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This is such horseshit. They just decided to check for “spam” accounts one day after the siege on the Capitol? And on the day they suspend the president? “Oh nothing politically motivated here just one of our routine spam checks!”
Big Tech doesn’t realize that by silencing millions of voices, they are not making Trump supporters just disappear as they’d like. They’re radicalizing normies to such an extent that the underground right will be welcoming newcomers by the thousands.
Forwarded from The Trumpist
“If you don’t like it just build your own!” was cute when we were in like middle school and were cringe libertarians, but when you get older and realize you don’t have time to build your own social media platforms and ...uh... banks, you very much appreciate a system that doesn’t screw you out of participating in society simply because your political beliefs don’t match up with those in power.
Star Wars marathon is probably the move this weekend so I can be in a better mood. Should I start with 1 or 4?
Forwarded from Vincent James
The corporate response to Trump supporters VS the corporate response to BLM and Antifa

Just in case you still weren’t sure which movement is sponsored by the global elite corporate interests, and which they truly fear.
Boomer grandmas are starting to fed post. They are PISSED lmao
Icing on this week’s cake, I think I left my AirPods case on one of the many planes I’ve taken, wonder how much the replacement is
Forwarded from Vincent James
Pentagon moves forward with renaming of bases honoring Confederate leaders. This is part of the NDAA which almost ALL republicans voted in favor of weeks ago, while rejecting Trump's call for ending section 230 in the same bill

The GOP is dead
I am on gab @millerstream but the UI sucks rn, I can’t even post
Twitter is still the best UI. That’s why not being on the platform sucks so much.
I’ve only had one conversation with Kellyanne Conway, and it was when she got salty with me for pushing her over their trash jailbreak bill. That whole family is a mess.
It’s so funny that they make it sound like you have all these extremists fleeing to these other platforms after being booted from Twitter, and yet it’s literally just regular people.
I am getting ANOTHER covid test just to be safe. I always come back negative.
It’s like I’m Superman or something.
Fox News is now coining the siege as the “MAGA mob attack on the Capitol” lmfao
Just thinking back on it, what happened at the Capitol was so epic. I can’t wait to tell my kids about it.