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is 43 years old and father of 2 kids. He has been sentenced to death in an unjust and corrupted trial by the Islamic regime for the death of a Basiji. We want the UN and all other human rights organization to speak up and act to stop these executions.
🔘 متن توییت دستی برای ماهان صدرات:

#MahanSedarat has been sentenced to death by the cruel regime just for protesting. He is in his early 20s.
Where are human rights activists? Where is the world?

A guy from Basij militia says he was beaten by‎‌ #MahanSedarat⁩. He denies the accusation, but has been sentenced to death. Whether true or not, execution is way too disproportionate for the alleged crime.

#Mahansedarat The complainant has officially withdrawn his complaint saying doesn't ask for compensation for his damaged motorcycle but the Judge is looking for a neck for execution. Repeating #MohsenShekari tragedy to MahanSedarat in coming days.
🔘 متن توییت دستی برای حسین محمدی:

#HosseinMohammadi, 26, an artist & theatre actor, arrested on Nov 5, is one of the 5 people sentenced to death by a kangaroo court in Karaj. Like others, his case was investigated hastily. Stop the sham trials & killings!

#HosseinMohammadi, a 26 year old artist and theatre actor from Karaj was detained on November 5th and has been sentenced to death only 3 days after his case was taken to court.

It looks like #HosseinMohammadi is one of the 5 people who are sentenced to death by the Islamic Regime in Karaj. He is a 26 year old actor and was not even in the list of initial 15 defendants! Be his voice!

#HosseinMohammadi, 26 ans, artiste et acteur de théâtre, arrêté le 5 novembre, est l'une des 5 personnes condamnées à mort par le tribunal de Karaj. Arrêtez les meurtres d’innocents!
🔘 متن توییت دستی برای مجیدرضا رهنورد:

#MajidRezaRahnavard is kidnapped in Mashad, Iran by IR forces weeks ago. This innocent young man is tortured, sentenced to death & will be executed soon.

Say #MajidrezaRahnavard's name. A young man from Mashhad, Iran who is tortured and sentenced to death. He is going to be executed for a false accusation of murder. His life is in danger. BE HIS VOICE before it’s too LATE.

#MajidRezaRahnavard got death penalty and tortured by IR regime. He is being accused with false charges and no court or investigation. BE HIS VOICE before it’s too LATE.

#MajidRezaRahnavard is indicted by the Islamic Regime on the meaningless charge of “Waging war against God” which for medieval Mullahs is reason for execution. They had beaten him up so much that he was injured in all the photos they published of him after arrest.

#MajidrezaRahnavard’s life is in serious danger. He is an innocent Iranian who falsely accused of killing two security guards. BE HIS VOICE before it’s too LATE.

#MajidRezaRahnavard is sentenced to death & tortured by IR while he was kidnapped a few days ago in Mashhad, Iran. He is being accused with false charges and no court or investigation. BE HIS VOICE before it’s too LATE.

#MajidrezaRahnavard an innocent Iranian who was kidnapped & tortured by the Islamic Republic Regime is sentenced to death with false and unreal accusations.

A death sentence has been issued for #MajidrezaRahnavard, a young man from Mashhad, Iran who was tortured and kidnapped by IR and they want to execute him ASAP.

#MajidrezaRahnavard will be executed. He was kidnapped and tortured by IR. Please amplify Iranian Prisoners voice!
#HosseinMohammadi, 26, an artist & theatre actor, arrested on Nov 5, is one of the 5 people sentenced to death by a kangaroo court in Karaj. Like others, his case was investigated hastily. Stop the sham trials & killings!

#HosseinMohammadi, a 26 year old artist and theatre actor from Karaj was detained on November 5th and has been sentenced to death only 3 days after his case was taken to court.

It looks like #HosseinMohammadi is one of the 5 people who are sentenced to death by the Islamic Regime in Karaj. He is a 26 year old actor and was not even in the list of initial 15 defendants! Be his voice!

