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New line folks! PROMO CODE : PW5OFF
Just had Alex Rosen on for an interview. This guy calls himself the “Predator Poacher” as he baits in and hunts down pedophiles. You would not believe how rampant this is folks. Your kids are not safe. He tells my audience what warning signs to look for and how to get involved. WARNING: THIS IS EXTREMELY DISTURBING. Only on
Love it so Hillary says Republicans are going to steal the 24 election

-Exactly what we want. Let me explain:

1. Democrat Hillary Clinton suggests it (for the rest still😴)
2. Same day voting only
3. Paper ballots w/ Signature
4. Show Gov issued ID

Another GREAT SONG from my boy Billy Falcon
I’m uploading an emergency update from Kevin Hoyt “HOLD THE LINE” right now on Ninoscorner.tv We compare notes on what we suspect will be happening within the next couple weeks.
They’re going after Juanito folks
Saudi Arabia officially joins BRICS putting an END to the PETRO $. The printing press is now out of ink! The Elites are buying Silver in record amounts, they know what is coming. Don’t miss this opportunity, protect your wealth. Buy SILVER now while supples last!


Influencer Tom Brushno called to tell me that on his flight to Hawaii the LAX Pilot just said they will be flying up towards San Fran and then turn out to Hawaii due to military activity along the california coast.
In the 1999 film The Matrix, Neo, the hero was given a choice to either take the red pill or the blue pill.

The "red pill" reveals truth about the world, the "blue pill" provides him with the opportunity to remain in blissful ignorance.

Is it better to free your mind with the truth?
Or live in blissful ignorance?

In the movie, of the two options, Neo takes the red pill.
Yet as the world grows more polarized, with the pandemic, civil rights, global warming, civil unrest, etc., that blue pill is starting to look mighty swallowable.
After all, life is hard, bad news is everywhere, and maybe, just maybe, it will all just go away.
And is ignorance true bliss.

But, can we make changes to a system, be it our own, our families, our communities, our country, our collective human system in a state of ignorance?
Can we heal trauma, or abuse of power, by escaping, into dillusion?
No we can not.

If you choose Truth.
You choose to accept all that is presented,
All that is inside and outside the system of your reality.
You dare to see the polarities in all its flavors.
You no longer surpress or deny anything.
Nor do you accept to be kept from anything but the truth.

You overcome polarity.
You overcome duality.

You wake up, by taking the red pill from the magic thinking of a child that wants to be soothed.
You choose to grow adult and stand in full truth.
Your truth.
Our truth.
To be fully concious.
To be fully responsible.

And then, when you take the red pill, you get to decide.
Do you choose fear or do you choose Love?
Do you choose to identify with the outside?
Or do you, do we remember we are all lovers, pure positive energy, connected to Source, God that dwells in all of us and all that is.

If we take the red pill we wake up to the truth and the harsh realities of the world, but we will never be the same again.
Everything can change.
With it comes the option to create your own reality in freedom.

The freedom to reframe, redefine, redesign a more equitable world that is defined by a different set of values, based on equinimty, kindness and equality.
Because when you accept and know what you do not want, you know what you do want.
And you can start to focus on that.
In the end, what you give your attention to grows.
It is law.

The truth is sometimes a hard pill to swallow.
But only from full conciousness in acceptance of all that excists in this world of duality, we get to set our point of attention to ascend into the higher states of being.

Higher states of living in peace, joy and harmony together on this beautiful planet earth.
Divided we fall in polarity.
United we stand.
Where we go one we go all.

Let,s take the red pill.
Face truth.
And rise together.
Which one do you choose?

🌍 ❤️
I’m tired of deleting spam and trolls. I may disable comments again. I don’t need this horseshit
Tom taking pics from his window
Kerry Cassidy and I are rescheduling. I’ll give you the date when it comes. All pre midterm and post chaos interviews will be up on Ninoscorner.tv