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Ahlan Marhaban to you. here i write pieces of my thoughts, quotes i like, and reminders for my own soul. it's an open book of my mind & heart. enjoy !

- N & Z
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when you pray, pray with confidence. don’t let circumstances intimidate you, don’t give up. you’re asking the Lord of the worlds. nothing is impossible for Him. your prayers will be answered according to His timing. keep praying.
Sometimes in life we lose everything and Allah puts you through a place where you let go of everything else only to trust in him, and then he gives you everything you ever prayed for making you realize that Allah never ever forgets you and he’s always always listening.
If you look back you'll see that every situation that Allah swt has brought you into has either changed you, helped you grow, made you stronger, taught you a lesson or made you a better person or Muslim. Like everything He does, has a purpose.
Allah lebih mengetahui tahap rasa sakit dan kesulitan yang boleh kamu lalui. Janganlah kamu menyerah saat selangkah lagi sebelum Allah menggantikan kesulitan dengan sejuta keindahan.
Allah gives this world to those He loves and those He does not love, but He only gives the religion to those He loves.

[ Sayyidil Habib Umar bin Hafiz ]
Always remember that this life isn't your home, this life is as temporary as grains of sand passing through your fingers. Through your pain, I want you to think good of Him, this pain expiates for your sins. It keeps you grounded to the reality that you came from mere sand and back to it you will return.
One of the Best advice I've ever heard is:

"Allah is not in a hurry, you are. That's why you're tired, anxious, stressed and dissapointed. Trust what was meant to be yours, will be yours. Unrush yourself."
We are not from this world, nor were we made for it.
Judgemental people who compare blessings granted by God are some of the worst.
‎“Do not carry the worries of this life because this is for Allah. And do not carry the worries of sustenance because it is from Allah. And do not carry the anxiety for the future because it is in the Hands of Allah”
Sometimes, when a person feels really down and things are really dark. Just hold on. Because that's normally the time when Allah SWT shows who He is.

- Shaykh Musab Penfound
Bila di akhir zaman ni baru lah kita sedar betapa pentingnya Wahyu Rasullullah yang pertama iaitu “Membaca.”
A man was asked how he manages to pray 5 times a day?

He replied:

‘I became certain that no one could stand meeting me 5 times day , no matter what state I was in : happy, sad, lonely, angry. Except the Most Merciful, the Most Loving, Allah.’
Kita hidup di dunia, bukan di syurga. Tidak mungkin meraih segalanya. Tidak mungkin mencapai semuanya. Hidup bukan hanya tentang impian yang harus diraih, tapi juga tentang kenyataan yg harus dijalani dan takdir yg harus diyakini dan diterima dengan ikhlas.