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Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Boosting enforcement and cooperation - EDPB sets out priorities

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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The EDPB has adopted its new work programme, setting out its priorities and putting the Boardโ€™s strategic objectives into practice.

The EDPB will continue to prioritise enforcement building on initiatives such as the Coordinated Enforcement Framework, cases of strategic importance, and the Support Pool of Experts. In addition, the EDPB will keep developing guidance to support and encourage Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) to use of the full range of cooperation tools at their disposal, such as on the mutual assistance duty.

Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Data Act: EU Council closes in on trade secrets, compensation

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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The Swedish presidency of the EU Council circulated the fifth compromise text on the Data Act, obtained by EURACTIV, introducing the possibility of refusing data-sharing requests if they risk causing severe economic harm.

The Data Act is a flagship legislation to regulate how industrial data is ported, accessed and shared. The European Parliament will formalise its position on the file by mid-March. Sweden, which holds the rotating presidency of the Council of EU ministers, is striving for a similar timeline, with text close to final.

The compromise will be discussed next Tuesday (28 February) at a meeting of the Telecom Working Party, a technical body of the EU Council that prepares the groundwork for ministerial approval in the legislative procedure.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Generative AI is coming for the lawyers

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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David Wakeling, head of London-based law firm Allen & Overy's markets innovation group, first came across law-focused generative AI tool Harvey in September 2022. He approached OpenAI, the systemโ€™s developer, to run a small experiment. A handful of his firmโ€™s lawyers would use the system to answer simple questions about the law, draft documents, and take first passes at messages to clients.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Hackers attack websites of Italian firms and institutions

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 22 - A series of Italian companies' and institutions' sites are in the cross-hairs of hackers from the pro-Russian collective NoName057, who claimed the action on their Telegram profiles.
The Ddos-type attack started Tuesday on the occasion of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's visit to Kyiv.
"Italy will provide Ukraine with its sixth military assistance package," they write on their channels, citing the Prime Minister's press conference and adding, "we will continue our fascinating journey through Russophobic Italy." (ANSA).
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Attacco hacker a siti di aziende e istituzioni italiane

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Una serie di siti di aziende e istituzioni italiane sono nel mirino degli hacker del collettivo filorusso NoName057, che ha rivendicato l'azione sui propri profili Telegram.

L'attacco, di tipo Ddos, รจ partito nella giornata di ieri in occasione della visita della premier Giorgia Meloni a Kiev.

"L'Italia fornirร  all'Ucraina il sesto pacchetto di assistenza militare", scrivono sui propri canali citando la conferenza stampa della presidente del Consiglio e aggiungendo: "continueremo il nostro affascinante viaggio attraverso l'Italia russofoba".

L'attacco riguarda diversi siti: il collettivo cita quello del ministero degli Esteri e dell'Interno, dei Carabinieri, della banca Bper, del gruppo A2a e del ministero della Difesa (quest'ultimo sarebbe stato attaccato ieri). Fonti investigative italiane confermano l'attacco anche se, sottolineano, i sistemi di difesa delle aziende e delle istituzioni sono riusciti a mitigare le conseguenze dell'azione al punto che la maggior parte dei siti รจ comunque raggiungibile. Tra i domini presi di mira ci sarebbero anche quelli del portale per la carta d'identitร , quello del ministero delle politiche agricole e quello del gruppo Tim.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

New Lemmy upgrade to version 0.17.2

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Yesterday it was released the Lemmy upgrade to version 0.17.2 which solved some issues.
Kudos to and and thank you for your great work!
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

EDPS to pilot the use of Open Source Software

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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In February 2023, the EDPS has started piloting the use of the Open Source Software Nextcloud and LibreOffice Online. Together, they offer the possibility to share files, send messages, make video calls, and allows collaborative drafting, in a secured cloud environment.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Commission strengthens cybersecurity and suspends the use of TikTok on its corporate devices

