condition. And when the Wall Street Journal and other outlets did, they were attacked for it. Biden’s mental state was another lie too big to fail.Now it did. And it doesn’t just discredit Biden or his party. It further demolishes the remaining … Continue reading "Biden’s Mental State Was a Media Lie Too Big to Fail"

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