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Left/Right, Communism/Capitalism, Fascism! 1 of 3

I realise this isn't perfect. I'm learning all the time and miss the mark often enough. Anyway I'll share my progress.

left/right is yin/yang energy. The model characterises the biological energy between internal(yin,left) and external (yang,right) energy.
For human biology left/yin/internal corresponds to feminine physics and right/yang/external corresponds to masculine physics.
For the habitat biology (your habitat is an organ of your body) left/yin/internal corresponds to feminine/youthful survival duties and right/yang/external to masculine/elderly survival duties.

Communist/capitalist is actually a pretty solid economic dichotomy and corresponds to a sliding degree between slavery/no private property versus freedom/private property. Libertarianism is the centre left paradigm on this scale and centrism is a combination of libertarian domestic policy and authoritarian foreign policy. Soft in the middle, hard on the edges, which creates the nation state.

I don't see them as a conceptual prisons. Though at the economic layer I think there are more nuanced models that provide more aspects of varying scale.

The most confusing paradigm for people is fascism. Fascea is the axe with a bounded handle which represents unity and strength through racial homogeny. For example, Japan is a good example of a fascist state today. Its through historical fasicsm that we have all the diverse, beautiful human cultures.

The communists hate fascism so much that they carried out an epic campaign to redefine the word to mean racist, authoritarian cunts. They anchored the evil Hitler caricature to the symbol of fascism and so threw it into the proverbial ocean hoping it would never rise again. Like most I'm still partially captured by that and haven't researched enough to challenge that conditioning.

The reason communists hate unity and strength through racial homogeny is they hate unity and strength. So they have learnt to weaponise open borders and migration into nations as a means of breaking any culture through predatory migration.

Basically being 'based' is the realisation that nationalism through fascism is the only way to fight off the communists in the long run and maintain a diversity of united and strong homogenous nations on the planet. I'm not sure I agree but they make a good case.

You have no idea how hard it was to figure all this shit out through the maze of propaganda we are born into. Took me 40 years.
Left/Right, Communism/Capitalism, Fascism! 2 of 3

I just used Japan as an example of a fascist nation. But actually most nations were/are fascist. Most of Africa. Basically the whole world was fascist for thousands of years where massive migration was more difficult and racial homogenous nations was widely considered normal and natural. White countries are the only countries that face abuse for practising fascism. If Kenya puts native Africans first nobody would call the Kenyans racist etc etc with any other race.

The communists are most afraid of white Christians practising fascism because white Christians are very good at monogamy. Monogamy makes strong children and therefore stronger people. Historically this has resulted in the strongest moral fibre through justice systems that are the best (relatively) in the world. For thousands of years communists have been repeatedly thwarted by white Christian judicial process. Since communists are aiming an enslavement using terrorism, hiring criminals, establishing gangs is their modus operandi and so judicial process makes their mission much more difficult.

As we can we can see in Victoria multiculturalism demonstrates that a state has been thoroughly attacked by communists.
Why is Victoria weaker than the other states in Australia? Why is Victoria the state where communists charge ahead of the rest?

We will fight among ourselves and find it more difficult to unite in the face of the communist grip.
Left/Right, Communism/Capitalism, Fascism! 3 of 3

I'm not saying fascism is always good. In fact in today's world where migration is easy (was easy?!) and after countries have de-homogenised, fascism is difficult and can be cruel to implement. Israel is trying to build a fascist state where there was previously another homogenous people and its brutal.

I don't think Australia or any other place that has already lost its racial homogeny should try to regain it through deportation or segregation. But I wouldn't attack Japan or places that already have it from trying to keep it. Unity and strength are the basis for safety and peace, however they are achieved stability there is desirable.

And racial homogeny isn't the only way to be united and strong. There can be unity and strength through religious or 'patriotic' unity. The United States being the primary example of this experiment. The Constitution has demonstrated itself to be good basis for unity and strength.
Go out and smoke through a mask and blow the smoke through the mask to show people how much they dont work.

Walk down the busy streets doing it. First they will laugh at you. Then they will realise how stupid it is to wear a mask.
'State of emergency extended as 279 new COVID-19 cases recorded in Victoria'

"Sixteen more Victorians have died from COVID-19, with the death toll across the state rising to 309, as Premier Daniel Andrews extended the state of emergency across the state by four weeks.
Mr Andrews said the extension of the state of emergency until September 13 would ensure authorities could enforce restrictions.”
Successful voter fraud suit by Trump reelection campaign.

"On May 21, a former judge of elections and Democratic committee person pleaded guilty to conspiracy to strip Philadelphia voters of their civil rights by fraudulently stuffing the ballot boxes with votes for the candidates in 2014, 2015, and 2016 primary elections.

The suit filed by the Trump reelection campaign comes after Pennsylvania officials altered the state’s absentee voting system, making it more accessible to vote by mail. "
"Twitter just banned @drsimonegold for 7 days for showcasing studies that show countries that use HCQ early have lower mortality rates.

Being a physician and showcasing medical literature is against Twitter TOS now."
Israel and UAE peace deal is vindication for Trump: Goodwin

"Indeed, there is a sweetener in the deal aimed at the Palestinians. Israel’s agreement to suspend its plan to assert sovereignty over much of the West Bank is a huge concession that buys time for the Palestinians, but not endlessly. Kushner defined the suspension as covering the “foreseeable future.”

