Millennial Woes
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Forwarded from Aurora Ray -Galactic Federation (Aurora Ray)

Multiple sources suspect that Apple is planning on deleting the app Telegram from the AppStore entirely AND WILL REMOVE IT FROM YOUR PHONE via remote maintenance❗️
You can take preventative measures to prohibit the automatic deletion of apps:

- Go to “settings”
- Press “screen time”
- Choose “content and privacy restrictions”
- Activate the button at the top right
- Then go to “iTunes and AppStore purchases”
- DO NOT ALLOW your phone to delete apps automatically❗️
Forwarded from Semiogogue
The extent to which we are all subject to methodical demoralization campaigns – conceived and executed with centralized malice aforethought – is as yet grasped only by a few.
"Los Angeles in the year 2020"

Ha! Kind of...
Born too late to conquer the Earth, and too soon to explore the galaxy... but just in time to prance around looking stupid with a nappy over your face and a flatscreen above your head telling the public to stop endangering Granny.
Forwarded from Media Tricks Exposed

They have shocked the masses:
The Google-Apple-Amazon tech cartel deleted an entire social network site from the internet, Parler. The Facebook-Twitter monopoly banned the President and his most vocal supporters. They think deleting means defeating.

👁👁 Those who pretend to cheer it on worry when the lights go out. The illusion of 'impartial media companies' has collapsed in the public mind. The techno tyranny was allowed to overplay its hand with hubris, while the whole world was watching. To great effect, we have all been shown the truth, rather than been told the truth. As a result, we will find the will to change. Show Don't Tell, as the scriptwriters say. You see it all over; trust in The Regime has evaporated. Those who cheer it, fear it. Nobody trusts it.

Even the libertarians are learning. Libertarians have been rebelling against Tyrannical Government, as per the French and American revolutions. Now, during this Second American Revolution, they are learning the real problem all along was Tyrannical Conspiracy. They conspire, and they don't have your good in mind. Tyrannical Conspiracy extends far beyond the corridors of government; it is a product of human social groups, and it invades all areas of life.

The answer to tyrannical conspiracy is righteous men seizing raw power and wielding it for God-given reasons. Saying "leave us alone" is not enough. We must overpower the beast.
A message from @GothsForTrump:

So we've taken the plunge into alt-tech as it's getting VERY clear anyone to the right of the Chairman Xi Jinping is persona non grata. Please join! Expect all the memes, music and added spiciness we can't post on Instagram.
Just in case, I have also joined Trovo:
Forwarded from American Renaissance
Please help the American Renaissance Telegram channel to gain more subscribers, by sharing this message or the invite link posted below on social media.

Thank you.
A depressing prognosis from a Facebook anon:

This is probably going to be the last "business as usual" election in the USA. There is NO way the globalists will ever allow any element of organic democratic rule ever again in our lifetimes.
I also think a similar situation is going to happen in the UK.
Elections will be delayed over and over and, when they do come back, the types of candidates allowed will be from an even smaller pool than now, and voting machines will make sure the powers that be get the results they want.
Trump was the last symbol of a dying system.
After the Great Reset, a campaign disavowing democratic rule will commence. Technocracy will be hailed as the new system that has to protect us from "climate change" and "overpopulation".
America will be run by a uni party and the UK.
I always said this whole covid thing was just a racket!
In precisely 10 minutes from now, a shockingly bigoted posting will be made on this channel. I wish to denounce this vile content and dissociate from it in advance, affirm my heartfelt belief that African tribal culture is every bit as worthy as the highest peaks of Western civilisation, and voice my personal support for Kamala Harris and David Lammy.
KamaLammy: a match made in Africa.
This comment was posted on my channel recently:

"was für ein grosses stück scheisser der typ ist und alle die ihm folgen und mit ihm reden"

"what a big piece of shit the guy is and all who follow him and talk to him"

But sometimes you get more sinister comments, like this one:

"le jour de leffrondrement est les jours qui suivront , tu sera est tes proches aussi sur le pelotons d'execution. grosse merde"

"the day of the collapse is the days that will follow, you will be and your loved ones also on the firing squad. big shit"
New study in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation finds that lockdowns ("mandatory stay‐at‐home and business closures") are not effective for controlling the spread of COVID-19.

"Background and Aims
The most restrictive non‐pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) for controlling the spread of COVID‐19 are mandatory stay‐at‐home and business closures. Given the consequences of these policies, it is important to assess their effects. We evaluate the effects on epidemic case growth of more restrictive NPIs (mrNPIs), above and beyond those of less restrictive NPIs (lrNPIs).
While small benefits cannot be excluded, we do not find significant benefits on case growth of more restrictive NPIs. Similar reductions in case growth may be achievable with less restrictive interventions."