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Tunisian President Kais Saied stressed that his country will not be a crossing or stable for irregular migrants, pointing to the state’s determination to extend its control over all cities and regions of the country.

Saied’s remarks came during a meeting of the National Security Council, hours before the arrival of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to discuss migration issues.

The Tunisian president warned of the worsening phenomenon of illegal immigration in his country, and the involvement of migrants in acts of violence, pointing to the need to extend power and prevent the spread of migrants in neighborhoods.
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#Europe #Giorgia_Meloni #Illegal_Immigration #Italy #Kais_Saied #Mediterranean_Sea #National_Security_Council #Tunisia_News #Tunisian_President
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The office of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni announced Italy’s intention to provide government cash financing and credit facilities to Tunisia worth 105 million euros ($111.7 million).

This came as part of Italy’s efforts to strengthen economic ties with African countries and curb illegal immigration to Europe.

During a reception by Tunisian President Kais Saied at the Carthage Palace on Wednesday, Meloni stressed that the very important strategic relationship with Tunisia is one of Italy’s top priorities, adding that bilateral cooperation has become a priority for the European Union, saying: “Energy is one of the sectors within which cooperation between Italy and Tunisia must continue to be strengthened.
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#Europe #European_Union #Giorgia_Meloni #Illegal_Migration #Italian_Prime_Minister #Italy #Kais_Saied #Mediterranean_Sea #Tunisia_News #Tunisian_President
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The first consultative meeting was held in Tunis between Tunisian President Kais Saied, Algerian Abdelmadjid Tebboune, and the President of the Presidential Council of the State of Libya, Mohamed Younes Al-Menfi.

The summit, the first of its kind, comes at a time when the Maghreb region is witnessing a growing political stalemate.

According to a statement issued by the presidency of the Republic of Tunisia, the aim of the meeting is to crystallize a new Maghreb bloc, where the presidents of Tunisia, Algeria and the president of the Libyan Presidential Council were invited to participate in this meeting, which aims to strengthen political, economic and security cooperation between the three countries.

The meeting follows an agreement reached on the sidelines of the gas summit in Algeria at the beginning of March, where it was agreed to hold a tripartite Maghreb meeting every three months, the first meeting is scheduled to be in Tunisia.
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#Abdelmadjid_Tebboune #Algeria #Algerian_President #Kais_Saied #Libya #Mohamed_Yunus_al_Manfi #Morocco #Tunisia #Tunisian_President
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The leaders of Tunisia, Algeria and Libya agreed at a consultative meeting in Tunis on Monday to reject foreign interference in Libyan affairs, achieve development and secure common borders between the three countries.


The meeting was attended by Tunisian President Kais Saied, Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune and Libyan Presidential Council President Mohamed Menfi.

During the meeting, several agreements aimed at achieving development and securing common borders between the three countries were reached, and in this context, the need to establish “major joint investments” that strengthen the economy in the region and support stabilization efforts were stressed.

It was also agreed to form “joint working groups” to coordinate efforts to secure the borders from the dangers of illegal immigration, in addition to developing a development and participatory approach to the development of border areas.

During the meeting, the three leaders stressed their complete rejection of any foreign interference in Libyan affairs, while stressing support for efforts to organize elections that preserve the integrity and stability of Libya.
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#Abdelmadjid_Tebboune #Al_Mnefi #Algeria #Algerian_President #Gaza_Strip #Kais_Saied #Libya #Libyan_Elections #Libyan_Presidential_Council #Migration_Crisis #Palestine #Tunisia #Tunisian_President
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Several political parties are working to build a united front to support President Kais Saied’s path and maintain political stability in the country.

This track is known in the media as the July 25, 2021, process, which led to the dismissal of parliament and Saied’s initiation of a series of political reforms.

Parties participating in these efforts include the July 25 Path Party, the Tunisia Forward Movement, the Popular Current, the People’s Movement and the July 25 Movement.

These parties demand the need to ensure a fair and transparent electoral process and oppose any possible return of the Brotherhood Ennahda movement in the Tunisian political scene.

The Secretary-General of the Massar 25 July Party, Mahmoud bin Mabrouk, confirmed in a statement published by “Al Ain News” his party’s support for the candidacy of Kais Saied in the upcoming elections, pointing out that Saied is the only candidate for his party according to the Constitution of July 25, 2022, and pointed to the importance of continuing the path of reform, combating corruption and accountability.
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#25_July_Movement #25_July_Path #Kais_Saied #Tunis_Forward_Movement #Tunisia #Tunisia_News #Tunisian_Elections #Tunisian_Popular_Current #Tunisian_President
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Tunisian authorities have sentenced sub-Saharan migrants to prison terms for carrying out violence while removing their tents from the capital.

