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CEO Day is an event organised by the Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC) that offers a platform for students to engage in knowledge and experience sharing sessions with industry leaders, with topics such as career and internship opportunities.

Details of this event:
Date: 14 January 2023, Saturday
Time: 8.00am to 5.00pm
Venue: Dewan Canselor Tun Abdul Razak (DECTAR), UKM Bangi, Selangor

Register here:
Registration is free and open to all students from all universities in Malaysia!

#MalaysianPalmOil #MSPO
Daily #PalmOil Price (4 January 2023)
В 2022 году Украина экспортировала около 100 млн тонн продукции.

Лидером экспорта стала кукуруза. Экспорт подсолнечного масла вырос, а пшеницы и железной руды сократился.

Крупнейшим потребителем украинской продукции стал Европейский Союз ($27,9 млрд), в том числе Польша ($6,6 млрд).
Lower palm oil prices likely but markets wary of supply, recession risks. Crude #palmoil prices may ease in 2023 after hitting record highs last year, but “wild cards” such as Malaysia’s labor crunch at its palm plantations, China’s re-opening, and looming recession fears could upend forecasts, industry sources warned. Third-month crude palm oil futures on Malaysia’s commodity exchange are expected to be at around MR 3,800/mt ($859.24) in 2023, according to the median estimate of eight leading industry analysts and trade bodies polled by S&P Global Commodity Insights.
Фьючерсы на малазийское пальмовое масло в среду упали с пятинедельного максимума, хотя ожидания сокращения поставок ограничили спад цен. Базовый контракт на пальмовое масло FCPOc3 с поставкой в марте на бирже деривативов Bursa Malaysia потерял 50 ринггитов, или 1,18%, до 4 203 ринггитов (954,36 доллара) за тонну к полудню - Reuters
Индонезия сократит экспорт пальмового масла в преддверии Рамадана. Согласно новому положению компаниям разрешено экспортировать в шесть раз больше объема продаж на внутреннем рынке, что меньше текущего соотношения в восемь раз, - Reuters.
Daily #PalmOil Price (5 January 2023)
“The Malaysian Palm Oil Council said that palm oil production is set to recover in 2023 after three years of decline, with industry estimates forecasting a 3% to 5% increase over nearly 18 million mt produced in 2022.”
#MalaysianPalmOil #FullofGoodness
January 5, 2023 Commodity Price Position at the Closing of Physical Exchange & Market - Indonesian Palm Oil Association (GAPKI IPOA)
The corruption court at the central Jakarta District Court has sentenced a former Director General of the Ministry of Trade Indrasari Wisnu Wardhana, who served at the ministry for almost 33 years to three years jail and a 100 million rupiah fine (US$6.410) in a case connected to improper palm oil export permits.

Meanwhile, Wilmar Nabati Indonesia’s commissioner Master Parulian Tumanggor, Musim Mas’s general manager Togar Sitanggang, and Permata Hijau Group’s senior manager Stanley Ma were sentenced to between one year and one-and-a-half years in prison, the Attorney General Office said. (Photo: CNN Indonesia)
Суд по делам о коррупции при центральном окружном суде Джакарты приговорил бывшего генерального директора Министерства торговли Индрасари Вишну Вардхану, проработавшего в министерстве почти 33 года, к трем годам тюремного заключения и штрафу в размере 100 миллионов рупий по делу связанному с выдачей разрешений на экспорт пальмового масла.

На срок от одного года до полутора лет были приговорены комиссар Wilmar Nabati Indonesia Мастер Парулиан Туманггор, генеральный менеджер Musim Mas Тогар Ситанганг и старший менеджер Permata Hijau Group Стэнли Ма - Генеральная прокуратура.
За период с января по ноябрь 2022 года Россия произвела 151080 тонн пальмового масла. Больше всего было произведено в Южном ФО - 91752 тонн - Федеральная Служба Государственной Статистики
Индия станет самой населенной страной в мире, обогнав Китай. Это случится уже в апреле этого года - ООН
Genetically modified? Not Malaysian Palm Oil! It is full of goodness, and perfect for making healthy food.

#MPOC #MalaysianPalmOil #FullOfGoodness #MSPO #minyaksawit #GMO #nonGMO
The Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Certification Scheme is a mandatory certification for oil palm plantations, independent and organised smallholdings, and palm oil processing facilities in Malaysia.

As of November 2022, 683,000 hectares in oil palm plantation lands that are owned by organised smallholders have received MPSO certification. Find out more:

#MPOC #MalaysianPalmOil #FullofGoodness #MSPO #sustainability #mampan #sustainability #environmentallyfriendly #hijau
S&P Global: Asian palm oil prices expected to be rangebound in 2023

KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 6): Asian palm oil prices are expected to be rangebound in 2023 after a volatile 2022 despite Malaysia entering the year with low stocks and China’s used cooking oil exports set to increase to Europe and even extend to the US. In a report on Thursday (Jan 5), S&P Global Commodity Insights […]
Indonesia reduces palm oil exports to ensure supply at home

JAKARTA, Jan 6 (Bernama): Indonesia, the world’s biggest palm oil producer, will cut its overseas shipments of the commodity, as it tightens a policy requiring companies to keep more supply at home. The government cut the amount producers can export to six times the domestic sales requirement, down from eight times currently, Vietnam news agency […]
Uncertainty over rise in CPO output

PETALING JAYA: Despite the gradual return of foreign workers to the oil palm plantation sector, industry experts remain sceptical of potential growth in terms of crude palm oil (CPO) production this year. While CPO production is set to improve in 2023, Malaysian Palm Oil Association (MPOA) chief executive Joseph Tek Choon Yee said the growth […]
5 more sleeps to go until CEO Day@UKM!

Join the numerous interactive programmes and activities that have been planned for the day, such as a cooking demo by Chef Imelda Harris and a special appearance by performer, Bell Ngasri.

If you are a university student in Malaysia, this event is for you and admission is free! So register here:

Details of this event:
Date: 14 January 2023, Saturday
Time: 8.00am-5.00pm
Venue: Dewan Canselor Tun Abdul Razak (DECTAR), UKM Bangi, Selangor

#MalaysianPalmOil #MSPO #sustainability #mampan #minyaksawit
Около 60% российских компаний пострадали от западных санкций, выяснила Торгово-промышленная палата России. Лишь четверть нашли замену.
MPOC Video Series

Customer experience videos share with you some of the challenges, opportunities and processes in the demand and supply of Malaysian palm oil to the world market. Click Here For More The CEO Insights are brought to you by top CEOs from oils and fats and food industries around the world. Click Here For More