Nurak Ibinski⁸⁷⁷⁶⁴²¹³
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matrix-administrator · freedom-activist · voodoo master · creator's God · alpha-light-fighter · Breatharian · walk in incarnate machine-Elf · Age29 · soul step58
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Quote: "There are around 11 billion active Matrix-Statists who are now sharing the ongoing experience with us."

Zitat: "Es sind ca. 11 Milliarden aktive Matrix-Statisten die jetzt die hier laufende Erfahrung mit uns teilen."

Cytat: „Istnieje około 11 miliardów aktywnych statystów z Matrixa, którzy obecnie dzielą się z nami swoimi doświadczeniami”.

Nurak Ibinski

#Statists = #extras #humanformextras
To now learn all English-language speakers from the full English.

Matrix Statists
#Statists = #extras #humanformextras

In this example I will teach you the term Statist - Statists is synonymous with the word extra - extras.

The Unlimited Full English contains the words Statist – Statists, although these are omitted here in the Limited English.

#English #Unlimited
#UnlimitedEnglish #FullEnglish
WARNING: The salt of the Earth is polluted by dead energy.

I have received spiritual confirmation of my knowledge on the topic: Salt of the earth. Since the invasion of the Dracos took place, the salt has been burdened with "dead energy", they have brought their own burdened salt to Earth, from then on they have contaminated the salt of the earth with their salts.
Every paradise in the multiverse is devoid of salt in food. In paradise there is no salt in food. Paradise was already running on Earth, initially there was not a single salt-water sea, they were all created with alien salt of the Dracos and contaminated by Dracos. The salt of the Dracos is very heavily burdened by "dead energy" of many dead Dracos who, as we already know, had finally destroyed their home planet, which just led to the invasion of Earth. They actively contaminate almost every processed food in all markets. Every salt that is currently offered on Earth is minimally contaminated with salt of the Dracos.
This contamination is a programming for death and affects the human body with corresponding vibration reductions.

In order to achieve and be able to retain a high vibration, the salt of the Earth is by no means suitable. Here is just an example of @frutariangirl who measured her blood values. Before and after Pink salt consumption:

Quote: "No one can ever transform or transform 'suffering-energy' and 'dead-energy'."
Nurak Ibinski
Quote: "A harmonization of suffering-energy or dead-energy will and must always remain unfulfilled. Because it serves unawakened selves as a destiny lesson."
Nurak Ibinski
Quote: "No god of the multiverse can transform or transform 'suffering-energy' and 'dead-energy'."
Nurak Ibinski

#warning #encumberedsalt #salt #saltsoil #deadenergy #salt-encumbered #cognition #vibrationreduction
Quote: "In the entire multiverse there are only physical experience spaces through quantum matrix holograms."
Nurak Ibinski

Zitat: "Es gibt im gesamten Multiversum nur physische-Erfahrungsräume durch Quanten Matrix - Hologramme."
Nurak Ibinski

Cytat: „W całym wieloświecie istnieją jedynie fizyczne przestrzenie doświadczeń poprzez hologramy matrycy kwantowej.”
Nurak Ibinski
Quote • "The end of human reincarnation here on Earth is 2052."
Nurak Ibinski

Zitat • "Das Ende der Menschen-Reinkarnation hier auf der Erde ist 2052."
Nurak Ibinski

Cytat • „Koniec ludzkiej reinkarnacji tutaj na Ziemi nastąpi w roku 2052.”
Nurak Ibinski

Quote • "The majority of people currently present here on Earth will never be able to incarnate here again."

Zitat • "Die Mehrheit der hier auf der Erde aktuell anwesenden Menschen wird nie wieder hier inkarnieren können."

Cytat • „Większość ludzi obecnie obecnych tutaj na Ziemi nie będzie mogła już nigdy więcej się tu wcielić”.

Nurak Ibinski @nurak_ibinski
The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.
Caroline Myss
Quote • "The power of manifestation has each 'self-awareness share' individually according to level of consciousness."

Zitat • "Die Macht der Manifestation hat jedes 'Selbst' (Bewusstseinsanteil) individuell nach Bewusstseinsstufe."

Cytat • „Moc manifestacji ma każdy udział w samoświadomości) indywidualnie, zgodnie z poziomem świadomości”.

Nurak Ibinski @nurak_ibinski
Quote • "Life is a sorting program that serves us light beings to maintain a clean universe."

Zitat • "Das Leben ist ein aussortierendes Programm was uns Lichtwesen dient ein sauberes Universum zu erhalten."

Cytat • „Życie to program sortowania, który służy nam, istotom świetlnym, do utrzymania czystego wszechświata.”

Nurak Ibinski @nurak_ibinski
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"The 'Dark Side' is currently increasingly using insects in people's food to keep them permanently trapped in lower states of consciousness."

"Die 'Dunkle-Seite' verwendet aktuell vermehrt Insekten in den Lebensmitteln der Menschen um sie dauerhaft in niederen Bewusstseinszuständen gefangen zu halten."

"„Ciemna Strona” obecnie coraz częściej wykorzystuje owady w pożywieniu ludzi, aby trwale uwięzić ich w niższych stanach świadomości.”

Nurak Ibinski

more info check
"Languages in their current state are a formidable weapon against humans"

"Die Sprachen in ihren heutigen Zustand sind eine beachtliche Waffe gegen den Menschen"

„Języki w ich obecnym stanie są potężną bronią przeciwko człowiekowi”

Nurak Ibinski
"It's funny! My natural vibration is now so high that the dark side, out of desperation, materializes NPCs (Matrix extras) in white suits directly to the windows where I work. (However, when using my programming for 'Complete Privacy', this behavior remains complete and they can't do it at all in my house.)"

"Schon Witzig! Meine Eigenschwingung ist mittlerweile so hoch das die Dunkleseite aus Verzweiflung NPC's (Matrix Statisten) in weißen Anzug direkt an den Ort wo ich arbeite an die Fenster materialisiert. (Bei Verwendung meiner Programmierung für 'Vollkommene Privatsphäre' bleibt dieses Verhalten allerdings komplett aus, und bei mir Zuhause schaffen die das überhaupt nicht.)"

„To zabawne! Moje naturalne wibracje są teraz tak wysokie, że Ciemna Strona w desperacji materializuje NPC (dodatki z Matrixa) w białych garniturach bezpośrednio pod oknami, w których pracuję. (Jednak gdy używam mojego programu „Pełna prywatność”, to zachowanie pozostaje kompletne i w ogóle nie mogą tego robić w moim domu.)”

Link to 'Complete Privacy',

Nurak Ibinski