NU ACM-Women News
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Empowering female students in Computer Science by creating & sharing educational and career opportunities.

Celebrate, inform and support women in computing!

@piluvzz - Chair
@amankeldinovam - Vice-Chair
@sacredxlotus - Vice-Chair
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Facebook is committed to advancing women in technology, and we are very excited to announce the 2019 Facebook Grace Hopper Women in Computing Scholarship!

This fall we’ll join thousands of remarkable women in technology in Orlando, Florida from September 30 - October 4, 2019 for our twelfth year at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. This unique scholarship program will be awarded to 50 women excelling in Computer Science. Each recipient will have the opportunity not only to attend the Celebration, but to spend valuable days before the conference with Facebook engineers learning, collaborating, and preparing for the conference.

🔻Important Dates:
- Applications for the Facebook Grace Hopper Celebration Scholarship must be submitted in full by Friday, June 28th, 5:00pm PDT.

🔻Minimum Qualifications:
• The scholarship is open to all women currently enrolled in a 4-year undergraduate or graduate degree-seeking university program, majoring in Computer Science or a related field (i.e. Computer Engineering, Math, Statistics, Information systems)
• For international applicants: If you are selected, you would be responsible for your own travel visa. Facebook will cover travel expenses.

🔻Follow the link to APPLY!
If you want to become a member of NU ACM-W SC, fill the form
Forwarded from NU ACM Student Chapter
Dear friends!

We are happy to announce that NU ACM SC is recruiting!

Nazarbayev University ACM Student Chapter - is the branch of the largest international organization of computer technology, computer science, and engineering, which aim to develop and promote the technical potential of the students of our university.

This year we are planning a lot of events and activities, so we welcome everyone who are willing to contribute to our community!

For this recruitment, we are offering technical positions (SIG teams and designers).

FYI: ACM's SIGs - Special Interest Groups - are the communities that develop together in special technical areas like competitive programming, mobile dev, web, AI and etc. SIG Team is a group of people who will help us to establish and maintain the SIG. You are not expected to be experienced at management or have special knowledge in the sphere. SIGs aim to give you the opportunity for growth.

To apply for ACM membership please fill this form.

Deadline: August 21, 23:59

IMPORTANT: There will be another recruitment after ACM Opening Ceremony for those of you who are not familiar to ACM and our agency. Stay tuned!
“JAVA HACK” in Moscow!

This is a 2-day hackathon for beginner developers, UI/UX designers, and managers of digital products which will take place in Moscow. Participants develop prototypes of digital solutions for bank clients with the integration of third-party services. The main organizer in Raiffeisen bank and there is a great opportunity to join the IT community of Raiffeisen bank!

More information on website and
Don’t miss your opportunity!
JAVA HACK - Хакатон для Java-разработчиков от Райффайзенбанк!
Forwarded from Грамм Тилека
Outtalent is proud to present our first Women in Tech webinar with Aida Zhumabekova who will talk about her work on Google Lens and the latest trends in AR & VR.

This will be followed by a Q&A panel about getting a job at Google and working at Google with recruiters from Google Japan and Azamat Beknazarov from Kyrgyzstan who works there as a customer solutions engineer.

The event is focused on female developers primarily from Central Asia, Caucasus, and Eastern Europe.

Deadline to sign up is August 22, 2019.

Sign up here now to receive further instructions on joining the webinar and share it with your friends:
Dear friends,
NU ACM-W Student Chapter is happy to announce the ACM-Leetcode Marathon for Women!
If you want to challenge yourself, upgrade your programming skills and prepare for the upcoming interview problems, you are welcome to join us starting this Thursday! The marathon will last 2 weeks, within which you will be given a certain amount of coding problems and required to solve as many as you can. There will be valuable prizes for the winners, which will be announced later!

The two tracks we provide this time:
•Beginner/Novice track - is for the ones who are new to programming world and want to start with easy problems (oriented to Foundation, 1st year students)
•Experienced track - for those who have experience in algorithm-based problems (for 2-3rd year students)
The registration is open for anyone who identify themselves as a women.
The starting date: 29 August
The ending date: 12 September
How to start?
- Register via the following link:

