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Werner Hertzog, Obscenity of the Jungle (1982)

"It's an unfinished country, it's prehistorical. The only thing that is lacking is the dinosaurs here. It's like a curse weighing on an entire landscape, and whoever goes too deep into this has his share of that curse, so we are cursed with what we are doing here.

It's a land that God, if he exists, has created in anger. It's the only land where Creation is unfinished yet.. ..there is some sort of a harmony, it is the harmony of overwhelming and collective murder. And we, in comparison to the articulate vileness, and baseness, and obscenity of all this jungle.. we only look like badly pronounced and half-finished sentences out of a stupid suburban novel.. and we have to become humble in front of this overwhelming misery and overwhelming fornication, overwhelming growth, and overwhelming lack of order, even the stars up here in the sky look like a mess.

There is no harmony in the universe. We have to get acquainted to the idea that there is no real harmony as we have conceived it. But, when I say this I say this full of all admiration for the jungle; it is not that I hate it. I love it. I love it very much, but I love it against my better judgement."
"The debate on what caused the prehistoric ice sheet melt has raged since the early 1900’s. One geologist named J Harlen Bretz proposed a catastrophic single flood that wiped the majority of glacial ice. His theory came from studying the scarred landscapes of North America. The geological patterns, in his opinion, showed an incredibly large flood of prehistory which occurred due to the ice sheet melted suddenly. The flood’s trail of destruction can still be seen throughout the geology of North America.

It is now clear that the ice was completely gone in as little as a few thousand years. In order to remove such a large body of ice during this time period, an enormous amount of energy is required. This suggests that a catastrophic event needed to intervene in order for the ice to disappear. Such an event would fit with a single flood due to a large amount of energy dispersed."
North America: ECDO-derived prediction for S2>S1 revisualized using the ETOPO 2022 elevation map. The line of flow channels running NW-SE appear to me to have been breached simultaneously. How could separate ice-dam breaches at different times have produced such consistent channel erosion depths across this >2000km range?
Beneath the water of the English Channel lies evidence of two megaflood events.
[1] Catastrophic flooding origin of shelf valley systems in the English Channel, Gupta et al (2007)
The Channelled Scablands.
Evidence of a deluge which has been put on ice. A widely accepted thesis, published exactly 100 years after Reliquoæ Diluvianæ, relegated to the deepfreeze along with every other item of non-uniforitarium evidence. Giant Current Ripples 60m wide and 2m high, created by water flows 50m deep, which carried boulders the size of churches kilometers across the landscape. Not once, but at least five times.
If megafloods were all the result of outflows from glacial lakes, then what are these bad boys doing 15 degrees north of the equator in Sudan? They look like GCR's [Giant Current Ripples] with an average 555m between troughs, and heights of 10m. They do not appear to be sand dunes - they're too shallow and they've remained static for at least the last 40 years according to available imagery.

Using the GCR chord length equation to determine water depth based on ripple size, I arrive at a water depth of 1,200m. I used a 10km long sample to determine average slope (0.0018) and chord length (555m).

The Sahara looks like one of the largest megafloodplains on the planet, with obvious flows thousands of kilometers wide running to the south and the west.
[1] North Africa & Mediterranean. ECDO moment of inertia from State 1 to State 2 (camera axis locked to crust orientation).
[2] Elevation cross-section suggests that gravity would direct remaining water towards Mauritania once State 2 is reached.