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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To increase its cybersecurity, the Commission's Corporate Management Board has decided to suspend the use of the TikTok application on its corporate devices and on personal devices enrolled in the Commission mobile device service. This measure aims to protect the Commission against cybersecurity threats and actions which may be exploited for cyber-attacks against the corporate environment of the Commission. The security developments of other social media platforms will also be kept under constant review.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Report details how Big Tech is leaning on EU not to regulate general purpose AIs

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Itโ€™s still pretty early in the year but the disruptive power of general purpose AI (GPAI) already looks cemented as the big tech story of 2023, with tech giants including Microsoft and Google duking it out to fast-follow OpenAIโ€™s viral conversational chatbot, ChatGPT by productizing large language models (LLM) in interfaces of their own โ€” such as OpenAI investor Microsoftโ€™s search with AI combo, New Bing; or Googleโ€™s conversational search offering, Bard AI, shown off in preview earlier this month as itโ€™s scrambled to respond to Remondโ€™s challenge to the online search cash-cow.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Commission presents new initiatives with Gigabit Infrastructure Act Proposal

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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On 23 February, The Commission presented a set of actions aimed to make Gigabit connectivity available to all citizens and businesses across the EU by 2030.

The intiatives keep in line with the objectives of Europe's Digital Decade, and to enable the transformation of the connectivity sector in the EU. They consist of:

* An adopted proposal for a โ€˜Gigabit Infrastructure Act', a regulation that will put forward new rules to enable faster, cheaper and more effective rollout of Gigabit networks across the EU.
* A draft Gigabit Recommendation, which seeks to provide guidance to National Regulatory Authorities on the conditions of access to telecom networks of operators with significant market power, in order to incentivise faster switch-off of legacy technologies and accelerated Gigabit networks deployment.
* The Commission has also launched an exploratory consultation on the future of the connectivity sector and its infrastructure, to gather views on how increasing demands for connectivity and technological advances may affect the future developments and needs.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Dutch Police arrest three ransomware actors extorting โ‚ฌ2.5 million

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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The Amsterdam cybercrime police team has arrested three men for ransomware activity that generated โ‚ฌ2.5 million from extorting small and large organizations in multiple countries.

The suspects, all young men aged between 18 and 21, are charged with stealing sensitive data from victim networks and demanding a ransom. It is believed that they attacked thousands of companies.

Victims include online shops, software firms, social media companies, and institutions connected to critical infrastructure and services.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

How to Use AI in Cybersecurity and Avoid Being Trapped

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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๎ ‚Feb 24, 2023๎ „The Hacker NewsArtificial Intelligence / Cybersecurity

The use of AI in cybersecurity is growing rapidly and is having a significant impact on threat detection, incident response, fraud detection, and vulnerability management. According to a report by Juniper Research, the use of AI for fraud detection and prevention is expected to save businesses $11 billion annually by 2023. But how to integrate AI into business cybersecurity infrastructure without being exposed to hackers?

In terms of detecting and responding to security threats in a more efficient and effective manner, AI has been helping businesses in lots of ways.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Hacker group defaces Russian websites to display the Kremlin on fire

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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A hacker group that goes by CH01 defaced a series of Russian websites on the anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine.

The hackers replaced the sitesโ€™ content with a video showing the Kremlin on fire, along with a song by a Russian rock band named Kino. The video also includes a QR code that links to a Telegram channel, where the hackers posted a message claiming responsibility for the attacks and making it clear that these defacements were politically motivated.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Signal would 'walk' from UK if Online Safety Bill undermined encryption

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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The encrypted-messaging app Signal has said it would stop providing services in the UK if a new law undermined encryption.
If forced to weaken the privacy of its messaging system under the Online Safety Bill, the organisation "would absolutely, 100% walk" Signal president Meredith Whittaker told the BBC.
The government said its proposal was not "a ban on end-to-end encryption".
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Lo strumento di lavoro del medico di famiglia รจ Whatsapp

