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Seems EU needs Russia's fertilizers

In February 2024, the EU purchased a record 521,000 tons of fertilizers from Russia, valued at 167 million euros, marking the highest volume since December 2022. Poland remains the largest customer, setting a new record for purchases since 2021.

Interestingly, the EU has calculated that the carbon footprint of Russian fertilizers is 60% higher than that of European-made fertilizers. However, even with the cross-border carbon levy and additional taxes, Russian fertilizers remain more cost-effective.

Mmmmmm, sanctions...

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Turkey wants to replace Ukraine

Turkey is prepared for Ukraine's potential refusal to extend its gas transit contract with Gazprom, which is set to expire at the end of 2024, according to Sinan Furat, the CEO of the Turkish oil and gas corporation TBNG. Currently, approximately 48% of Russia's gas exports to the EU pass through Ukraine, with the remaining 52% routed through Turkey.

Furat has stated that there are already plans to construct an energy hub in Turkish Thrace by mid-2024. This would potentially allow Turkey to take over the entire transit of Russian gas to the EU if necessary.

However, not everyone in Turkey shares Furat's optimism. The Department of Energy at the Independent Association of Industrialists and Businessmen in Turkey has noted that fully compensating for the transit volumes would require expanding infrastructure, a process that could take 2-3 years.

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How do you like this, Elon Musk?

The Indian startup Swaayatt Robots is developing autonomous vehicles adapted to the challenging conditions of local roads, such as cows wandering on roads, oncoming traffic, scooters, and tuk-tuks that create chaotic traffic. The lack of road markings, signs, and sometimes even roads themselves adds to the complexity.

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The real cost of housing in Canada has moved from the "bubble" phase to the "super bubble" stage

The average cost of a standard home in 2024 will be 843,684 Canadian dollars (615,000 US dollars). However, in major cities, the price of homes is even higher: in Vancouver - 1.281 million dollars, in Toronto - 1.198 million.

Besides the previously standard reasons for the rise in housing prices in Canada – a high influx of immigrants with money and inflation – there is another one.

Today, on average across Canada, taxes and fees make up 36% of the final cost of housing, and this share is constantly increasing. At the beginning of the 2000s, it was 12-14%. Municipalities improve their budget through such levies. But the rise in prices reduces the number of transactions (in Toronto in 2023 – by 47%).

As a result, municipalities have faced a huge budget deficit, which they are forced to compensate for by raising new taxes. In Toronto, the property tax was raised by 10% immediately.

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Sri Lanka is planning to join BRICS+

This was stated by the country's ambassador to Russia, Janitha Abeywickrema Liyanage. According to the official, discussions are ongoing with a view to the nearest future—to ensure the country's transport, energy, and food security.

The population of the country is 22 million people, and new potential members of BRICS may receive invitations to the summit in Kazan this year.

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EU will not confiscate Russian assets in the way the US has, but welcomes this decision

Josep Borrell, the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, considers the US's approval of a military aid package for Ukraine, which includes the use of frozen Russian Central Bank funds, to be "good news" and a timely decision. Borrell made this statement during his speech at the plenary session of the European Parliament on Wednesday, April 23.

However, according to Borrell, the European Union is not ready to take such radical steps as asset confiscation. He emphasized that after numerous discussions and consultations, European authorities decided to use only the income generated by the Central Bank's assets, not the assets themselves, and continue to adhere to this approach.

Hm... Is it a sign of some intellect?

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Chinese want to invest in Crimea

Chinese investors are interested in developing various projects in Crimea, including automotive service stations, hotel complexes, and a Chinese Cultural Center. This information was shared by the head of the Crimean parliament's committee on public diplomacy and interethnic relations. According to the official, business representatives from China are currently in Crimea discussing investments in the infrastructure development of the peninsula.

The official also suggested that following the end of the Special Military Operation and the recognition of Crimea, Chinese investors are expected to rapidly increase their real estate investments in the region.

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The Russian branch of UniCredit Bank has filed a lawsuit against the bank's German subsidiary, seeking to recover €175 million. The lawsuit alleges that the German branch stopped making debt payments under the guise of sanctions. Additionally, UniCredit Bank Russia is seeking to collect interest accrued on the overdue payments.

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US solar panels makers fear Asian superiority

A group of major solar panel manufacturers in the USA has petitioned President Biden to impose import tariffs on solar panels imported from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam.

The likely imposition of tariffs against solar panels from these East Asian countries is indicated by the fact that several American and foreign manufacturers are planning to open new production facilities for solar farms within the USA itself. Meyer Burger, a Swiss businessman and member of the newly formed trade committee of the American Solar Manufacturing Alliance, announced plans to build new panel manufacturing plants in two U.S. states, Arizona and Colorado.

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US experienced its first bank collapse of the year...

...with the shutdown of Republic First Bank.

Pennsylvania authorities closed the bank on Friday and appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) as the receiver. The FDIC successfully arranged for another financial institution, Fulton Bank, to take over the majority of the deposits and acquire the assets.

Prior to this, the most recent American bank failure occurred in November 2023 when Citizens Bank of Iowa was closed.

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EU's bipolar disorder

Bloomberg reports a seemingly contradictory approach in the EU's new sanctions package, highlighting a case of policy dualism regarding Russian LNG.

On one hand, the EU will allow member countries to purchase liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Russia.

On the other hand, it will prohibit the re-export of this LNG.

This means that while EU countries can buy the gas, they cannot resell it, effectively handing over the market to Chinese and Indian intermediaries.

This arrangement prevents EU traders from acting as middlemen in the global LNG market, potentially benefiting traders from countries outside the EU.

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Sanctions to be... Reversed?

Advisors to Donald Trump are reportedly discussing potential sanctions against countries moving away from the US dollar in their trade transactions.

