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Ahlan Marhaban to you. here i write pieces of my thoughts, quotes i like, and reminders for my own soul. it's an open book of my mind & heart. enjoy !

- Nadhir Al-Attas
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Holding on to hope when u feel like there’s nothing left to hold on to is so hard, but u have to remind urself that someone greater than u & whatever happens in ur life is in control. Allah knows, He hears & sees everything. There’s always Hope in having faith in Allah’s plans over ours.
Forwarded from Jom Mengaji & Zikir
انا لله وانا اليه راجعون

Telah sampai kepada kita berita duka kewafatan Mufakkir Ummah adDaie ilallah al Habib Abu Bakar alAdni bin Ali alMasyhur.

Moga Allah tempatkan beliau di syurga tertinggi bersama Baginda Nabi Muhammad. Dan moga Allah panjangkan umur baki daripada ulama' kita dalam sihat wal afiat.

Forwarded from Anwarul Mustafa ﷺ
Sesungguhnya diantara musibah yang terbesar yang terjadi pada ummah apabila wafatnya para Ulama’ .

Sesungguhnya kita adalah milik Allah & kepada Allah juga kita kembali.

Telah wafat salah satu permata dunia, sang pemikir agama iaitu Al-Sheikh Al-Allamah Al-Murabbi SayyidilHabib Abu Bakar Al-Adni bin Ali Al-Masyhur.

Sesungguhnya mata ini menitikkan air mata dan hati ini bersedih. Namun kita tidak mengatakan sesuatu yang tidak diredhai oleh Tuhan. Sesungguhnya kami bersedih dengan kepergianmu Wahai Sayyidina Al-Habib.

Semoga Allah menempatkan beliau bersama datuknya Rasulullah ﷺ pada syurga yang tertinggi.
Forwarded from Anwarul Mustafa ﷺ
Forwarded from Darwish Muhyiddin
Hilangkanlah rasa takut pada makhluk dari hatimu, maka engkau akan tenang dengan rasa takut kepada Allah. Dan hilangkan lah berharap pada makhluk dari hatimu maka engkau akan merasakan kenikmatan dengan berharap pada Allah.

[ Sayyidil Habib Umar Bin Hafidz ]
InshaAllah hari sabtu kita akan masuk tahun baru ( awal muharam ) jadi untuk peringatan kita semua, nanti sebelum maghrib hari ini ( 29 july )kita boleh baca doa akhir tahun kemudian solat maghrib dan boleh terus baca doa awal tahun. Semoga kita semua mengakhiri tahun kita ini dengan penuh barakah dan diampunkan segala dosa, diangkat darjat kita. Dan menjadi hamba Allah yang lebih baik InshaAllah 🤲🏻🥰❤️
Allah SWT blocked it because better is coming.
Keep praying to Allah for what you want even if the prayers feel like distant dreams and things that feel too far to achieve anymore. Allah’s timings to accept duas are always perfect and your duas will always be granted in a better way one day.
Everything that doesn’t work out for you in this life, is just leading you closer to what is truly meant for you, each step of the journey, the rejections, the closed doors, the dead ends, they are all written and redirection towards that which is truly best for you!
Your Akhlaq (character) and Adab (behaviour) is part of your Deen. No matter how much of Qu'ran you've read, how many prayers you fullfill, how much Islamic knowledge you have, if you lack basic manners and treat people horribly then you lack basic foundation of Imaan.
As a human, you can't fully understand the wisdom behind Allah's plans. So if you gain something, embrace it. And if you lose something, let it be. You don't always love what is best for you, and you don't always hate what is terribly wrong for you. Trust in His plans 🤍
You as a muslim need to get out of your own way to study Islam and educate yourself about the quran, sunnah, tauheed and the Deen in general... whether you're born a muslim or not and don't stop studying bc u think u have a lot of knowledge on the deen. This Deen is so vast.
The root of happiness in this world is contentment. By being content, u are grateful, patient and satisfied with the decree of Allah or what Allah swt has given you. and you're not only content, but happy and grateful for the state you are in.
You ask - Allah gives
You repent - Allah forgives
You cry - Allah listens
It doesn't matter the situation you're in, the moment u sincerely call out to Allah swt, He will respond to you.