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Please share far and wide, especially to parents with 5-11 year olds! Try to save as many children as possible.

Dr John Tay (Singapore) on Risks of Covid-19 vaccines
-what is the basis of believing these vaccines will protect our children?
-Rome Declaration calling to end Covid-19 mass vaccination
-Truth is not established by authority

John Tay博士(新加坡)讲儿童是否应该接种Covid疫苗
John Tay博士,人类基因学双博士学位,新加坡国立大学(NUS)儿科部教授和儿科部主任,曾任职新加坡国立大学从事教职22年,做过讲师和教授,是新加坡国立大学医院(NUH)的第一任医学主管。
Asfah Daud Acha

8/7/21- Vaksin AZ dos 1

20/8/21- Pergi IJN buat test untuk jantung

24/8/21- Didiagnos ada minor AMVL (Anterior Mitral Valve Leaflet Prolapse). Masalah injap jantung.

9/9/21 - AZ dos ke-2

10/12/21- Mengadu lepas vaksin kena gerd teruk. Perlu buat laparoskopi di hospital Shah Alam. Simptom makan muntah selama 2 minggu.

Semoga dipermudahkan



Pasal Vaksin,2nd dose saya effect teruk kesan sampai sekarang..ni tengok dalam mysejahtera 22hb depan dapat booster..fobia & trauma 2nd dose effect tak hilang lagi,tambah booster ni..Kali ni saya akan tolak,dulu boss saya paksa register Vaksin..Saya yang tanggung sakit,bukan boss bukan majikan..