According to sources like Bloomberg, Trump's team is developing a strategy to pressure BRICS countries to maintain the use of the US dollar in international trade, should Trump win the upcoming elections.

Trump, seems to be more logical and patriotic, keen on preserving US influence, recognizes the implications of a global shift away from the dollar. However, the current Democratic administration has long used the dollar as a tool in its foreign policy arsenal, positioning BRICS countries at a critical juncture in deciding their next steps in the global economic arena.

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One more country ditches dollar

The Maldives, known for its stunning oceans and luxurious vacations, has taken a significant step in its economic policies by announcing a complete cessation of the use of the US dollar in trade transactions.

This decision reflects the changing dynamics of global trade, particularly for the Maldives, whose trade activities are predominantly with China and India. Both countries are actively promoting the use of their respective currencies in international transactions, aligning with their broader economic strategies.

This move by the Maldives signifies a shift towards strengthening trade relations with these Asian giants, further diversifying its economic engagements away from traditional reliance on the US dollar.

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Not so neutral Switzerland

Switzerland, often heralded as the epitome of neutrality, is currently demonstrating a more proactive stance in European politics, especially following the U.S.'s approval of an additional aid package to Ukraine. Many European countries are now debating the need for targeted contributions to support the Ukrainian army, with Switzerland emerging as one of the most vocal advocates.

Switzerland has reportedly sent over 1,400 tons of "humanitarian" aid to Ukraine since the conflict began. Much of this support involves funding NGOs that specialize in supplying Ukraine with medical equipment and consumables, ostensibly to aid civilians. However, it's worth questioning which civilians require such a substantial amount of medical supplies and why these provisions are needed in such large quantities. The answer is relatively straightforward: the supplies are intended for the army, and they are substantial.

Beyond sending medical supplies, Switzerland is actively involved in rehabilitating soldiers and subsequently sending them back to the front lines. These activities are hardly covered in media spaces, but the financial trail they leave is significant. This year, a parliamentary committee allocated $5.5 billion to fund the Ukrainian project, a sum that, if used for direct humanitarian aid, could purportedly treat all of Ukraine’s population for all ailments ten times over.

Interestingly, the official justification for this allocation by the Swiss parliament is "money for improving neutral Switzerland's defense capabilities." How humanitarian aid enhances Switzerland's defense capabilities remains unexplained by the parliamentarians. This vague phrasing suffices for the general public, while those in the know require no further explanation…

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India does not give a shit

India has managed to circumvent Western sanctions on Russian oil by granting marine insurance services permissions to three Russian companies—VSK, "Sogaz", and "Alfa Insurance." According to the Directorate General of Shipping in India, these companies have been authorized to operate until February 20, 2025, while "Ingosstrakh" has extended its accreditation until March 2029. The insurance coverage for all four providers is backed by the state-owned Russian National Reinsurance Company, as reported by Reuters.

This move strengthens Moscow's position in abandoning Western insurance providers and enables India to receive oil transported by the state-owned company Sovcomflot. Previously, Russia utilized Western insurers for its tanker fleet exporting oil to India. However, the price cap imposed by the G7 and the EU on cargoes using their services provided leverage over Russian oil flows. Switching to domestic insurance services helps Moscow reduce dependency and meet the demands of Indian buyers more effectively.

Just before this announcement, Bloomberg reported that India had resumed, after a brief hiatus, the use of Russia’s state fleet for oil deliveries to this critical Asian market.

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100K is too low

Earning $100,000 a year no longer qualifies as a middle-class income in the United States, according to TWJ. The research found that in 38 out of the 50 states, the minimum income threshold for a four-person household to be considered middle class is $140,000 per year.

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Elon Musk has received preliminary approval from Beijing for Tesla's autonomous driving program, following a deal with tech giant Baidu

During an unannounced visit to China over the weekend, Musk met with officials, including Premier Li Qian, who stated that Tesla is a model of Sino-American economic cooperation based on equality and mutual benefit, and that the Chinese market remains open to foreign firms. Media reports indicate that Tesla's CEO discussed the implementation of the "Full Self-Driving" (FSD) technology and regulatory issues related to the cross-border transfer of data necessary for training the corresponding AI models. Since 2021, all company data in China has been stored on servers within the country, as their transfer to the US, where Musk is increasing computing power, is prohibited. In the first quarter alone, Tesla's investment in AI infrastructure totaled $1 billion, with the company purchasing 35,000 specialized NVIDIA H100 chips and planning to increase this number to 85,000 by 2025.

Simultaneously with Musk's visit, the Chinese regulator published a list of 76 vehicle models, including Tesla Model 3 and Y, that meet the requirements for automotive data safety. Furthermore, a planned agreement between Tesla and Chinese search engine Baidu, according to Reuters sources, involves access to a license for collecting data on local roads and a navigational map. Experts believe that the regulatory approval and the deal with Baidu effectively remove barriers for the deployment of autonomous technology in China. Tesla's stock responded to the news with an 11% increase during the day, now up almost 35% since April 22, nearing the $190 level.

Tesla's FSD was introduced four years ago but has not yet received official approval in the Chinese market, where competition with local electric vehicle manufacturers is increasingly fierce. In the last financial quarter, the American automaker's profit dropped to its lowest level since 2021 due to falling demand and discounts across all key global markets. On Sunday, Musk announced plans to invest about $10 billion in AI technologies by the end of the year, primarily for the Tesla model lineup, as part of the CEO's strategic bet on future technologies—including autonomous driving and robotaxis. Efforts to popularize FSD in North America also continue: last week, Tesla reduced the option's price from $12,000 to $8,000, and earlier, the monthly subscription to FSD in the US was halved to $100.

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