Tunisian authorities face warnings from a number of politicians about exploiting this controversial phenomenon, some of whom consider it an “imminent danger” that could lead to the extension of President Kais Saied’s presidential term and the postponement of elections expected next fall.

The Tunisian authorities removed all tents erected by irregular African migrants in the capital and relocated them to other areas far from the capital.

The southeastern province of Sfax witnessed demonstrations demanding the rapid evacuation of thousands of migrants from sub-Saharan Africa in the region, with demonstrators raising slogans condemning the resettlement policy and emphasizing land and identity rights.

Saber al-Benbli, the first accredited officer in Beja province, said there is no intention to settle migrants in the region, stressing the importance of tightening control over them.
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#Illegal_Migration #International_Organization_for_Migration #Kais_Saied #Tunisia #Tunisia_News #Tunisian_Elections #Tunisian_President
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Libya officially announced the resumption of trade exchange with Tunisia, and the opening of the Ras Jedir border crossing between the two countries, which has been closed for 50 days.


The Minister of Interior in the outgoing Libyan “National Unity” government, Imad Trabelsi, discussed after his talks at the Carthage Presidential Palace in Tunisia with President Kais Saied and Tunisian Interior Minister Kamal al-Fiqi, the details of this vital agreement.

“We went to the Carthage Palace, and Tunisian Interior Minister Kamal al-Fiki and I met with President Kais Saied and discussed with him several topics of interest to both countries,” Trabelsi said.

Referring to the practical steps that will be taken on the ground, Trabelsi added: “We agreed to open the Ras Jedir land border crossing between Libya and Tunisia,” explaining that “instructions will be given to the competent Libyan and Tunisian authorities to start opening the crossing, and to take all measures.”

The Libyan minister pointed out that this decision comes “after the completion of security work and security equipment,” stressing that “the crossing will be opened to Libyan and Tunisian travelers from Libya to Tunisia and from Tunisia to Libya according to the laws in the two countries, as well as the return of trade exchange between them.”

The Ras Jedir border crossing between Libya and Tunisia witnessed armed clashes on March 19, causing it to be closed by Libyan and Tunisian authorities on the same day.
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#Carthage_Presidential_Palace #Imad_Trabelsi #Kais_Saied #Kamal_Feki #Libya #Libya_News #Ras_Jedir_border_crossing #Tunisia #Tunisian_Interior_Minister #Tunisian_President
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Tunisia has categorically rejected the establishment of platforms for the transit or settlement of irregular migrants on its territory.

Mounir Ben Rejiba, secretary of state to the Tunisian foreign minister, participated in a ministerial conference on migration in Copenhagen.

Ben Rejiba stressed that Tunisia is making great efforts to rescue migrants, pointing to the initiatives it has recently engaged in in addressing the issue of migration, and pointed to the launch of the Rome Process with a Tunisian-Italian initiative as the latest effort in this regard.

Bin Rajiba also stressed the importance of addressing the root causes of irregular migration within a comprehensive and solidarity approach, aimed at achieving stability, promoting economic growth, and creating job opportunities for young people.

President Kais Saied has unveiled a plan to settle migrants in the country, noting that he will not allow Tunisia to be a headquarters or a corridor for irregular migrants, but in return he welcomed all Africans “within the framework of legality.”
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#Copenhagen #European_Union #Irregular_Migration #Kais_Saied #Migration_Crisis #Rome #Tunisia #Tunisia_News #Tunisian_President
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Tunisian President Kais Saied directed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to summon a number of foreign ambassadors accredited to Tunisia to protest their interference in the country’s internal affairs.

This came after some Western countries and the European Union expressed concerns about the recent campaign of arrests in Tunisia.

Saied met with Secretary of State to Minister of Foreign Affairs, Immigration and Tunisians Abroad Mounir Benrjiba and tasked him with inviting a number of foreign ambassadors accredited to Tunisia and representatives of some regions to inform them of Tunisia’s “strongly worded” protest against external interference in its internal affairs, according to a statement from the Tunisian presidency published on Thursday.
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#Arrest_Campaign #European_Union #France #Kais_Saied #Moncef_Ben_Gharbia #Tunisia_News #Tunisian_Constitution #Tunisian_Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs #Tunisian_President #United_States
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