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#AkbarGhafari was kidnapped after giving shelter to some protesters. He was kept in solidarity confinement and under pressure for days. He is illiterate but they made him sign a paper saying he killed an officer. Now his life is in danger
#MehdiKarami's life is in danger. a few days ago, he was sentenced to death without obtaining permission from his lawyer for the crime of corruption. If we aren’t the voice of Mehdi, he will be killed innocently!
Please be his voice!
A death sentence has been issued for #MajidrezaRahnavard, a young man from Mashhad, Iran who was tortured and kidnapped by IR and they want to execute him ASAP.
#MohammadHosseini, an innocent Iranian, arrested on Nov 5, is one of the 5 people sentenced to death by a kangaroo court in Karaj. Like others, his case was investigated hastily. Stop the sham trials & killings!
#HosseinMohammadi, 26, an artist & theatre actor, arrested on Nov 5, is one of the 5 people sentenced to death by a kangaroo court in Karaj. Like others, his case was investigated hastily. Stop the sham trials & killings!
Deux frères kurdes, #FarhadTahaZadeh et #FarzadTahaZadeh sont condamnés à mort pour avoir manifesté contre le régime islamique d'Iran à Oshnaviyeh. Ils seront exécutés demain. SOYEZ LEUR VOIX!

Zwei kurdische Brüder, #FarhadTahaZadeh und #FarzadTahaZadeh, werden zum Tode verurteilt, weil sie in Oshnaviyeh gegen das islamische Regime im Iran protestiert haben. Sie werden morgen hingerichtet. SEI IHRE STIMME!

Due fratelli, #FarhadTahaZadeh e #FarzadTahaZadeh vengono condannati a morte per aver protestato contro il regime islamico dell'Iran a Oshnaviyeh. Saranno giustiziati domani. SII LA LORO VOCE!

#FarhadTahaZadeh and #FarzadTahaZadeh, two Kurdish brothers from Oshnaviyeh have been sentenced to death by the Islamic Regime of Iran without a valid trial session. Their execution is scheduled to be carried out tomorrow morning. Be their voice.

Two Kurdish brothers, #FarhadTahaZadeh and #FarzadTahaZadeh are sentenced to death because of protesting against the Islamic Regime of Iran in Oshnaviyeh. They are going to be executed tomorrow. Be their voice!

Kurdish brothers, #FarhadTahazadeh and #FarzadTahazadeh are going to be executed in Iran tomorrow! They’ve innocently sentenced and charged. BE THEIR VOICE NOW!

Do STH RN! #FarhadTahaZadeh and #FarzadTahaZadeh, two Kurdish innocent brothers are going to be EXECUTED by IR some hours later with no reason and lawyer like #MohsenShekari! Amplify Their Voice BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!
🔘 متن توییت دستی برای هژار حمیدی:

#Hazhar_Hamidi is a protester from Oshnavieh, Iran, who has been detained and sentenced to death on accusation of “war against God”. His life is in danger. Be his voice.
🔘 متن توییت دستی برای سعید شیرازی:
#SaeedShirazi, an Iranian protester, is now in Evin prison and sentenced to death on accusation of ‘corruption on earth’. He is older than other demonstrators and there is no photo of him. Be his voice!
🔘 متن توییت دستی برای شهرام معروف‌مولا:

#Shahram_Marouf_Mola, 22, is a brave protester from Oshnavieh, Iran. He has been sentenced to death on the baseless accusation of "war against God” by the Islamic Regime of Iran. His life is in danger. Be his voice.
🔘 متن توییت دستی برای کاروان شاهی‌پروانه:

#Karvan_Shahi_Parvaneh, 23, is a brave protester from Oshnavieh, Iran. He has been sentenced to death on the baseless accusation of “waging war against God” by the Islamic Regime of Iran. His life is in danger. Be his voice.
🔘 متن توییت دستی برای فرزاد محمدپور:

#FarzadMahmoudpour was arrested in Oshnavieh, Iran, 70 days ago. He has been tortured and denied the right to choose an attorney or visit his newborn baby. He's been put on death row and charged with “War against God”. His life is in imminent danger.
🔘 متن توییت دستی برای رضا نوروزی:

#RezaNorouzi is a political prisoner in Iran who has been transferred to an unknown location by IRGC forces on Dec 22. He had started a dry hunger strike before being transferred. He is at imminent risk of being executed. Be his voice NOW.
🔘 متن توییت دستی برای سعید یعقوبی:

#SaeedYaghoubi, 30, was imprisoned by IRGC forces in Isfahan and falsely accused of "War against God". Be his voice. The media silence will lead to his execution or long years of prison!
🔘 متن توییت دستی برای صالح میرهاشمی:

#SalehMirHashemi, 36 y/o Karate instructor, was kidnapped about a month ago in Isfahan. He had been tortured and falsely accused of “War against God” even though there's no evidence against him. He faces execution. Be his voice!
🔘 متن توییت دستی برای سرکو محمدزاده:

#SarkoMohammadzadeh is a 23y/o athlete from Sanandaj. He was wounded by a gunshot and kidnapped by IRGC forces on December 23. His life is in danger. Be his voice!
🔘 متن توییت دستی برای منوچهر مهمان‌نواز:

The Islamic Regime of Iran has announced a list of political prisoners who await their execution. They merely asked for democracy and basic human rights. #ManouchehrMehmanNavaz is one of them. Help raise awareness to save His life.
🔘 متن توییت برای آرمان اسکویی:

#ArmanOskouyi, 27, is a political prisoner in Iran, imprisoned by IRGC forces on October 13 and he is accused of “waging war against God” yet there is no evidence regarding this charge. This can lead to EXECUTION or long years of prison. BE HIS VOICE!
🔘 متن توییت برای محمدامین اخلاقی:

#MohammadAminAkhlaghi , 26, is FALSELY accused of "spreading corruption on earth" by the Islamic Regime and he is facing imminent execution. He didn't have a lawyer nor a valid trial session. We need a universal reaction to STOP THE UPCOMING EXECUTIONS.
🔘 متن توییت برای نظام حوت:

#NezamHoot and #MansourHoot two Baluch brothers from Iran & arrested in Chabahar, have been accused of false and baseless accusations of "War Against God" and "Spreading Corruption" which can lead to EXECUTION. BE THEIR VOICE! Become their Political Sponsor!