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Da dove passa la sanitร  nostrana? Alla faccia di tutti i portali regionali, fascicoli sanitari, autenticazioni a due fattori con Spid (a rischio) e Cie, per non parlare del Gdpr e delle altre normative speciali, lโ€™app critica per far parlare medici e pazienti sono le chat di app sulle quali non cโ€™รจ nessun controllo statale o possibilitร  di verifica. รˆ tutto in mano a Meta, che รจ la proprietaria di Whatsapp, e in piccola parte a Telegram e Messenger.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

EDPB publishes a procedure for the adoption of EDPB Opinions on national criteria for certification and European Data Protection Seals

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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During its February plenary, the EDPB adopted a procedure for the adoption of EDPB Opinions on national criteria for certification and European Data Protection Seals. This document is addressed to all applicants of certification criteria and aims to streamline and facilitate the adoption of EDPB Opinions on certification criteria by clarifying the approval process of national and EU-wide certification criteria, as well as criteria for certification meant as tools for international transfers.

More precisely, this document introduces all the steps that the Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) need to take from the moment they receive the criteria from the scheme owners to the moment they communicate to the EDPB Chair whether they intend to follow the EDPB Opinion.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

EU Council clarifies Cyber Resilience Actโ€™s interplay with AI Act, product safety

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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The Swedish presidency of the EU Council has circulated a new compromise text, obtained by EURACTIV, touching upon the relation with other EU laws, the notifying authorities, enforcement and penalties.

The Cyber Resilience Act is a legislative proposal to introduce baseline cybersecurity requirements for connected devices going through the ordinary legislative process.

The partial compromise results from the discussion held on 15 February in a meeting of the Horizontal Working Party on Cyber Issues, a technical body of the EU Council of ministers. The new document will be discussed at a technical meeting on Wednesday (1 March).

The changes to the text are not particularly significant, signalling that the discussions in the Council might not be mature enough to tackle more sensitive issues like the delegated powers of the European Commission and the timeline for the regulationโ€™s entry into force.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Digital Markets Act: the second stakeholders workshops on the interoperability organized by the EU Commission

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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On 2/2/2023, the DMA stakeholder workshop on "Interoperability between messaging services" was held, and we participated online.

The focus of the event was explicitly Article 7 of the DMA.

A brief background on the DMA is necessary.

The Digital Markets Act (DMA) is the "REGULATION (EU) 2022/1925 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of September 14, 2022 on fair and contestable markets in the digital sector and amending Directives (EU) 2019/1937 and (EU) 2020/1828 (Digital Markets Regulation)."

The DMA, published on 12/10/2022 in the Official Journal of the European Union, according to Article 54, entered into force on 1/11/2022 and applies as of May 2, 2023.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Digital Markets Act: il secondo workshop degli stakeholder sull'interoperabilitร  organizzato dalla Commissione UE

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Il 27/2/2023 si รจ tenuto il DMA stakeholder workshop on "Interoperability between messaging services" e abbiamo partecipato online.

Il focus dell'evento era specificamente l'art. 7 del DMA.

รˆ necessaria una breve premessa sul DMA.

Il Digital Markets Act (DMA) รจ il "REGOLAMENTO (UE) 2022/1925 DEL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO E DEL CONSIGLIO del 14 settembre 2022 relativo a mercati equi e contendibili nel settore digitale e che modifica le direttive (UE) 2019/1937 e (UE) 2020/1828 (regolamento sui mercati digitali)".

Il DMA, pubblicato il 12/10/2022 nella Gazzetta ufficiale dellโ€™Unione europea, ai sensi dell'articolo 54, รจ entrato in vigore il 1/11/2022 e si applica a decorrere dal 2 maggio 2023.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Opinion 5/2023 on the European Commission Draft Implementing Decision on the adequate protection of personal data under the EU-US Data Privacy Framework

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Opinion 5/2023 on the European Commission Draft Implementing Decision on the adequate protection of personal data under the EU-US Data Privacy Framework from the European Data Protection Board

We updated with that content our "Privacy Resources"
(Documents => European Data Protection Board - EDPB => Opinions)

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