#HosseinMohammadi, 26 ans, artiste et acteur de théâtre, arrêté le 5 novembre, est l'une des 5 personnes condamnées à mort par le tribunal de Karaj. Arrêtez les meurtres d’innocents!
Today, the criminal regime of the Islamic Republic has transferred #SamanSeydi and two other protesters to cells for execution. Please be our voice to prevent the execution of innocents.
#MohammadBroghani is a young protestor from Paakdasht, Iran who has been sentenced to death after the police searched his phone and social media to lie about a crime he did not commit.He has not harmed anyone and he does NOT deserve the death penalty.
#AkbarGhafari was kidnapped after giving shelter to some protesters. He was kept in solidarity confinement and under pressure for days. He is illiterate but they made him sign a paper saying he killed an officer. Now his life is in danger
#MehdiKarami's life is in danger. a few days ago, he was sentenced to death without obtaining permission from his lawyer for the crime of corruption. If we aren’t the voice of Mehdi, he will be killed innocently!
Please be his voice!
A death sentence has been issued for #MajidrezaRahnavard, a young man from Mashhad, Iran who was tortured and kidnapped by IR and they want to execute him ASAP.
#HosseinMohammadi, 26, an artist & theatre actor, arrested on Nov 5, is one of the 5 people sentenced to death by a kangaroo court in Karaj. Like others, his case was investigated hastily. Stop the sham trials & killings!
🔘 متن توییت برای کامبیز خروت:
#KambizKhorvat, 20, Baluch citizen, is sentenced to death on charges of "Disturbing through war and Corruption on earth" in Zahedan prison. He was subjected to severe torture and didn't have the right to choose a lawyer.
🔘 متن توییت برای ابراهیم نارویی:
SOS! #EbrahimNaroui, 25 yo innocent baluch guy, has got a death penalty in Zahedan, Iran.
He was arrested 2 months ago on charges of "Destroying public property".
Be his voice BEFORE it's too LATE!
🔘 متن توییت و تارگت برای سپاه یک سازمان تروریستی:

The terrorist ambassadors of IRI are not our representatives! They demand the execution of Mohammad Broghani and Qobadlou, just as they killed MohammadMehdi Karami. Put the IRGC in the list of terrorist groups and expel the ambassadors of IRI.Hear our real voice!

We Iranian revolutionaries request the world to expel the terrorist ambassadors of the Islamic Republic. By doing this, you will save the children of Iran, Ukraine, Iraq and Syria. Be the voice of humanity.

The European Union should expel the ambassadors of the Islamic Republic regime and recall its own ambassadors, if they don't do this, it will move in support of the mullahs, and we consider them friends and colleagues of the mullahs..

In your silence the murderous of dictator, the one who kills off the children of Ukraine, Iran, Iraq and Syria. Return human rights to the world by expelling the ambassadors of the terrorist IRI.

In the past 4 month, Iranians have asked for nothing but peace and equality by chanting the slogan of women,life, freedom; and now it is your turn to take a step for human rights by expelling Iranian ambassadors. support us!

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is a sabotaging, murderous, criminal and terrorist group, a large part of the recent repressions in Iran have been carried out by this organization.

Hey world, do you still want to deal and do business with them? Or do you want to stand with the Iranian people and boycott them?
#MahsaAmini #IRGCterrorists
🔘 دعوت از اوکراینی‌ها و سوری‌ها برای تجمع در کنار مردم ایرانی در ١۶ ژانویه در استراسبورگ:
• اوکراینی:
IRGC причетний до великих злочинів в Ірані, таких як вбивства та придушення протестів іранців, допомога Росії у війні з Україною.  Запрошуємо взяти участь у марші 16 січня у Страсбурзі, Франція, за внесення IRGC до списку терористичних організацій.

Dear Ukrainian people,as we all know, you have suffered a lot from IRGC missiles.Join us to force EU to declare #IRGCterrorists
Шановний український народе, як ми всі знаємо, ви багато постраждали від ракет КВІР. Приєднуйтеся до нас, щоб змусити ЄС оголосити #IRGCterrorists

• انگلیسی:
IRGC is involved in major crimes in Iran such as killing and suppressing protests of Iranians, helping Russia in the war with Ukraine. We invite you to participate in the march on January 16 in Strasbourg, France, to put the IRGC on the list of terrorist organizations.

We will appriciate our #ukranian and #syrian friends in all around france to accompany we iranians in strasbourg to call #IRGCterrorists by helping each other on january 16

Dear Syrians and Ukrainians, we can stand together and destroy one of the most brutal terrorists in the world, just stand together and gather in Strasbourg on January 16 and tweet the hashtag #IRGCterrorists Let's put our.
We are undoubtedly victorious .

