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If YOU only knew all the power of the numbers 3, 6 and 9, you would hold the key to the universe.

- Nikola Tesla -

These three numbers are the root of the vibrations of the ancient Solfeggio frequencies. Frequencies are electromagnetic musical tones. The universe is a beautiful symphony of sounds and melodies.

174 Hz - This frequency has a numbing effect, relieves pain and gives the organs a feeling of security and love.
1 + 7 + 4 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3

285 Hz - Frequency that helps in tissue regeneration, affects energy fields, gives energy to the body.
2 + 8 + 5 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6

396 Hz - A frequency that helps relieve guilt, anxiety and sadness.
3 + 9 + 6 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9

417 Hz - A frequency that helps us get rid of negative energies and unconscious blockages in our deep beliefs, unhealthy thought patterns and bad habits.
4 + 1 + 7 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3

528 Hz - The frequency that helps us open our heart, brings peace and joy. DNA transformation.
5 + 2 + 8 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6

639 Hz - This frequency improves communication, understanding, tolerance and love. It can be used to generate positive energies and connect with a soulmate.
6 + 3 + 9 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9

741 Hz - A frequency that has the ability to cleanse the negative energies and toxins from our body. It is used for relaxation, healing and awakening of intuition.
7 + 4 + 1 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3

852 Hz - Frequency associated with light. It can be used to communicate with higher beings, intuition and inner strength. It sensitizes and enables a return to spiritual order.
8 + 5 + 2 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6

963 Hz - frequency of the pineal gland. It connects us with the source. It is the frequency of light.
9 + 6 + 3 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9

There is a repetition of the numbers 3, 6 and 9. These are Tesla's sacred numbers. When you listen to these frequencies, you get a balance of your own energy. Our physical body is high density energy and vibrates at lower frequencies. By listening to this musical frequency, we dissolve the condensed matter and raise our vibration.

432 Hz is the natural music of the universe that resonates with the human heart chakra and renews our DNA. That is why we feel comfortable and happy in nature. The chirping of birds, the sound of sea dams, everything in nature vibrates at 432 Hz. But the Nazis changed this frequency to 440 Hz. This frequency is not natural and facilitates the manipulation of human energy. That is why people are asleep, they cannot see their true nature. It is very important what we see, what we hear, what people are around us. There is a daily transfer of energy between people. Some people tire you out because they rob you of energy and you feel exhausted. Other people make you happy, joyful and loving. These people give you energy. So choose consciously and carefully. It is the freedom of choice that is given to us from birth.

If you add up all the Solfeggio frequencies, you get the number 9.

174 + 285 + 396 + 417 + 528 + 639 + 741 + 852 + 963 = 4995 = 4 + 9 + 9 + 5 = 27 = 2 + 7 = 9

We have the third Tesla number 9. It is ancient knowledge. Man is a star that shines in the body. This star shines until it is released by his effort.
If you are love, this star in you will finally shine into a new life.

❤️WWG1WGA ❤️



#SpaceForce #EarthAlliance #GalacticFederation #SemperSupra

❤️WWG1WGA ❤️

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Q ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


supported by
in ALLIANCE with

⚡️D I S C L O S U R E⚡️



French 🇫🇷 President Emanuel Macron is about to be arrested by the French Military 🇫🇷 for Crimes against Humanity (COVID-19) ⚡️

Anytime from today, it’s a matter of hours or days only.

I received this Disclosure from a French Military Commander as Disclosure, not a Military Secret.

The exact moment of physical arrest and location remains a Military Secret.

All Democratic systems will be cancelled and not replaced. All politicians and Swiss Judiciary including Government employees that are linked to the COVID-19 injections Democide will be judged by the prevailing US Military Justice System.

All Democracies are now removed, cancelled and replaced by permanent Military Administration and Military Justice Systems.

As current Wartime President Trump promised, the Constitutional Right and Powers are being given back to us, WeThePeople, also in Switzerland 🇨🇭.

Given the fact of this Disclosure it is logic that the same is happening in Switzerland 🇨🇭 at the same time.

Consequently, dear Ladies and Gentlemen, the covert global U.S. led Military Operation #STORM is now surfacing fast like a nuclear submarine on an emergency ascent⚡️

This Military action is conform with our Disclosure of President Trumps Executive Order 13818 enacted December 20th 2017.


The USSF US Space Force is the Central Command & Communication of all U.S. Military Branches since August 2022.

The United States 🇺🇸 are formally in a declared Defence War, consequently the US Law of War Manual 2015 updated July 2023 is in force, also on Swiss Territory 🇨🇭.


This is not a drill⚡️

Greetings from Paris 🇫🇷France,



Pascal Najadi & Isabelle

Forwarded from President John F. Kennedy 🇺🇸 (Pascal Najadi🇺🇸DISCLOSURE 🤝🇺🇸)
⚡️Stormy Daniels STORM⚡️


Remember since October 2023 we always and only refer to accessible United States 🇺🇸 Government .Gov information resources. Consequently we Disclose Facts to help you understand the current Truth of the Situation. No other motives but Truth.


Since 2019 the Military Justice Act of 2016 is in Force. This is active legislation and asserts that Military Personnel are different from their civil counterparts. Consequently our Supreme Commander-in-Chief, the highest Executive Command of the U.S. Military, current Wartime President Donald J. Trump does not need to respond to all those fraudulent State Judiciary Cases. He is only doing that to show you how corrupt they have become under the now totally Obliterated Globalist Deep State so you clap in applause when we delete them forever to protect and liberate you from their criminal abuses.


Hint: The ‘Stormy’ Daniels case is election interference 13848 and now serves as trigger to surface the #STORM.

