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#HassanFirouzi's body, after being prisoner and TORTURED for weeks because of protesting. They told the family "we await his getting better, then we'll EXECUTE him". He's almost in news silence and has a so much TERRIFIC situation.

#HassanFirouzi had been KIDNAPPED (arrested) by the Islamic Republic & is under severe TORTURE.

His life is in DANGER.

Several freedom fighters have been MURDERED under TORTURE that we know of.

The Free World must CUT TIES with IR & PUT MAX PRESSURE.

false declaration of suicide!
One of #HassanFirouzi's relatives said: "They want to KILL Hassan and say it as suicide. "He has said that I am not a suicidal person and I am trying to stay alive for my daughter.
Please be his VOICE before too late.

Dear @JoWadephul, Merry Christmas.
Please help #HassanFirouzi. His life is in Danger.
We know it's Christmas and you are in holidays with your family, but we would appreciate it if you could support him.
Hassan is father of a newly born baby girl & his daughter NEEDS him.
🔘 متن توییت برای حذف پیش شماره ایران در توییتر:

While Iranians and Ukrainians are fighting for their freedom, Twitter, which is the most influential media to seek global help from, has banned the prefixes of these two countries for signing up. We demand the return of the prefixes of these two countries ASAP.

Despite difficult conditions in Iran and Ukraine, Twitter has blocked the prefixes of these two countries, which makes them unable to access many of the features available on Twitter. Let the people from every country speak without putting obstacles on the way.

While Iranians and Ukrainians are fighting against tyrants and dictators for their most basic human rights, Twitter has taken away the right of using most features by banning their prefixes and it should be held accountable for its actions.

It is the right of Iranians and Ukrainians to be allowed to use Twitter without restrictions while fighting for their rights. The prefixes of these two countries must return to Twitter.
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روش ساخت اسپری رنگی دست‌ساز با سوزن تایر دوچرخه و یک بطری خالی
بسیار ساده و ارزان و از همه مهمتر دیگر ریسک شناسایی هنگام خرید اسپری رنگی وجود ندارد

رعایت نکات امنیتی زیر حین شعارنویسی بسیار ضروری است:
۱- به دلیل ریسک شناسایی در محله خود شعارنویسی نکنید
۲- شناسایی و انتخاب محل شعارنویسی از قبل
۳-اطمینان از عدم وجود دوربین در اطراف محل شعارنویسی
۴- مراقب کوچه‌هایی که داری مغازه‌‌های دوربین‌دار است باشید
۵- حتمن سر و صورت خود را با کلاه و روسری یا چادر خوب بپوشانید چرا که صرف زدن ماسک به تنهایی کافی نیست
۶- هنگام شعارنویسی موبایل خود را در حالت هواپیما قرار داده و کارت شناسایی را هم در خانه جا بگذارید.
عکس و فیلمبرداری از شعارنویسی‌ها برای پخش در فضای مجازی بسیار ضروری است چرا که شعارنویسی‌های شما باعث تزریق شجاعت و امید در جامعه می‌شود.
شعارنویسی‌های خود را می‌توانید به آدرس تلگرامی @baray_irann
ارسال کنید. فراموش نکنید برای حفظ امنیتتان بعد از ارسال شعارنویسی‌ها چت را فورا یک طرفه برای خود پاک کرده و شعارنویسی‌ها را هم فورا از حافظه گوشی خود پاک کنید.
🔘 توییت برای جوانرود که امروز باری دیگر زیر رگبار جمهوری اسلامی است:

SOS! Protesters who came to the street in ‌ #Javanroud⁩ today are being killed one after another by the repressive agents of the Islamic Republic, let us be their voice.

Do STH RN! The situation in #Javanroud is extremely critical. The repressive forces of the Islamic Republic are shooting unarmed citizens. Say #BurhanEliasi's name who is killed today!

IRGC is brutally shooting at the crowd who were attending protests peacefully in #Javanroud. They're killing innocent Iranians like #BurhanEliasi RN!
🔘 متن توییت برای وضعیت اینترنت در ایران:
The internet connection in Iran has been seriously disrupted, users can’t access the news websites or any social media even with using multiple VPNs. The government is trying to suppress the voice of this revolution but we are still standing strong.

Iranians’ are being silenced again. According to @Netblocks the data disruption is at its highest and mobile internet has been cut off for many users. The Islamic Regime wants you to think the protests and the govt’s atrocities are over, it’s a false notion.

If you haven’t heard much from Iran these days, it’s because the internet connection has reached an all time low followed by the government disruption on mobile data access. We are still fighting, we won’t be silenced.
🔘 متن توییت برای اعدام محمد حسینی و محمدمهدی کرمی:

The terrorist IR regime killed #MohammadMehdiKarami and #MohammadHosseini.
I.R regime executed them in cold blood this morning.
Is there any intention in this messed up freaking world to stop this madness?

At dawn on Saturday, January 7, 2023, #MohammadMehdiKarami and Said #MohamamdHosaini were executed.
These two young men were arrested during the popular uprisings and, by the IRI judiciary, sentenced to death.

Dear world. Today, the bloodthirsty Islamist regime in Iran has executed 2 more innocent protesters:
These innocent idealistic young men put their lives in danger for democracy in Iran. We are mourning as a nation. Help us save others.
🔘 متن توییت برای اعدام محمد حسینی و محمدمهدی کرمی: The terrorist IR regime killed #MohammadMehdiKarami and #MohammadHosseini. I.R regime executed them in cold blood this morning. Is there any intention in this messed up freaking world to stop this madness?…
🔘 ادامه:
One day before the anniversary of #PS752 downing by the regime, IR executed 2 freedom fighters #MohammadMehdiKarami & #MohammadHosseini.
Iran's occupied by a terrorist org in direct war against people.
Iranians have the right to defend themselves in any way necessary.

Today, the bloodthirsty Islamist regime has executed 2 more innocent protesters:
These innocent idealistic young men put their lives in danger for democracy in Iran.
We are mourning as a nation.
🔘پاک کردن متادیتا در ویندوز:
فایل و روی دکستاپ پیدا کنید و کلیک راست کنید و مراحلی ک تو عکس شماره گذاری شده رو انجام بدید (ببخشید اگ میخواستم بنویسمشون زیاد میشد، عکس واضح تره)
🔘پاک کردن متادیتا در اندروید:
برنامه Exiftool دانلود کنید
و بعد نصب فایلی ک میخواید متادیتاش حذف بشه رو انتخاب کنید
و گزینه Quicktimeو بزنید
و متادیتارو به صورت خودکار پاک کنید(من گوشی اندروید نداشتم که امتحانش کنم عکس بزارم توضیحات و از گوگل برداشتم)
🔘پاک کردن متادیتا در iOS:
از اپ استور برنامه Photo & Video Metadata Remover و دانلود کنید
عکسی که میخواید رو انتخاب کنید
روی نماد دنده بزنید و بعد گزینه clear all metadata بزنید
🔘با استفاده از وب(رایگان):
توی مرورگر برد به سایت Adarsus و عکسو بارگذاری کنید
گزینه پاک کردن متادیتارو بزنید خودش پاک میکنه و یه کپی بدونِ متادیتا بهتون مید