New Earth Rising๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒธ
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Igniting and supporting individual and collective transitions into the spiritual soveriegnty of the New Earth.

๐Ÿ’— We have ALWAYS been the ones we were waiting for! ๐Ÿ’—
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Forwarded from Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL
The presentation of the Solar Logos as the 'Sun behind the Sun' is of the brightest white, given the higher photons and the stronger broadcasted gamma rays.
Forwarded from Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL
The second coming of the 'Holy Son' coincides with the coming of the second Sun.
We speak of the 'Sun behind the Sun' for they are both of the Christed Light and are therefore one and the same soul.

This is the Nazarene, the beloved Son/Sun, born and risen again through the implosion and regeneration of the Christed Solar Light.
Forwarded from Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL
The White Sun, The Sun behind the Sun, directly influences your physical Sun.
Forwarded from Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL
The emanations of the Grand Central Suns, the โ€˜Sol Collectiveโ€™ at quantum level are the โ€˜fire linesโ€™ or โ€˜fire highwaysโ€™ within the cosmic make up of matter.
Forwarded from Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL
As you come full circle within the Eclipse cycle, you raise into the next point of the Golden DNA cycle and return to the โ€˜Zero Point - Node Pointโ€™ that is the time matrix of all that you are.
Forwarded from Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL
At the time of the Great, Grand Solar Eclipse you here do hold the double Zero Point - the transcendence, integration, disappearance and full embracing of the dualistic system. You comprehend and process the bifurcation itself and as you do this you embrace the triple Zero Point and thus the Trinity.
Forwarded from Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL
The โ€˜Trine of the Sunsโ€™ is the Cosmic Trinity Gateway that opens emanating the Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby and Amethyst rays before you merge with all that is Silver, golden and rose gold.
Forwarded from Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL
The fire lines or cosmic fire highways intersect at the point where matter meets anti-matter.
Forwarded from Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL
At the time of the Great, Grand Solar Eclipse there is heightened activity within the White Sun and thus within your physical sun.
Forwarded from Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL
Activity from the Solar Logos is created as a ripple effect that affects your physical sun.

This ripple effect is a multidimensional stream of plasmic emanations which exist both holographically and in a quantum sphere.
Forwarded from Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL
A great light today shines upon the world but most especially in the lands you call America. 

That light shines upon America today, presenting to the world that which is themselves as the shadow is exposed. 
Forwarded from Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL
I am seeing this also and I did not know Chiron was conjunct the Eclipse Supermoon.
It is absolutely time for the archetypal 'wounded healer' to rise as we heal not only ourselves and those who come to us for healing but also the collective wounding. This is inevitably planetary & galactic at the time of the Eclipse. Thankyou to Pam Gregory xx


#astrology I'm noticing that many people over the last few days with the Total Solar Eclipse are experiencing a healing from a long term challenging situation or habit. Remember that Chiron, the wounded healer, was EXACTLY conjunct the Total Solar Eclipse SuperMoon. They are suddenly having clarity, or seeing things from a higher perspective, or a shift, or a detachment . . . however it happens the energy is lighter. less stuck, and more accepting and loving.

I'm seeing this all around me and it's wonderful to witness. It's interesting that Chiron orbits BEYOND Saturn, so we are more easily able to go beyond our previous attached painful patterns, quite suddenly.

We are gradually becoming the lightbody, able to hold this new light, and releasing the old. The effects of this Eclipse will last for many weeks, and we still have the powerful Jupiter-Uranus conjunction this month representing awakening to a higher consciousness.

Blessings to you all.
She's been here for a while, but she is making herself known...
Forwarded from Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL
The Goddess Magdalena the Mag-Da-Len returneth to humanity through cosmic alignments and movements within anti-matter fields, unspoiled and untouched by the hijack.
Course corrections for asteroids do not work upon the cosmic bodies that hold the diamond at their core.
On 21st April the goddess returns, shown by the signs in the skies we speak of.
The divine feminine will be seen and known by many and touched by all.
Forwarded from Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL
Magenta, are the signs in the sky natural or man made?

My reply; a long response is needed to do this question justice and for that reason itโ€™s almost impossible to answer in a few short sentences. So all I will say is that there has been a โ€˜backfireโ€™ paving the way or โ€˜boostingโ€™ all that is organic and natural and allowing that frequency to flourish and grow.
Forwarded from Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL
The Aurora is the frequency that together is
radiated by the starseed network as a pearlescent plasma light.
It is, if you will, a recalibration of form to frequency within your
evolving construct that is your experiential reality.
๐ŸŒธMothering is a perfect training ground for this transition

โœจAs young mothers, we learn early to love unconditionally & tune out earthly pressure as we navigate holding our precious babies in a strange world

โœจWith wee children, we learn to release control while sitting in the eye of the storm & continuing to love as chaos rages around us

๐Ÿ’žWith teens we learn to trust higher wisdom & personal paths as our children learn to think and feel for themselves

๐Ÿ’žAs our children step into the world as young adults, we have no choice but to let go. We look to higher wisdom & faith as we release our beloved ones into the great unknown

๐ŸŒบIt's not an easy path as our hearts process being full to the brim with love while also being ripped open with grief as the unpredictiblity of life does its thing

๐ŸŒธIt's grief & love that make us experts in the art of loving through this transition

To all you mamas out there, thank you for showing the way

๐Ÿ™I bow to you & all you hold

~ ariel Rose ๐ŸŒน

๐ŸŒธThe New Earth rises though our unconditionally loving hearts ๐ŸŒธ

Forwarded from Dr. Melissa Sell (Dr. Melissa Sell)
Forwarded from Dr. Melissa Sell (Dr. Melissa Sell)
Timelines are shifting faster now as the darker energies rapidly fall away . exposures , revelations , unexpected events , higher self epiphanies , stronger connection to source light , feeling less alone , working the puzzle , truth seeking , Accepting , living in the present moment , acceleration of timeline shifts , distorted perceptions are dissolving , strengthening tolerance , recognising the self to be much more than the physical .

Starseeds changes are close by , during your transformation when it feels like things are falling apart at times , keep trusting that this is a significant sign of growth and evolution towards your highest good. If you are feeling derailed at this time , trust that this is redirection taking place to steer you on your chosen path . Redirection is always protection and has a higher purpose in what is playing out at that time .

Ascending souls have come to this planet as part of the Family of Light to prepare for their Ascension into higher self embodiment . This shared identity will unite millions during this significant time here on ascending new earth .

Exiting the comfort zones allows for the embracing of true self , striving to intentionally live authentically as an intentional and deliberate creator in New earth energy . This is a process to be embraced , welcome in the shifts in consciousness that will lead to a more real positive. fulfilling and aligned life.

In loving and devoted ascension service
Source information by : Ascension LightWorkers . ยฉ๏ธ