Maybe now you start to relax and enjoy what’s coming next, very soon.

Patience and Time are the best two warriors of current Military War Operations 50 USC 1550.

No Fear, all is running per plan and Fu&@ the NAZI Swiss 🇨🇭 Mainstream media, they are shit scared now and try to maintain their lies, fake news, about the epic Stormy case in New York.

In other words, they will be deleted and join NAZI Pedo Criminal Klaus Schwab, very soon.⚡️

The U.S. Military is in charge and we make the news now, we are at war and we command this war.



You’re welcome,
Forwarded from President John F. Kennedy 🇺🇸 (Pascal Najadi🇺🇸DISCLOSURE 🤝🇺🇸)
⚡️Payback to YouTube⚡️


It was a year ago when YouTube cancelled my channel after we reported the Disclosures about Dr. Fauci financing criminal gain of function BioWeapon creation on Spikes at the Pasteur financed Wuhan lab using US tax payers money. During the BioWeapon Embargo on the United States for Gain of Function research. WHO called YouTube and then they killed my paying channel.

Well, now we start taking them down, the Satanic Cabalists that wanted to exterminate our divine Human Species. YouTube, ROCHE, Pfizer, Johnson, Moderna, Astra, Julius Baer, JP Morgan, Black Rock, Vanguard the list is long. 13818 takes them all out, we are at legit wartime 50 USC 1550. The Hunt is on, let the fun begin. Freemasons can’t escape, we caught them all.

Because we got #POWER⚡️


« We are the Guardians of Humanity and our Light Obliterates the darkness of evil and Treason, Always »

#SemperSupra 💫


You’re welcome,
Forwarded from President John F. Kennedy 🇺🇸 (Pascal Najadi🇺🇸DISCLOSURE 🤝🇺🇸)
⚡️Paris 🇫🇷 Olympics 24⚡️

🎁 D E L E T E D 🎁

We cancelled the Paris ‘24 Olympic Games. ⚡️


Because we can⚡️

The Olympic Organisation based is NAZI 🇨🇭 Switzerland was a corrupt satanic platform that also (like so many) got hit by EO 13818 at our ongoing current legit U.S. 🇺🇸 led Defence War Military and Special Ops. 50 USC 1550.

In fact, the French 🇫🇷 Military is in charge, under our command. No more Fear, except for the rogue NAZI politicians and their Gestapo helpers. No escape ⚡️

Enjoy the blissful Summer’24 without QR codes and their stupid dystopian face recognition cams and traffic chaos.

We, the United States 🇺🇸 command this ongoing Defence and Liberation War and we make the News now. Mainstream is taken down.


« We are the Guardians of Humanity and our Light Obliterates the darkness of evil, and Treason, Always »

Vive La France 🇫🇷💫



You’re welcome,
Forwarded from President John F. Kennedy 🇺🇸 (Pascal Najadi🇺🇸DISCLOSURE 🤝🇺🇸)


We are taking all banks down including SNB, UBS, Julius Baer et al.


Because we can and had to.⚡️


If you want to rescue your hard earned money, you know where the Sell button is.

You have been warned and more. Many Swiss 🇨🇭 Bankers will also end up on the beach, but behind the fence.

Enjoy our final approach on a Gulfstream into the U.S. Naval Base GITMO.



Forwarded from President John F. Kennedy 🇺🇸 (Pascal Najadi🇺🇸DISCLOSURE 🤝🇺🇸)
⚡️Actor’Biden’offset soon⚡️


Our surfacing of U.S. 🇺🇸Global covert Military Defence War Op. #STORM⚡️ is Deleting all NAZI Political Democratic Systems and their severe, repeat, severe punishment imminent - #Showtime ⚡️


«We are the Guardians of Humanity and our Light Obliterates the darkness of evil and treason, Always »

God bless the United States 🇺🇸 and all divine Human Species on our divine divine Earth and Beyond.



You’re welcome,
Forwarded from President John F. Kennedy 🇺🇸 (Pascal Najadi🇺🇸DISCLOSURE 🤝🇺🇸)


This definition is used to represent the domino effect because one event can lead to a series of other events, just as how knocking over the first domino can lead to all of the other dominoes falling.

Greetings from Executive Order 13818 during current and ongoing global Defence Wartime 50 USC 1550 and Treason against the United States 🇺🇸 during wartime 18 USC 2381.


Sergio is now in deep shit and he can’t swim, no love lost⚡️

#WWG1WGA - JFK ‘Q’ 🇺🇸

#SemperSupra 💫

You’re welcome,
Forwarded from President John F. Kennedy 🇺🇸 (Pascal Najadi🇺🇸DISCLOSURE 🤝🇺🇸)
⚡️MayDay’24 STORM ON⚡️


Greetings from JFK with lots of Love ❤️ & Light. Fear no more, watch and distribute his message to all of divine Humanity.


« We are the Guardians of Humanity and our Light Obliterates the darkness of evil and treason, Always »




You're welcome,
Forwarded from President John F. Kennedy 🇺🇸 (Pascal Najadi🇺🇸DISCLOSURE 🤝🇺🇸)
Media is too big
⚡️Enemies Extermination⚡️


« Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty »

- JFK💫🇺🇸🎁<3


500’000 Enemies (Layer 2). are now being arrested and executed en masse for their abhorrent satanic crimes committed defined in EO 13818 - Their Total Extermination and blasting off our divine Earth. And we don’t stop here.

Our Lord is in Charge💫<3

#WWG1WGA - JFK 💫<3🎁

Multiple Beyond Biblical ⚡️



Lots of Love ❤️ and Light ⚡️