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Vymaanika Shaastra
Maharishi Bharadwaaja

Vymaanika Shaastra, the Science of Aeronautics Just like the Nazi UFO’s, the Vedic flying machines dwell somewhere in the realms between apocryphal technology and the occult. The work Vymaanika Shaastra or Vymaanika Shastra been ascribed to the sage Maharshi Bharadwaja. Maharshi Bharadwaja is known to be a scholar both in science, philosophy, cosmology and warfare.…

Demonology | Magick and Witchcraft | Secret Rites & Societies
Sak Yant tattoos or Magic tattoos

Sak Yant tattoo is common in Southeast Asia and is distinct for its monochromic and geometric patterns, passages from religious classics, and animal images. Only Sak Yant masters can perform this tattoo. They mix snake venom, herbs and cigarette ash into the ink they use. However less romantic ink recipes are also mentioned as well…
Magick and Witchcraft | Paranormal
Het Boze Oog

Het boze oog – is dat nou niets anders dan dom bijgeloof of is er toch iets meer aan de hand? Met zijn 526 pagina’s aan piepkleine lettertjes en meters voetnoten, waar je ook voor je veertigste al een loep bij nodig hebt, zag ‘Die Zauberkraft des Auges und das Berufen’ van Dr S. Seligmann…
"A scold is paraded through the community wearing the 'bridle', an iron contraption used to punish women with a sharp tongue. Significantly, a similar device was used by European slavetraders in Africa to subdue their captives and carry them to their ships." (Caliban and the Witch)
Preview of a book in the making: Plant Lore, Legends & Lyrics by Richard Folkard