[channel] Fr. Joseph in Russia
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We Are Born Sinless

"Blessed be God, who alone does wonderful things! You have seen how numerous are the gifts of baptism. Although many men think that the only gift it confers is the remission of sins, we have counted its honors to the number of ten. It is on this account that we baptize even infants, although they are sinless, that they may be given the further gifts of sanctification, justice, filial adoption, and inheritance, that they may be brothers and members of Christ, and become dwelling places for the Spirit."
- St. John Chrysostom, Baptismal Instructions, Third Instruction
Baptism restores the innocency we had as infants

At the conception of a child, when the soul of the infant is formed, it is pure and without sin. According to St. John Chrysostom, when an adult is baptized, his sins are washed away, and his soul becomes as innocent as the soul of a newly conceived infant:

"the soul of the baptized [is] purer than the very sun-beams, and such as it was originally formed"
— St. John Chrysostom, Homily 40 on 1 Corinthians
At the heretical Council of Florence in 1439, all of the Greek bishops in attendance — except for St. Mark of Ephesus — agreed to accept:
* The Pope
* The Filioque
* Unleavened Eucharistic bread
* Purgatory
* and that the souls of unbaptized infants “go down immediately to hell to be punished”

We fully agree with Alexey that “evolution is one of the most dangerous concepts that faces the Orthodox Christian today”— perhaps it is the very key (intellectual) to the assault upon the Church, to the very “philosophy” (and there is such a thing!) of the coming Antichrist. If we understand [Father Neketas] and Father Ephraim aright, you regard it as merely an “idea” which one can take or leave, and which can involve one in endless modernist-fundamentalist discussions which are totally pointless (how many “hours” in the first “seven days”? etc.). We certainly agree on the pointlessness of such discussions, but now the issue is much deeper than that; “evolution” is a whole mind-set that is quite incompatible with Orthodoxy.

-Fr. Seraphim Rose, letter dated April 5/18, 1973

Icon: the scroll reads in Romanian: “Evolutionism is the key to the philosophy of Antichrist”
Forwarded from Ukraine Watch
⚡️ Former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and US foreign policy critic Scott Ritter says his passport was seized by the State Department, while en route to St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

“I was boarding the flight. Three [police] officers pulled me aside. They took my passport. When asked why, they said ‘orders of the State Department’. They had no further information for me,” Ritter told RT.

“They pulled my bags off the plane, then escorted me out of the airport. They kept my passport.”

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[channel] Fr. Joseph in Russia
⚡️ Former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and US foreign policy critic Scott Ritter says his passport was seized by the State Department, while en route to St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. “I was boarding the flight. Three [police] officers…
This is why I cannot risk visiting friends and family in America. It's not safe.

Even if you have committed no crime, the American govt will take away your freedom and force you to remain in America, if they so desire. If you love Russia and are supportive of Russia, they will consider you an enemy.

If you are pro-Russia and you live in America, then you live in hostile territory.
Forwarded from 🇹🇩 Revista Rost
Ceva de apărat: inocența copiilor!
Christ has Ascended!
From Earth to Heaven!
Our father among the saints Sergius I of Rome was the Archbishop and Pope of the Church of Rome from 687 to 701. He was one of the popes considered part of the Byzantine Papacy. His election ended the schism between the antipopes Paschal and Theodore and led to a papacy that was dominated by his response to the Quinisext Council, whose canons he refused to accept. He is commemorated on September 8.

Much of Pope Sergius' pontificate was involved with the canons of the Quinisext Council of 692, also known as the Council of Trullo. Sergius rejected the Council, and declared that he would "rather die than consent to erroneous novelties".

Enraged, Emperor Justinian II ordered Sergius I's arrest and abduction to Constantinople by his bodyguard protospatharios Zacharias. However, the militia of the exarch of Ravenna and the Duchy of Pentapolis frustrated the attempt. Zacharias nearly lost his own life in the attempt to arrest Sergius I. Rather than seizing upon the anti-Byzantine sentiment, Sergius I did his best to quell the uprising.

St. Sergius died in Rome on September 8, 701.

St. Bede the Venerable comments on the wicked deeds of Emperor Justinian the Younger, who was deemed a traitor, who called a heretical synod now known as the Council of Trullo, and who attempted to kidnap St. Sergius I, an Orthodox saint who was the pope of Rome in the late 7th century.

----begin quote----

Justinian the Younger, the son of Constantine, [ruled for] 10 years. He made a ten-year peace on land and sea with the Saracens. But the province of Africa was brought under the control of the Roman empire. It had been occupied by the Saracens, and Carthage itself was captured by them and destroyed.

[Justinian], sending out his protospatharius Zacharias, ordered that the Roman Bishop Sergius, of blessed memory, be deported to Constantinople because he was unwilling to approve of and subscribe to the heretical synod that [Justinian] was holding in Constantinople. But the militia of the city of Ravenna and of the surrounding regions forestalled the wicked orders of the emperor and drove Zacharias from Rome with insults and injuries.

The same Pope Sergius ordained the venerable man Willibrord, called Clement, as bishop of the Frisian people. Even now, as a pilgrim for the eternal homeland (for he is one of the people of the English from Britain) he achieves there every day innumerable daily losses for the devil and gains for the Christian faith.

Because he was guilty of treason, Justinian was deprived of the glory of his kingdom, and withdrew to Pontus as an exile.

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The above quote is an excerpt from St. Bede's book, "The Reckoning of Time", translated by Faith Wallis, published by Liverpool University Press (pp. 232-233).