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Morrison Urena, LC
Update in #YoungvBiden - Judge Chen has rescheduled the next status conference from March 18 to March 19 at 10 am PST.
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#YoungvBiden Update: Today we filed a joint status report with the court. It appears about 70% of visas in this case have now been issued, so the fight continues.

Note, the next status conference in this case has been rescheduled for March 19, 2021 10:00 AM PST. Of course Young plaintiffs should watch, but I recommend Jacob plaintiffs also watch to get a feel for how Judge Chen supervises the implementation of his orders.
Note: I just learned Namibia #DV2021 selectees are assigned to South Africa, so they can participate in our Schengen lawsuit too.
#DV2020 Mohammed, Fonjong, Kennedy
FAQ: Have you requested that the court make our applications "mission critical"?
Answer: Yes. And we requested that they be processed immediately upon final judgment. See #3 and 6 on last page of Feb 3, 2021 cross MSJ:
224 Gomez Gov reply to motion.pdf
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Shameful update in #Gomez litigation. President Biden and Secretary Blinken have filed brief with court arguing #DV2020 plaintiffs in Mohammed, Fonjong, Kennedy, and Aker lack standing and their cases are moot.
(brief attached, but here's link if you prefer:
60 Jacob Gov Motion to Dismiss + Proposed Order.pdf
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#JacobvBiden Update
Pursuant to the schedule set by Judge Chen, the government has filed just now their motion to dismiss for mootness.
Our opposition is due March 25, 2021, and the government's reply to that opposition is due April 2, 2021.
FAQ: I am not your client, can you help me?
Answer: We are sorry, but we are no longer accepting DV 2020 selectees as clients. However, DV2020 selectees who were not issued a DV prior to April 23, 2020 are automatically members of the Gomez class. As Gomez class members, the Gomez attorneys represent their interests in litigation. Find our more here:

Further, Gomez class counsel Jordan Cunnings responds to all Gomez class member inquiries. You can reach Jordan at:

Good luck to you!
Morrison Urena, LC pinned «#DV2020 FAQ: I am not your client, can you help me? Answer: We are sorry, but we are no longer accepting DV 2020 selectees as clients. However, DV2020 selectees who were not issued a DV prior to April 23, 2020 are automatically members of the Gomez class. As…»
11 Young v Biden - Appeal dismissed.pdf
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#YoungvBiden Update:
Pursuant to the government's motion, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has officially dismissed the appeal of Judge Chen's December order. Good.
61 Jacob - Order denying motion to transfer.pdf
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Update in #JacobvBiden #DV2021:
Today Judge Chen denied the Government's motion to transfer the case to Judge Seeborg. This is good.

I realize part of the reasoning might make DV2021 plaintiffs nervous, but please relax. This reasoning was just to explain the order denying the transfer. Our Jacob DV2021 plaintiffs are still our Jacob DV2021 plaintiffs, and nothing has changed on that. Like our Jacob family plaintiffs, you will need to wait until Judge Chen's order on the PI motion after April 15 to know what the court's relief will ultimately be.
#DV2020 FAQ: How many plaintiffs are on the Kennedy case?
Answer: 2,319.

You may have noticed that the government’s latest brief claims there are 3,288. This happened because they pointed to a typo in our amended complaint that we had immediately corrected with a notice of errata. So the initial blame for the confusion lies with us, but it’s also incredible the government didn’t catch that error themselves.
FAQ: Iranian residents are subject to a 14-day barrier, why can’t they be included in your Schengen lawsuit?

A: The 14-day ban Iranians face is certainly inconvenient, but because their interviews never happen inside Iran, it is not a barrier to visa issuance.

I don’t want to take money from Iranians to fight a ban that is not a barrier for visa issuance. We would not be able to show irreparable harm, which means a motion for preliminary injunction would fail, the case would drag out for a year to get relief, and the relief would simply be a removal of the inconvenience. That’s not worth it.
# مورد شنگن
سوالات متداول: ساکنان ایران در معرض یک مانع 14 روزه هستند ، چرا آنها نمی توانند در دادخواست شینگن گنجانده شوند؟

پاسخ: ممنوعیت 14 روزه ایرانیان قطعاً ناخوشایند است ، اما از آنجا که مصاحبه های آنها هرگز در داخل ایران اتفاق نمی افتد، مانعی برای صدور ویزا نیست. پس نتیجتا در این کیس قرار نمیگیرند.

من نمی خواهم از ایرانی ها برای مبارزه با ممنوعیتی که مانعی برای صدور ویزا نیست ، پول بگیرم. ما نمی توانیم صدمات جبران ناپذیری را نشان دهیم ، این بدان معناست که دستور قرار موقت شکست خواهد خورد.
و از آنجاییکه در داخل ایران سفارت ایالات متحده وجود ندارد بنابراین ایرانیان نمیتوانند در این کیس قرار بگیرند.
Morrison Urena, LC
#YoungvBiden Just a reminder that we have a status conference today before Judge Chen at 10 am PST:
Status Conference before Judge Chen in Young starts in 5 minutes! Only 25 participants watchingl. Plenty of room for #JacobvBiden plaintiffs who want to see how it works post-PI motion.
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#YoungvBiden Update
Tonight, the government filed this motion for continuance of the mootness schedule. This is really weird because the mootness motion was their idea- she brought it up today at the status conference, and I even suggested that maybe it would be better if we put that off until everyone got their visas adjudicated, but Judge Chen pushed back and essentially said no, let them file the mootness motion.

Now they urgently want to put it off. They don't really know what they're doing, but as long as they continue adjudicating our visa applications, I guess that's ok.
دوستان فارسی زبان گرامی
نوروز باستانی یکهزار و چهارصد خورشیدی را به شما عزیزان تبریک می‌گوييم.
امیدواریم سالی سرشار از تندرستی و شادی پیش رو داشته باشید.
هرروزتان نوروز ، نوروزتان پیروز 🌺🌷🌸🌹💐