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Официальный канал крупнейшего в масложировой отрасли СМИ - Малайзийский Совет Производителей Пальмового Масла.

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Malaysia markets to close on April 21 and 24 for public holidays
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MPOC just wrapped our Digital Market Forum today with great success. 280 participants from various regions participated to learn more about the development and opportunities for Malaysian palm oil. Four regional experts presented their papers featuring the South Asian market, Central Asian Market and Middle Eastern market. A special paper on the impact of Europe Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) on the Malaysian palm oil market was also shared with the participants.

MPOC thank our supporters for their participation in our Digital Market Forum and we will continue to add value to the industry.
Palm Oil Price Closing Market FOB Malaysian ports
World Could Face Record Temperatures in 2023 as El Niño Returns. After a few years of the La Niña weather pattern, which cools ocean surface temperatures and can make global temperatures feel cooler, climate models are predicting the return of El Niño. With a returning El Niño weather pattern, we can expect to feel higher temperatures — so high, in fact, that experts believe Earth could hit a record average temperature in 2023 or 2024. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) estimates a 62% chance of an El Niño pattern happening between May and July 2023. The chances of El Niño happening before the end of 2023 increase to 85%
Interesting facts
Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslim friends
Elon Musk Says The Countdown Has Begun
The billionaire CEO says that the United States will default on its debt. The question for him is when this default will occur and not whether it will.

По мнению Илона Маска обратный отсчет начался
Миллиардер считает, что Соединенные Штаты объявят дефолт по своему долгу. Главный вопрос для него в том, когда это произойдет, а не в том, произойдет ли вообще. По мнению аналитиков Goldman Sachs, судьбоносный день наступит в начале июня.
Важнейшее событие российского соевого рынка — VIII бизнес-форум «Мировая Соя» пройдет 16-17 мая в Санкт-Петербурге

Организатор события — член агропромышленного комитета ТПП РФ – ИД «СФЕРА».

Участники — производители, переработчики, селекционеры, представители кормового бизнеса, поставщики перерабатывающего оборудования и другие представители соевой отрасли.

Квоты на бесплатное участие получат первые 10 фермерских хозяйств (фермерские хозяйства до 10 тыс. га). Для остальных предусмотрены льготные условия участия.

Регистрация — по ссылке или по телефону +7 (812) 245-67-70. Используйте промокод «ФЕРМЕР».

Формат бизнес-форума позволит участникам высказаться на актуальные темы, обменяться мнениями о том, как решать задачи отрасли в новых экономических реалиях, познакомиться в докладами и пообщаться с ключевыми экспертами, а также завязать партнерские отношения.

В деловой программе бизнес-форума:
— основные направления развития соевого рынка;
— государственные меры поддержки, работа на внутреннем и внешнем рынках;
— современные технологии соевых комплексов;
— соя в промышленном кормопроизводстве;
— селекция, семеноводство и выращивание сои;
— средства защиты растений и агрохимикаты.

Своё участие уже подтвердили компании: Русская Аграрная Группа, РУСАГРО, ЭФКО, СамараАгроПромПереработка, ОРЕЛМАСЛО, Амурагрокомплекс, АМУРАГРОЦЕНТР, Плодородие, Серволюкс, АгроСоякомплект и другие.
Sarawak planters association blasts EU campaign to exclude Dayak smallholders from entire palm oil supply chain

MIRI, April 22 — Sarawak Dayak Oil Palm Planters Association (Doppa) has hit out at what it sees is an ongoing campaign by the European Union (EU) to exclude indigenous Dayak smallholders from the entire palm oil supply chain. Doppa president Napolean R Ningkos said the achievements of the Dayaks in Sarawak, who have chosen […]
Производители пальмового масла из Малайзии посетили страны Центральной Азии с бизнес-миссией, чтобы исследовать возможности для расширения экспорта. По итогам миссии ожидается рост экспорта пальмового масла в этот регион до $15 млн.

По словам исполнительного директора (CEO) MPOC г-жи Belvinder Sron, «Центральная Азия — очень перспективный рынок с высоким спросом на растительные масла. Узбекистан является крупнейшим рынком с точки зрения объемов хозяйства и численности населения. Казахстан является вторым по величине рынком этого региона. Обе страны в совокупности имеют потенциал для импорта около 100 000 тонн пальмового масла и продуктов на его основе в год.
Palm Oil Price Mid Day Market FOB Malaysian Ports
VEGOILS-Palm oil falls for fourth session on weak rivals, poor exports

KUALA LUMPUR, April 26 (Reuters) - Malaysian palm oil futures eased for a fourth consecutive session on Wednesday, trading near a nine-day low hit in the previous session, weighed by weak exports and rival oil prices.