You are highly restricted to look at/copy the code from the internet/friends/other participants. At the end of the contest we will check works for plagiarism. Anyway, realize that you are working for yourself, to develop your skills and raise your chances to get a job of your dream in the future, so be honest with yourself in the first place! :)
Deadline for registration is 29 August 6 PM.
Problems will be available right after the opening ceremony.
Important ‼️ The date for Leetcode Marathon has changed to 2 September - 16 September period. Accordingly, the deadline for registration is 1 September 6 PM.
Dear participants of Leetcode Marathon for Women,
we are ready to start our challenge! The end of the marathon is 16 September 6 PM.
The link for novice track problems:
The link for experienced track problems:
The instruction on how to submit your code is written in these spreadsheets. Keep in mind that cheeting makes no harm to us, but for you. So try to be honest for yourself!
If you have any questions feel free to contact us. Good luck and a lot of patience!
Dear girls, happy to say that we are halfway to the finish line of the marathon!🥳
We are proud of you, keep solving problems and pushing yourself harder👩🏻‍💻
And if you haven’t solved any problem yet, you still have a week to do it. Just start, because we know you can😉💪🏻
Открыта подача заявок на аутричи , до 24 сентября.
студентам, девушкам и тем кто подходят под критерии underrepresented в сфере IT

работа над open source, с декабря по март, удаленно, оплачивается $5,500 USD + $500 на конференции 🙀😎👍🏻

Outreachy internship projects may include programming, user experience, documentation, illustration, graphical design, or data science

Проверить, подходите ли вы

Оля Тележная ее проходила, рассказ о стажировке:

Инфа из российского закрытого телеграм-чата code-sisters (чтобы туда попасть нужен инвайт), а вот их страница ВК
Dear friends,

NU ACM-W Student Chapter is happy to announce that THIS SUNDAY we’re organizing a workshop “DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS IN PRACTICE”!

We assume that you have a little knowledge in data structures (at least theoretical), since the main focus will be on problem solving and differences between data structures.

The tentative topics for the workshop:
• stack
• queue
• hash tables
• sorting
• binary search

Where? – 7E.429
When? – September 15, 2019
Time? – 2 pm – 3.30 pm
Language? – Russian
For whom?
– Participants of upcoming Coding Marathon, which is held by NU ACM-W SC each semester
– Those preparing for interviews
– Everyone interested in this topic

The tasks and their solutions will be sent to your emails, so please don’t forget to REGISTER and don’t forget to bring your laptops!

P.S. There will be a series of similar workshops from ACM-W, so stay tuned!
У тебя мог возникнуть вопрос: "Зачем мне воркшоп по теории на практике, если есть ICPC SIG, где я могу сразу начать писать код?"

Так что ниже мы привели важные различия между ICPC SIG и воркшопом, который организует студентка третьего курса CS, Данекер Нургалиева:
1. Для ICPC вы уже должны уметь программировать, знать структуры данных и алгоритмы и уметь применять их на практике.
Для воркшопа вам хватит только базовых теоретических знаний.

2. На ICPC вам будут объяснять преимущественно решения задач. В воркшопе вам дадут краткий обзор, объяснят разницу и дадут примеры, прежде чем давать задачи для практики.

На ICPC SIG сейчас очень мало девушек, и мы хотим это изменить, так что быстрее регистрируйся по ссылке и приходи на воркшоп завтра в 14.00 в 7е.429!
Dear girls, our Leetcode Marathon for Women organized by ACM-W has come to an end. Hope it was useful for you! We will announce the winners of the marathon by the end of the week. Thank you for your participation!🌟
NU ACM-W Student Chapter is delighted to announce the meetup called "Females in Kazakhstani IT: Real Talk", which will be held THIS FRIDAY!

At the talk, you will have a chance to meet 2 amazing women currently working in IT in Kazakhstan, who started their path from totally different spheres and finally found themselves in IT. Let's talk about our world, our reality. Only real stories with all the benefits and drawbacks in the way of being a woman in tech.


Adilyam Tilegen:
• Senior student - SDU (Information Systems) 
Alem - founding team member
• "Technovation" regional finalist - 2016
• Intern in mobile development - "Lab518" Company
• Method PRO Intern - 2017
• Web-designer - "Elefanto" Company
• School 42 (Kiev) - Graphics and Algorithms specialized
Yenlik Bokina:
Alem - founding team member
• Method PRO - 2017
• Alumni of SUDC (Synergy University Dubai Campus) - 2018 (Information Systems and Technologies)
• NCE of RK (National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan) "Atameken"- IT-assistant of Chairman
• School 42 (Kiev) - UNIX field specialized

Adilyam and Yenlik will share their stories, experiences and will give some tips to succeed in IT! 
So, don't miss an opportunity to know the secrets of these girls and motivate yourself to achieve your goals!