Obrizan’s Channel 🇺🇦
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My name is Vladimir Obrizan, a software engineer with 20 years of experience. Director of Design and Test Lab.
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Bitbucket Pipelines costs slowly boiled me alive

When we started Design and Test Lab (software outsourcing business) back in 2011, git was our default choice to work with source codes. Initially, we put a server box under a work desk in our office and spent some efforts to set-up it and maintain it. It was some pain to administer it, uptime was not so good. And I was out looking for cloud-based alternative.

It was 2011, GitLab was launched only three years later (in 2014). At that time I've found two competitors: GitHub and Bitbucket.

I don't remember the exact numbers, but I've chosen Bitbucket because of the price per user. As far I remember, GitHub had pretty big pricing (something like $4 vs $20 per user). That's how we ended up with Bitbucket.

Read full article: https://www.ciperf.com/bitbucket-pipelines-costs-slowly-boiled-me-alive.html
What's your biggest fear about self-hosting your applications? Both that you develop (your products) and you consume (chats, crm, erp, etc).
Anonymous Poll
Uptime and reliability
Set-up fees/hosting costs
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My biggest self-host fear. :)
Шановні, запрошую сьогодні о 19:00 до себе на подкаст (наживо). Будемо обговорювати тему поразуміння інтересів бізнесу (топ-менеджменту) та розробників.

В гостях Влад Зубков — macOS/iOS developer @ Nektony, більше 10 років досвіду, у нього є декілька цікавих історій.

Струм буде в LI: https://www.linkedin.com/events/businessvsdevelopers-findingthe7209572701005324290/about/
I've created hourly benchmark for Bitbucket Pipelines. It records: time to push, time to provision a CI server, and a performance test for the CI server itself.

Very first conclusion: Bitbucket Pipelines performance is not a constant. I'll share some details and methodology later. Follow me for updates.

Which CI service to benchmark next? Gitlab? Github?
There are lots of cases when self-hosting is better than hosting in cloud. And self-host is way cheaper and performant than clouds. Here is my short talk about it:

Backend Frameworks with the most letters in its name:

1. Ruby on Rails - 11 letters
2. Spring Boot - 10 letters
3. Laravel - 7 letters
4. FastAPI - 7 letters
5. Express - 7 letters
6. Django - 6 letters
7. Meteor - 6 letters
8. Flask - 5 letters
9. Nest - 4 letters
10. Koa - 3 letters

So Ruby on Rails is the best feamework, obviously.

And how do you choose a framework for your app?
Channel name was changed to «Obrizan’s Channel 🇺🇦»
softogenic (software + -genic) — adjective, of or pertaining to a process or substance created by software;

A softogenic disaster is one that arises from errors and faults in software.

Please note this new word. You will use it very often soon.
CrowdStrike’s CEO:
Obrizan’s Channel 🇺🇦
Bitbucket Pipelines costs slowly boiled me alive When we started Design and Test Lab (software outsourcing business) back in 2011, git was our default choice to work with source codes. Initially, we put a server box under a work desk in our office and spent…
Why is Bitbucket Pipelines slow? How to optimize bitbucket-pipelines.yml by minimizing build steps

I'd like to share my experience with optimizing Bitbucket Pipelines performance. I've noticed that in some cases, test setup procedures take some time (several minutes). This includes the installation of needed packages, libraries, etc. In most cases, we don't need to do this every time we run the pipeline. It is possible to pre-build a Docker image with all dependencies and save time and money.

Read full article: https://www.ciperf.com/why-is-bitbucket-pipelines-slow-how-to-optimize-bitbucket-pipelinesyml-by-minimizing-build-steps.html
Is there such a thing as a "bad fire"?

I've experienced many "bad hires," but I can't recall a "bad fire"—a situation where we fired someone and later regretted it. In every case, my only regret was not firing sooner.

What's your experience?
It took me 10 years to understand the most important quality of a team mate.

I’m looking for positive thinking people and deep negativitiy is a huge red flag 🚩 for me.

Here is a brief video about this:

I'm 41 today. 🥳

If you have spare $5-10, I'd appreciate if you could donate to my friend Juliia Pashchuk, she is a volunteer in Kharkiv 🇺🇦 and she is going to 350 kids (refugees from Kharkiv region), gathering stuff for new school year on September 1st. The donation link is here: https://send.monobank.ua/jar/7xa6JmgS6a

Thank you all, I love you all! ❤️