With the IRGC out of the picture, Putin will fall immediately. IRGC drones are killing Ukrainians. Join us Iranians to force the EU to put the IRGC on the terrorist list.
We will win this together.

• عربی:
الحرس الثوري الإيراني هو أحد المنظمات المتورطة في جرائم كبرى في إيران، مثل قتل وقمع الاحتجاجات الإيرانية وخلق حالة من انعدام الأمن في سوريا. ندعوكم للانضمام إلى المسيرات يوم 16 يناير في ستراسبورغ، فرنسا، لإدراج الحرس الثوري الإيراني في قائمة المنظمات الإرهابية.
🔘 متن توییت برای دعوت اوکراینی‌های به تجمع ١۶ ژانویه استراسبورگ:

Корпус вартових- терористична військова організація, яка базується в Ірані і відповідає за виробництво та продаж безпілотників-смертників до Росії.
Ці дрони-смертники вбили багато невинних людей в Україні.

Ми, волелюбний народ Ірану, просимо народ України приєднатися до нас 16 січня у Страсбурзі та вимагати внесення до списку терористів назви «Корпус вартових ». Це призводить до глобальних санкцій проти цієї терористичної групи.

IRGC причетний до великих злочинів в Ірані, таких як вбивства та придушення протестів іранців, допомога Росії у війні з Україною.  Запрошуємо взяти участь у марші 16 січня у Страсбурзі, Франція, за внесення IRGC до списку терористичних організацій.

Шановний український народе, як ми всі знаємо, ви багато постраждали від ракет КВІР. Приєднуйтеся до нас, щоб змусити ЄС оголосити.

IRGC is involved in major crimes in Iran such as killing and suppressing protests of Iranians helping Russia in the war with Ukraine We invite you to participate in the march on January 16 in Strasbourg France to put the IRGC on the list of terrorist organizations

Dear Ukrainians, we can stand together and destroy one of the most brutal terrorists in the world, just stand together and gather in Strasbourg on January 16 and tweet the hashtag #IRGCterrorists Let's put our.
We are undoubtedly victorious

With the IRGC out of the picture, Putin will fall immediately. IRGC drones are killing Ukrainians. Join us Iranians to force the EU to put the IRGC on the terrorist list.
We will win this together.
This map shows the terrorist activities of #IRGCterrorists all around the world. They have been spreading terror for forty-four years!!
That’s why we say IRGC is the enemy of humanity and a danger to the whole world.
📍دستی توییت بزنید:
• نکته: از تصاویر همراه با متن توییت‌ها استفاده کنید و بعد از توییت زدن نمایندگان را زیر توییت خود تگ کنید، یا متن توییت‌ها رو زیر آخرین توییت نمایندگان منشن بذارید.

UNHRC opening, Geneva,Feb. 27, 2023: We call on democracies to walk out when the regime’s foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian takes the podium #WalkoutIRI

Geneva, April 20, 2009, "UN racism conference"
Members of the conference walked out on IR's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Please support #IranRevolution by doing the same thing on Feb 27, when the Islamic Republic regime’s foreign minister, Amir Abdollahian takes the podium.

On Feb 27, Amir Abdollahian will be going to Switzerland for the foreign ministers conference.
We sincerely ask you to support #IranRevolution by walking out on him.

On the 27th of february in Geneve, The terrorist regime will address foreign ministers gathered from around the world at the U.N.’s highest human rights body. We call on all nations to stand up with brave Iranian people by walking out on Abdollahian.

The IR FM, A. Abdolahian, is going to speak on Feb 27 in UNHRC.
We are calling on all countries to respond to this call and #WalkoutIRI & show solidarity with the people of Iran. You cannot honor the rep of a totalitarian, fascist & terrorist gov. #Mahsa_Amini

Amir Abdolahian represents a fascistic theocracy which has killed #MahsaAmini for not wearing the forced #Hijab and also over 500 people for protesting her death.
He should not be speaking at the @UN_HRC on Monday #WalkOutIRI

The IR FM , Amir Abdolahian , is going to speak on Feb 27 in UNHRC . He represents a government that killed many innocent people including 70 children.
We are calling on all countries to respond to this call and walk out . Stand up for human rights and democracy

The IR FM, A. Abdolahian, is going to speak on Feb 27 in UNHRC.
We are calling on all countries to respond to this call and #WalkoutIRI & show solidarity with the people of Iran. You cannot honor the rep. of a totalitarian, fascist & terrorist gov. if you are not its accomplice.

