482.solutions - News & Updates
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Our company focused in Consulting, Audit, R&D and Blockchain implementation in different business segments

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In addition to popular public blockchains, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS or Ripple, there are private ones that solve many problems and issues with the help of an acceptable and controlled level of centralization🧰
Vladimir Malakchi, CMO of 482.solutions, described all the advantages and opportunities that are opening up for businesses that have joined the blockchain world in an article for Dapp Life ⚡️
There are conferences where you feel at home😌
At these events, old friends meet: they share their experiences, discuss new achievements and the latest news 🤝
BlockchainUA is just such a conference, to come every year to which it has become a tradition for the 482.solutions team.
Let's remember how was BlockchainUA this year 🔵
For several years, the media covered Apple’s official patents to research or develop various blockchain solutions, but we are not observing any specifics.
Vladimir Malakchi, CMO of 482.solutions shared with ZyCrypto readers his assumptions about how globally blockchain technology can affect the multi-level processes of the most popular tech giant.
Today everyone has heard about the blockchain who is somehow interested in technological innovations. Some businesses have already implemented blockchain solutions, others are only looking at the opportunities offered by this technology.
In this blog post, we will determine if your business needs a blockchain or an enterprise can function successfully without it.
Moody’s Rating Agency has published a report in which warns of dangers, that could face those businesses that have decided to implement the blockchain technology. However, is the beast so terrible as it is painted?
“The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible”, - said Arthur Clarke, an English science fiction writer, and the 482.solutionsteam continues to expand their personal boundaries, reaching new goals.
The company's founders completed a large-scale roadshow in Asia and returned with a wealth of experience and results with which we can’t wait to share with you!
A productive work week is nearing completion. We all did a great job and it's time to discuss the latest industry news🙌 And this week the following took place:

🔷Amazon enters the warpath with DoS and DDoS attacks using cryptographic systems based on the Proof-of-Work mechanism

🔷French Central Bank is interested in stablecoins

🔷Microsoft will create a system of decentralized identification on the Bitcoin blockchain

🔷The scandal with Lucien Chen, the ex-CTO of Tron

🔷Hyperledger showed a new tool - Aries
Course for the blockchain!🚀
Gartner specialists are sure that by 2025 the largest groceries will enjoy the benefits of the blockchain technology. Analysis of Gartner research is already waiting for you on the following link👇
The perfect team of blockchain specialists - what is it? 🤔
KPMG audit experts published their opinion on this issue, promulgating the basic skills that a blockchain industry pro should possess:
We want to dilute your Friday of congratulations on the beginning of summer ☀️ with useful news from the blockchain industry for the week:

🔷Lite client for Telegram Open Network is available

🔷Blockchain and AI on guard of government archives

🔷A major banking player has automated the calculations of large holdings through the blockchain platform

🔷Indonesia will improve its shipping industry with the blockchain

🔷Three banks of Ireland go to Ethereum

Read more in our Medium official blog!
It is known that the profile events held from June to August are filled with a certain ease, which contributes to the development of new partnerships and business acquaintances in an informal atmosphere☀️
We have gathered for you the brightest blockchain conferences of this summer, which are not to be missed👇
The calendar hints that tomorrow is Saturday, so it's time to sum up the results of the week. And the following happened in the blockchain industry:

💼 Kodak modernizes workflow system with blockchain
💵 Visa and LINE Pay is working on fintech blockchain service
Ernst & Young has published a solution code for private transactions on the Ethereum network
😎 Facebook cryptocurrency will be launched in June, but it is not exactly
🙌 Walmart joins MediLedger blockchain consortium
According to the Harvard Business Review, Santander Bank would have been able to save 💰$20 billion annually if the blockchain had been introduced into the structure’s processes. In contrast to this organization, other businesses are already actively working towards the transition to this technology, but at the initial stage each of them faces the question: to hire a freelancer or use the services of an already formed professional team? In our blog, we tried to figure out which choice would be optimal:
We all did a great job this week and, of course, could not keep up with all the news🤔
But for such a case there is our Main Blockchain Weekly News heading ⚡️
Read about the main events of the blockchain industry in Medium Blog 482. Solutions, because there:

🌎 Facebook blockchain project supported by Visa, Mastercard, PayPal and Uber

🎮 Ubisoft looks at video games through blockchain

🙌 Test Tron's SUN Network is already available

🚛 Blockchain in supply: Target retailer implements a blockchain solution
🤖Digital Twin is not about the "Rise of the Machines."
Alexander Ivanov, Chief R&D Officer at 482.solutions, told more about the innovative Digital Twins technology, as well as the blockchain’s ability to improve the quality of workflows using this approach to business in his last article👇
482.solutions actively supports initiatives to create digitalized solutions both at the level of individual industries and entire states and we are always ready to assist in the innovative projects’ implementation. Thus, 482.solutions became the first representative of the blockchain industry among the participants of the Association of Industrial Automation of Ukraine (APPAU):
The community has vigorously discussed the release of white paper Libra cryptocurrency, however, attention should be paid to a number of interesting events that also happened this week:

🙌 White paper of Libra cryptocurrency and Calibra wallet launch

⚡️ The date of Tezos hard fork

🚀 Atlantis hard fork in the Ethereum Classic network: developers came to a consensus

💻 The R3 and Hyperledger frameworks support the DAML programming language now
⚡️The Libra project continues to rapidly gain popularity, thus attracting the attention of US authorities.
Will congressmen be able to impose a moratorium on the development of Facebook blockchain solution?
The 482.solutions team had an active week💪: we attended events, worked with new projects and acted as speakers⚡️
If you also don’t have time to follow the main industry events due to your busy schedule - just look at our Medium on Friday🚀
That's what happened this week:

🔹Cyprus will submit a blockchain industry bill by the end of the year;

🔸3M collaborates with Microsoft and JPMorgan;

🔹Cuba decided to circumvent the sanctions using cryptocurrencies;

🔸Blockchain startups raised $822 million in 2019;

🔹Huobi plans to launch its own public blockchain.