Non JUPAS 資訊頻道
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Dear all students,

Don't give up.

If you want to give up this course, I encourage you. Don't give up.

Pause for a moment and think. If you retake this course, then you may not allow to take other courses in the next semester, especially those courses having pre-requisite of the course.
Then you may need to defer your graduation. It will definitely water your parents' money. If they know you will need to defer, they will be very sad. I totally understand your parants' feeling because I am also a father with two kids.

Retrospect... , when you were a baby or child, especially you were sick, mother, father took care of you whole night. Do you still remember?

When you were hungry, sad and sorrowful in your childhoold, your mother said softly that I am always with you....

My dear children, do not give up. You all still have chance to pass this course (depending on your performance of final examination).
Dear Lecturers,

Approaching the end of my study in ___, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for what you have taught within the past 2 years.

I really appreciate the effort you all have made, especially during this difficult time.

What I've learnt have equipped me to face challenges in real life, and enhanced my soft skills in different aspects. I will carry on what I've learnt in ___ programme after entering the __(School)___ ___(Programme)___ programme. This wouldn't be possible without your help.

I would like to once again thank you all for the help. Good Bye!

如果覺得 Asso 嗰邊嘅 Lecturer 幫到你記住要還神
【我嘅申請狀況係 Rejected / Unsuccessful,可唔可以問學校叫佢重新考慮?】

一般而言,學校並唔會公開您不被考慮嘅原因,而 Appeal 成功嘅機會亦唔大。
但倘若您有充分理據認為以上 Unsuccessful 不合理(例如見到有同學分數比你明顯低許多而獲錄取),或者日後出結果後有重大改變(例如出咗 DSE 結果 / Asso 成績有顯著上升),可以禮貌地向相關學校詢問 Appeal 嘅程序。過往確實有因為職員錯誤輸入 GPA ,及後上訴成功嘅例子。

ℹ️ 以上回覆不適用於 Pending / Pending Decision (quota full) / Under Review / Under consideration。 如果您屬於以上類別,請耐心等候學校消息至九月。
HKCC - 2024年6月12日
HKU SPACE - 2024年6月26日
(註: 過往經驗顯示 HKU SPACE會於擬定嘅日子前兩個禮拜左右公佈結果,而 HPSHCC 則比其他分校遲公佈結果)
IVE / HKDI Sem 5 - 2024年6月19日
IVE / HKDI Sem 3 or Sem 6 - 2024年8月8日 *
EduHK 非畢業班: 2024年6月21日
EduHK 畢業班: 2024年5月10日 <六月中會出 Statement of result>
本年度 DSE - 2024年7月17日
IGCSE 2024 May Series - 不遲於 2024年8月31日 *

臨到 Sem 尾可能大家嘅工作量比較大,要記住學業雖然重要,但唔係生命唯一嘅事。

有唔開心嘅情緒,可以身邊既人分享,Admin 亦樂意為你分擔,唔好自己一個鬱埋

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1⃣ 發問前,請閱讀報名須知以及相關嘅官網
2⃣ 本年度派位記錄 / 歷年派位記錄 明白到大家都有啲緊張,但如果未獲派位嘅請耐心等候。
3⃣ 請時常檢查電郵(包括垃圾郵件)。八大派位時均會以電郵通知。
4⃣ IELTS 資源
【PolyU 派彩時間】
收到 Offer 請填一填問卷

💬 繳交文件正本嘅需知
ℹ️ 獲派位後嘅注意事項
✏️ Edit制傳聞
ℹ️ 由 2023學年起, PolyU 報多過一科,可以派多過一個 Offer。 兩科嘅 Preference 不分先後。如果收到新嘅 Offer 唔需要再交位費。
🕐 系統逢星期四 00:01 出Offer (偶有例外)
💰 交第一期學費後,開學前可以退學費 ($16050), 但留位費無得退

👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 Group:
如果學校叫你交文件,但相關文件未出,可以用下面link 嘅 Template #7 回覆學校,並告知預期幾時有。
✉️ 學校叫我上傳文件,但相關文件未出
📅 各大專院校出 GPA嘅日期 (如適用)
想問下各位要交 Portfolio 嘅同學 (包括 PolyU Design, CityU Creative Media, CU Fine Arts, BU Visual Arts 或其他科目),今年相關科目交 Portfolio 嘅程序係點?

1. 大概幾月交
2. 交 Portfolio 嘅形式, 係網上 upload / 交實體 / Interview時展示
3. 有無特定要求
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CityU 欲接受同一年度第二個 offer 時,是否需要交多次留位費
Anonymous Quiz
推薦大家一個用嚟記事、整理筆記同埋共享內容嘅平台: Notion

使用指定嘅學校電郵依家可以免費升級到 Pro version。


因此就我個人的經驗,我非常推薦學生們可以嘗試一下 Notion 這款強大的筆記軟體,相信一定可以幫助到學生將自己課內課外所學記錄起來!Notion 現在用學術單位的信箱註冊,也可以享有 Notion 個人方案免費的好康,各位同學們一定要把握機會!