The terrorist regime will address foreign ministers gathered at the highest human rights body of the U.N. on February 27 in Geneve. 
We appeal to other countries to reject Abdollahian in solidarity with the courageous Iranian people.

We urge all the countries present at opening of the UN to ask the diplomats to walkout on Amir_Abdullahian's speech.
This is a regime that blinds,imprisons,tortures ,
rapes &kills innocent women, men &children for protesting their basic rights and human dignity.
📍 حمله شیمیایی به مدارس ایران - متن انگلیسی:

A series of chemical and physical attacks aimed at schoolgirls continues in Iran; as a punishment for supporting #WomenLifeFreedom. We urge @UN and related organizations to take immediate action. we must protect students. @USAmbUN #IRGCterrorists @amnesty @GCR2P @IntlCrimCourt

Due to reports from hospitals, students has been poisoned by a gas that smelled like orange and tangerine. causing nausea, fainting, Lysis, ...
@UN @OPCW @ElementFact

A group of #IRGCcotrrorists called Basij has attacked an English language institution in Islamshahr. Illegally arresting ( abducting ) students for not having proper hijab. No more information about the students and where they are being kept is shared. #WomenLifeFreedom
@USAmbUN @amnesty

تصاویر و فیلم‌های مرتبط رو از اینجا تهیه کنيد.

📍 متن‌های جدید درمورد همین موضوع به انگلیسی:

The chemical attacks on schools in Iran are increasing. Everyday, more and more students are getting poisoned in different cities by the hands of #IRGCterrorists.
We sincerely ask you to discuss this important matter in your press conferences.

We sincerely ask you to discuss Chemical attacks that are happening in schools of Iran in your press conferences
These attacks have been going on since Nov30,2022 by #IRGCterrorists
More than 60schools in different cities have been affected by chemical gas

The chemical attacks on schools in Iran are increasing. Everyday, more and more students are getting poisoned in different cities by the hands of #IRGCterrorists.
We sincerely ask you to discuss this important matter in your press conferences

We sincerely ask you to discuss these Chemical attacks on schools in Iran that have been going on since Nov 30, 2022 by #IRGCterrorists

#BiologicalTerror in schools by regime in Iran is happening since mid February
Hundreds of students were seriously poisoned in different cities led to the death of two so far. Many of them were unconscious and were taken to the hospital! #SaveIranianSchoolgirls

The #BiologicalTerrorism attacks perpetrated by the Islamic Republic against female students in Iran, resulting in serious poisoning and unconsciousness, represent a gross violation of their fundamental right to education and must be immediately condemned and halted.

should view widespread poisoning of Iranian students —the vast majority being women —as a mass casualty scenario involving chemical warfare and conduct an investigation as to prove that this heinous act was deliberate and orchestrated by the Islamic Republic regime.

Outrageous, The evil Islamic Republic has started a series of biological attacks on children's schools. Hundreds of students were poisoned and taken to hospitals.

The serial chemical attack on female school students in Iran is a crime against humanity. International community&human rights organizations must take action to halt the Islamic republic's crimes before it is too late! #SaveIranianSchoolgirls

The terrorist regime of the Islamic Republic is engaged in biological terror of male and female students in Iranian schools.

The Islamic regime is organising the #biological_terror ☢️ of Iranian students. These chemical attacks, which primarily target girls' schools, are retaliation for students' participation in the Iranian women's revolution.

#BiologicalTerror in schools by regime thugs #Auschwitz in #IslamicRegime is happening since mid February.
Hundreds of students were seriously poisoned in different cities led to the death of two so far. Many of them were unconscious and were taken to the hospital

The Islamic Republic regime is using #Chemicalattack against Iranian citizens. If this is not a terrorist act then what would make the west to wake up? They will use it in your countries too if you still continue to condemn and don’t react properly
📍 حمله شیمیایی به مدارس ایران - متن فرانسوی:

Une série d'attaques chimiques et physiques visant les écolières se poursuit en Iran; comme punition pour soutenir #WomenLifeFreedom. Nous exhortons @UN et les organisations connexes à prendre des mesures immédiates. @amnesty

تصاویر و فیلم‌های مرتبط رو از اینجا تهیه کنيد.