Normal Stuff
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31.12 - Chechnya bombed
31.12 - Afghanistan bombed
31.12 - Syria bombed
31.12 - Gaza will be bombed

What are you celebrating?
The death of your brothers and sisters?
"An Ummah that sleeps on the Night of Decree but stays awake until morning on New Year's Eve should not question the reason for its humiliation and weakness."
While they celebrate 2024 Years of Shirk.

We are in 1445 Years of Tawheed.
"And actually those were the best days of my prison stay, in the company of my father. It was approximately maybe the last three to four months of the nine months that we stayed in that particular solitary prison. The point is that even before this situation and until today, my father takes matters with a smile. I saw my father patient and content and I never saw him disgruntled. Allahumma Barik Lahu, may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant him a longer life full of deeds. That cell is smaller than your twin size mattress, it has an upper and lower bunk. I got the upper bunk and my father the lower bunk. By the way, the size of the walking area is smaller than your prayer carpet. The walking space is smaller than your prayer carpet size, and then there is a toilet behind you.

Laying in the upper bunk, I would watch my father in Salah, reciting Qur’an and smiling. He used to love to read out loud and all the inmates would love to listen to him read Surat al-Kahf every single night. He would be smiling and advising other inmates who shout to seek advice from him.

And at times he would stand at the bars and give a Khutbah, because there is bars and they can hear you if your voice is loud. He would give a Khutbah and advise both the Muslim and non-Muslim inmates.

In that solitary, many embraced Islam, Alhamdulillahi Rabbil-‘Aalameen.

- Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril حفظه الله in Sharh Al-Usul Ath-Thalatha pg. 246-247
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Effects of Sins

Ibn ‘Abbas (رضي الله عنه) said:

• Blackness in the face
• Darkness in the heart
• Weakness in the body
• Decrease in Rizq (provisions)
• Hate towards you in the hearts of people

[Al Waabil As-Sayyib, 30]
Ibn Qayyim ‎رحمه الله said:

"Islam is Tawheed and worship of Allah alone with no association with Him, and Imān in Allah and His Prophet ﷺ and his followers and what he brought, so if a slave does not do this then he is not a Muslim, and if he is not a stubborn Kafir, then he is a Jahil Kafir."

[Tariq al-Hijratayn, 411. (897 PDF)]
Du'a is the weapon of the Mu'mineen,
Shoot, Ikhwā wa Akhawāt, shoot.
Forwarded from Normal Stuff
Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab رحمه الله said:

"Uttering the Shahadah i.e. "La ilaha illa Allah” without knowing it's meaning or acting upon it, does not makes the person a Muslim, rather this is evidence against him. Contrary to those who claim; that iman is merely affirmation, such as the Karamiyyah, and mere ratification, such as the Jahmiyyah."

[Ad-Durar As-saniyyah, 12/535]

Umar ibn Al-Khattab رضي الله عنه said,

"Learn Arabic, for it strengthens the intelligence and increases one’s noble conduct."

[Shu’ab al-Imaan, al-Bayhaqi (4/187)]
"Leave something for Allah,
but never leave Allah for something."
"When you find yourself wasting time with Dunya matters, it’s a great blessing to have a mother that says:

'Have you read anything today?
Leave everything aside and remember your Lord.
Strong reminders, anecdotes, advices, etc. is all good, however being eager for actual 'Ilm should be our concern. Read, listen and seek for it eagerly.
And brothers, remember: Just because it's a topic for the sisters doesn't mean you shouldn't acquire knowledge about it.

You (will) have sisters, daughters, nieces etc. and if they have no one to teach them that knowledge, who else will do it if not you?
The Ruling on Delaying the Salah - Shaykh AMJ.pdf
647.2 KB
Very strong admonishing words from our beloved Shaykh, حفظه الله. Read it, you will not regret it!