With its signature, the UAE becomes the third Arab nation to establish diplomatic relations with the Jewish state and the first since Jordan and Israel signed their peace treaty in 1994. Egypt and Israel agreed to a formal peace in 1979."
In rare display of contention with Trump, the biggest Trump forum calls for the pardon of Snowden and Assange!

'Mr. President, I know it's a difficult choice, but pardon Snowden and Assange. Trigger the Intelligence community.'
Top upvoted comment: "The FBI colluded with Obama, the CIA spreads leftist propaganda, the NSA illegally spy on Americans.

Assange sacrificed himself to expose the corruption of the Democratic Party, which directly helped your 2016 election. He is prosecuted for a total BS sexual assault charge and the moment US government gets him they’ll torture him to death.

Mr. President, save Snowden and Assange, please. What are you waiting for, President Trump?"
Ooops looks like Trump has raised the idea for Snowden….wonder if Assange is on the table.

Trump says he is considering pardon for leaker Edward Snowden
'“I’m going to start looking at it,” Trump told reporters about a possible pardon, speaking at a news conference at his Bedminster, New Jersey golf club.

Trump said he thinks Americans on both the political left and the right are divided on Snowden.

“It seems to be a split decision,” Trump told reporters. “Many people think he should be somehow treated differently. And other people think he did very bad things.”'
During lockdowns infant vaccine compliance goes down sharply and so does infant mortality. 🤔
“Virtually the entire change came from infants. Somehow, the changing pattern of American life during the lockdowns has been saving the lives of hundreds of infants, over 200 per week.

One very clear change that has received publicity is that public health officials are bemoaning the sharp decline in infant vaccinations as parents are not taking their infants into pediatric offices for their regular well‐baby checks. In the May 15 issue of the CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), a group of authors from the CDC and Kaiser Permanente reported a sharp decline in provider orders for vaccines as well as a decline in pediatric vaccine doses administered. [8] These declines began in early march, around the time infant deaths began declining.”
There is a battle to have the Mawson study retracted because its one of the only comparisons of vaccinated vs unvaccinated and it shows vaccines cause NDD:

‘Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12- year old U.S. children’

NDD="neurodevelopmental disorders"

"However, in a final adjusted model with interaction, vaccination but not preterm birth remained associated with NDD, while the interaction of preterm birth and vaccination was associated with a 6.6-fold increased odds of NDD (95% CI: 2.8, 15.5). In conclusion, vaccinated homeschool children were found to have a higher rate of allergies and NDD than unvaccinated homeschool children. While vaccination remained significantly associated with NDD after controlling for other factors, preterm birth coupled with vaccination was associated with an apparent synergistic increase in the odds of NDD."
Wow covid virus spreads through air! Be scared!!!!!!

"Under that simulation, 150 million people died within the first 12 months. The worst toll was among health workers."

FARRRK!! Please lock us all in our homes and take our children away to keep us safe.
Maybe if the government starts messing with the food supply and farmers markets that will help us starve before we are killed by this virus!
Please starve us before its too late!!

'Coronavirus spread: Tests reveal COVID-19 can spread through air'
Daniel Andrews currently has the Solicitor General drafting an urgent Amendment to the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 to extend the lockdowns beyond September 13.

The existing Act has a 6 month limit. They declared a State of emergency on March 16. The six months is up on September 16. That's why Andrews also declared a State disaster under the Emergency Management Act 1986. It's a backup.

Write and call every non Labor MP not to support the Amendment to extend the Public Health and Wellbeing Act Emergency Declarations beyond 6 months. This will crimp the lockdowns as Andrews will have to rely on the less suitable Emergency Management Act 1986.

You will find the Victorian parliamentary emails address here:

This is the chance to push back.

Cut and paste this widely
Forwarded from Agents Of Truth
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500+ German doctors explaining the pandemic is fake. Everyone and especially docs and nurses around needs to see this so they can join the movement to speak out. Their website is acu2020 dot Org
Children at school being abused with separation.
This is a great thread to read to teach people about CFR vs IFR. Still many dunces out there telling people the death rate is 3-4% or 7% or some other retard number the media is telling them.

"But how did they calculate this?

They had a number for how many people died of Covid-19 in China (mostly Wuhan) as of Feb 11th (1,023 deaths).

That's the numerator in the IFR calculation.

What they needed was an estimate for the total number of people had who been infected."

"As we live through the consequences of economic depression and the (hopefully temporary) destruction of our way of life, remember that it all comes back to the belief that finding six people with Covid on six flights was a good way to estimate how many people had the disease."
“We Know it’s Curable; It’s Easier than Treating the Flu” — Professor Thomas Borody

"“It is an easy, very easy virus to cure, when you combine the dosage we have described, because it inhibits the growth of the bug. It just goes away, and you no longer can find it in an infected person.”

Q: “Why aren’t we treating every elderly person in every health care facility, in every aged care facility with this?”

“There is no drug company behind it. There are no people who are lobbying government and giving donations for reelections and so forth. I don’t know the answer.”

“It also happened when I developed the tritherapy (for H. Pilory infection), because there was no company behind that. It took 26 years… Those people who otherwise would now be dying from bleeding ulcers stopped bleeding, stopped dying…”"