Simcha Spot - Official
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Wedding of Daniel Ragol-Levy and Naomi Sassoon (London)

Engagement of Daniel Admon (Israel) and Debbie Joseph (Stamford Hill)

Engagement of Vivianna Garbaty Smith (Chicago) and Dani Barak (Lakewood) 

Engagement of Menachem Simon and Racheli Sasmen

Engagement of Allie Segal (Queens) and Dovie Levinson (Chicago)

Engagement of Adi Dinowitz and Uriel Abeles (Manchester)

Engagement of Aron Katzauer (Gateshead) and Malky Gordon (Edgware)

Engagement of Aidel Rosenberg (Montreal) and Yanky Tischler (Antwerp)

Engagement of Brocho Loebenstein (Stamford Hill) and Levi Orzel (Gateshead)

Engagement of Simie Jason (Bayswater) and Hirth Giahn (Brooklyn)

Engagement of Bentzi Stein and Kallah Elias

Engagement of Chana Tzirel Zaks (Silver Spring) and Yitzi Fox (Lawrence)

Engagement of Raizy Ritvo and Duvid Elkouby (Manchester)

Engagement of Jewel Floumanhaft and Yoni Eichler (Five Towns)

Engagement of Michael Slasky and Kady Turtledove (Johannesburg)

Sheva Brachos of Avrumy and Gitty Weingarten

Engagement of Avraham Sharaby and Rachel Halpert

Engagement of Tami Lesser and Shua Klags
