Occult of Personality
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☝🏻Remembering my good friend, KDB - Kent Daniel Bentkowski, almost 16 years after his passing 🙏🏻💎
"The best kind of solitude is complete escape from the preconceptions and prejudices of an inflexible and narrow mind, and, moreover, from all labels and concepts."

Saraha's consort
"I have thought about this question of power many times, since my discussions with Kyabjé Künzang Dorje Rinpoche. I have realised that power has got very little to do with power to – but rather, power not to. It is not a question of supernormal abilities. It’s a question of being prepared to die in the next moment – to be totally insignificant. The power to be unafraid of looking like an idiot. The power not to care about what people think or say. It is not a question of being physically, intellectually, or emotionally strong – but of being open to annihilation. Everything has to matter—and not matter—at the same time."

From "Wisdom Eccentrics: Rumours of realisation as told by Künzang Dorje Rinpoche with additional tales of the unexpected." Ngakpa Chögyam, Aro Books, 2011
Notre Dame Cathedral
About Gratitude

First of all, gratitude increases wisdom, modesty, and love, and the soul becomes light.

When practicing gratitude, you begin to notice how happy you yourself are and how many people and living beings support your own happiness. When also discovering how many living beings are victimized by our lives, we have a mindset of remorse and become more humble. Gratitude then increases love for many living beings, which becomes the basis for practicing altruism.

Gratitude makes the soul strong to suffering. Even in times of disappointment, failure, and loss, you can notice what you have already been given and become positive. Gratitude also increases love for all beings, and when you realize that there are many people in the world suffering much more than yours, you become able to tolerate your suffering and it begins to seem quite insignificant.

Also, medical experts say that gratitude alleviates stress, which is a cause of cancer and lowered immunity. So it is good for physical health as well. A person who is devoid of dissatisfaction and full of gratitude becomes loved by others, creates good connections, and gains material prosperity.

In this way, gratitude is beneficial in all directions: mental, physical, and material.
Concentrate on listening to this instruction! Your consciousness never had a beginning and will never have an end....! Your consciousness was never created by any cause! It will never be destroyed by any circumstance! Therefore, abide in peace and effortlessness, in the indescribable and uncreated state! Then the fruit, Awakening, will be found in you without your striving for it! Otherwise, you will not find any Awakened One! For there is no way to what is eternally Present in you - as your original nature and essence!

Guru Padmasambhava
Forwarded from Neutrino Astrology (Michael Neutrino)
"The truth was something too dazzling to be looked at directly. And yet, once it had come into one's field of vision, one saw patches of light in all kinds of places: the afterimages of virtue."
— Mishima, 'Sword'
Forwarded from Lance's Legion
“The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you choose, what you think, and what you do is who you become.”
— Heraclitus
Forwarded from ϟ Politically Incorrect Dhamma ϟ (Liber Lam ಭಾಳನೇತ್ರ)
The serpent, the dragon; call it Vritra, Hydra, Python, Typhon, Jörmungandr, Fafnir, Zmey, Vishap, or by its Christian name, Satan. The enormous reptile is a symbol of the enemy of our people as Eliade explains in the quote. It is therefore clear what the dragon slayer represents.
Although St. George is a popular Saint in many nations, his worship in England is a continuation of the ancient Indo-European tradition. The Germanic hero Sigurd, known as Sigeweard to the English and Sigfried to the Germans, is the archetypal dragon slayer in Germanic heroic myth.
"People of peace, men and women of desire, such is the splendor of the Temple in which you will one day have the right to take your place. Such privilege should astonish you less, however, than your ability to commence building it down here, your ability, in fact, to adorn it at every moment of your existence. Remember the saying 'as above, so below', and contribute to this by making 'as below, so above'."

- Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin
"Where time never entered, where no image ever shone, in the inmost and highest part of the soul, God is creating the whole world."

~ Meister Eckhart