The benchmark palm oil contract FCPOc3 for July delivery on the Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Exchange slid 22 ringgit, or 0.61%, to 3,613 ringgit ($810.27) during early trade.

Export shipments from Malaysia during April 1-25 fell 18.4% from a month earlier, independent inspection firm AmSpec Agri Malaysia reported on Tuesday. Another cargo surveyor, Intertek Testing Services, said exports declined by 14%.

Dalian's most-active soyoil contract DBYcv1 gained 0.3%, while its palm oil contract DCPcv1 rose 0.11%. Soyoil prices on the Chicago Board of Trade BOcv1 were up 0.5%.

Palm oil is affected by price movements in related oils as they compete for a share in the global vegetable oils market.

"The palm market has tracked erosions in the broader commodity market, such as the palm olein futures on the China Dalian Commodity Exchange and crude oil prices, following concerns that looming U.S. Federal Reserve interest rate hikes could dampen global demand," Refinitiv Agriculture Research said late Tuesday.

Palm oil yields have improved following a slowdown in rainfall but production upside is expected to be capped by fewer working days with the Eid al-Fitr festivities, Refinitiv said.

Palm oil may break a support at 3,565 ringgit per tonne and fall to 3,504 ringgit, Reuters technical analyst Wang Tao said. TECH/C

U.S. stock futures bounced as buybacks and earnings beats boosted tech giants in after-hours trade, although Asian shares wallowed at one-month lows on Wednesday, with investors turning nervous on the outlook for the world's two biggest economies.
GRAINS-Wheat falls for sixth session, near 21-month low on U.S. weather forecast

SINGAPORE, April 26 (Reuters) - Chicago wheat futures slid for a sixth consecutive session on Wednesday, trading near their lowest in 21 months, as forecast rains in parched U.S. Plains boosted prospects for the winter crop.

Soybeans ticked higher, while corn was largely unchanged.

The most-active wheat contract on the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) Wv1 was down 0.4% at $6.50-1/2 a bushel, as of 0008 GMT. Corn Cv1 fell quarter-of-a-cent to $6.07-1/2 a bushel and soybeans Sv1 added 0.1% to $14.18-3/4 a bushel.

Expectations of rains across U.S. Plains next week could improve the U.S. winter crop, which has been hit by a severe drought.

Discussions over the Black Sea grain deal continue to take centre-stage in agricultural markets.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the situation related to the Black Sea grain deal had reached a deadlock, adding there were still obstacles blocking Russian exports.

Meanwhile, a Ukrainian official said a U.N. proposal on improving and extending the deal can succeed only if the international community collectively pressures Russia.

Russia is expected to harvest a large wheat crop this year, though well below a record volume in 2022, while in the European Union crop conditions remain favourable apart from in drought-hit Spain and northern Italy.

Ukraine's wheat exports are likely to fall 37% to 8.8 million tonnes in the 2023/24 July-June season due to an expected drop in the harvest and ending stocks, APK-Inform consultancy said on Tuesday.

In its first forecast for the 2023/24 season, the consultancy said Ukraine's overall grain harvest could fall by 13% to 45.6 million tonnes from the previous season, including 16.2 million tonnes of wheat, 5.2 million tonnes of barley and 22.9 million tonnes of corn.

Commodity funds were net sellers of CBOT corn, wheat, soybean, soymeal and soyoil futures contracts on Tuesday, traders said.

U.S. stocks sold off, closing deep in negative territory, and Treasury yields dropped on Tuesday as disappointing earnings and soft economic data fuelled recession fears, sending investors fleeing for safe havens.
MPOB sees higher palm oil exports to China this year

KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) foresees higher exports of palm oil and palm-based products to China this year as it enhances cooperation in the palm oil trade through the recent signing of the memorandum of understanding (MoU) in Beijing. The MoU was signed between MPOB and the China Chamber of Commerce of […]
April 25, 2023 Commodity Price Position at the Closing of Physical Exchange & Market
Palm Oil Price Mid Day Market FOB Malaysian Ports