Millennial Woes
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Hello everyone, this is my first video. Hopefully many more will follow, please subscribe for breakthrough updates in my research or for notifications about video releases.
Djs and rap artists can maybe say or do something slightly clever, but only within the context of already being a complete idiot and wasting everyone's time
Forwarded from Wild Folk
Can you imagine the media furore if Trump had behaved like this? It's absolutely staggering how brazen the Left are about using power. They simply don't give a toss. They reinvent the world while conservatives bumble along, drivelling about "the rules".
Forwarded from Red Ice TV (Censored)
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Biden is going to use his power as President to remove governors that don’t obey his mandatory vaccine.
Would it be worth doing a "9/11 special 20th anniversary" Gram broadcast, on Saturday night? I honestly can't think of much to say about 9/11, but if people have opinions/questions about it that they'd like me to tackle, I'll do it.
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Forwarded from Righteous Deity
Media is too big
If this isn’t viral by tomorrow I know nothing anymore

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With some people, just a tiny bit of power corrupts absolutely.
"The erroneous claim that the combustion temperature of jet fuel could not melt steel contributed to the belief among skeptics that the towers would not have collapsed without external interference. The basic claim is false, because the combustion temperature of kerosene (jet fuel) is, in fact, more than 500 °C higher than the melting point of structural steel (2093 °C vs. less than 1539 °C)."

Responses please.
"Alex Jones also said that molten steel found in the rubble was evidence of explosives... citing photographs of red debris being removed by construction equipment, but Blanchard said that if there had been any molten steel in the rubble any excavation equipment encountering it would have been immediately damaged.

Other sampling of the pulverized dust by United States Geological Survey and RJ Lee did not report any evidence of thermite or explosives. It has been theorized the "thermite material" found was primer paint. Dave Thomas of Skeptical Inquirer magazine, noting that the residue in question was claimed to be thermotic because of its iron oxide and aluminum composition, pointed out that these substances are found in many items common to the towers."

Responses please.
"NIST’s working hypothesis is that fire and/or flaming debris from the collapsing north tower (which left a long gash in building 7’s south face) damaged a critical column which supported a 2,000 sq ft floor bay. The remaining floor bays were unable to redistribute the loads, and the whole structure came down on itself. The fact that the collapse was triggered by an internal failure would explain the appearance of a controlled demolition with a small field of debris left behind."

Responses please.
To be clear: I'm not a "9-11 conspiracy denier". I'm just trying to be thorough.
"The Angel of Death drops some deadly substances into a river near a town"

September 11th