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Exploring the Great Reset
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Most creatures would banish or destroy something as stupid as this for the collective benefit and survival of the species. Humans make politicians out of them.
Media is too big
The House of the Red Shield : The Rothschild Dynasty
Göbekli Tepe, Velikovsky & The Doctrine of Gradualism
Great conversation on the effects of fraud, dogma and money in mainstream science, using the work of Velikovsky and the Electric Universe cosmologists as examples of powerful hypotheses which are being assassinated to protect financial grants and bruised egos. (Rumble)
Right on the money, 24 years ago:
“Since the end of the First World War and the subsequent formation of the League of Nations, the [globalist] megalomaniacs had frequently expressed their determination to implement a “New Order”, bureaucratic code for a one world government. If left to run unchecked, within a single century the megalomaniacs would remove national borders entirely, destroy delightfully diverse national cultures developed over thousands of years, and replace them in-toto with hordes of multicultural drones willing to slave for endless hours in “worker’s paradises” for the exclusive benefit of a tiny but immensely powerful global elite.”
-Joe Vialls, Tesla’s Pyramids (1998)
Imagine a world wherein this is intentionally used on the entire population:

Trauma Bonding and the Psychobiology of Trauma

"What has been brought to light in recent years about the effects of trauma on our brain chemistry also helps to explain the behavior of victims who bond to their abusers.

The body is programmed to release a series of chemicals at times of actual or perceived danger and times when traumatic memories are triggered. These chemicals are intended to help us respond in ways which will aid our survival, whether we "fight" the threat, "flee" from the threat, or "freeze" to prevent attack or deaden the pain from the inevitable attack. However, when traumatic events are completely overwhelming, are repeated too often, or are constantly triggered the very chemicals that are meant to help us begin to do harm to our bodies. For both men and women, repeated trauma or the repeated triggering of a trauma will actually teach our brains to be in a constant state of "fight, flight or freeze." As our brains are use-dependent, if they are constantly used to respond to trauma, that response becomes a person's "normal state", (Perry, 1997 & Carnes, 1997).

For those who are stuck in a trauma bond, the trauma chemistry creates new brain pathways and becomes "normal" to the victims. Further, women are particularly susceptible to bonding to those who traumatize them. Women have their very own mixed blessing in the form of oxytocin. Oxytocin is referred to as the bonding hormone and is the chemical that starts the birth process. It is the reason any woman has a second child, as it prevents memory consolidation. If we were to fully remember the pain of childbirth, it is unlikely that we would repeat the experience. It is one of nature's ways of ensuring the continuation of our species. Oxytocin peaks for about 20 minutes after birth, which is why it has been advised to let a new mother be in physical contact with her baby during that time period, as it is critical to bonding.

While oxytocin is a great idea for childbirth, it's a liability for any abuse victim. If someone is violent to a woman, oxytocin is released and she will be less likely to have a consolidated memory of the abuse and she is very likely going to bond to her abuser. If there is no consolidated memory of the abuse, it is very hard to think and act rationally about the event. If the abuser is the only one present after the abuse, the victim is likely to form a stronger bond to him. She may also form these bonds with her children if they are present after the abuse."
Pakistan Floods: Death Toll Pushes 1,500 - "1,486 people have died with about 530 children among them during the ongoing unprecedented floods in Pakistan. To make matters worse, health authorities have reported surges in dengue fever, malaria and severe gastric infections due to stagnant water." - via RT

Flooding is an example of a likely mechanism of action for the observed correlations between solar cycles and pandemics. Floods create food and drinking water shortages, as well as supporting parasite- and other water-borne disease vectors, such as dengue and cholera. Solar cycle inflection points correlate with Influenza pandemics, perhaps due to a homogeneous effect upon our immune systems brought on by fluctuations in the electromagnetic and ionizing cosmic radiation environment on the ground. Solar metacycles, with planetary and galactic drivers, directly affect cloud formation and geological processes. The space weather environment has measurable effects upon both climate and health.
When the 'firmament' fell : Saturn's rings contain vast quantities of water of the same kind as that found on Earth. Some EU cosmologists hypothesize that a portion of Saturn's water was deposited here on Earth during the catastrophe that created Saturn's rings. This event was possibly the seed of the 'waters above' concept found in scriptures and mythologies.
Forwarded from REVEALED EYE
Huge suspected "meteorite" spotted in the sky over Scotland.

Residents were stunned by the appearance of a flying celestial body shortly after 9 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 14.

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