Накъост ca ма гатт де шадег дик хир ду
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Forwarded from أرشيف (Abu Dhar)
Best workout is chopping wood in the morning
Went on a walk, and went thru history
Forwarded from تــأمــلات📚
As a slave I came and in my heartbeat
A nostalgia that melts my joy
My sins document the record of error
And my driving tears quenched my longing

I am from you, my Lord.. and I entrust myself to you
So find me and gather my pieces for you
I am homeless at the door of protection
So allow for me to be near you
In Achxoy Martan (place in Chechenya) it lives around 36-40k people, and among ALL of them, there is only one female Hafiz.
Фатис жузз Ӏамма (дагахь Ӏамийна) чекхдеккхан, ХадижахӀ жима даккхий сураташ тӀеяьлла (дагахь Ӏамош) аьлла. И тахана дазош ю Фати, Хадижи, чу хьеший кхайкхана 🌷🌷
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Forwarded from ShariaTube
Characteristics of the Yahood According to the Qur'an:

• They distort the verses of Allāh [4:46]
• They've killed the prophets of Allāh [2:91]
• They are hypocrites and liars [5:61]
• They hate the Muslims [5:82]
• They strive to cause mischief and corruption in the land [5:64]
• They steal people's wealth unjustly and deal in interest [4:161]
• They are hateful, envious and wish that Muslims would disbelieve[2:109]
• They are cowards [3:111]
• They have extreme attachment to the dunya [2:96]
May Allah strengthen our Imaan, Sabr and Tawakkul.
Shaykh Anjem Choudary
"Is Takfīr Hukm Shar'i or Asl ud-Dīn?"

- Answered by Shaykh Anjem Choudary, may Allāh hasten his release.
Forwarded from مِلة إبراهيم
I don’t understand how people have access to books of the salaf, the righteous scholars/ our pious predecessors yet they read the books of the kuffar and quote celebrities and think it’s a nice add of aesthetic to their dawāh pages, your wala and bara should be so strong to the point where you don’t even want to read the names of these people!
Хьан мах хьан 1алашоне хьаьжжина бу.
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Ахь хьай дег1 бохург дичъа, хьо цо нисс жоьжахати чу вуг
Forwarded from QOMAN VO1
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Буй ткъа ц|ена нохчийн мотта тахана заман чохь а вайма буьйцуш? Д|а хаьттан чунга хаьаш хира бу хьуна ингалс мот а, турки мотт а, |арбо мотт а, амма ахьа нохчийн маттахь «хьенех» дош муха ду аьлла хаттахь, нис ах жоп лура ду хьоьга «ааа, х|ун дара иза» «сабр де суна хаа-м хаьара иза» «коьрта чура дели-кх суна иза» «хаац суна-м»

Х|ун билгало йу иза?, тахан лера дийнахь кхеча махкара нехан мотта |амош бу дуккхох а нохчий а, амма ше ненан маттатаца ледар бу. Вайъа цу хьоле даьлла, бокъалла нохчо т|е веана цо ц|ена нохчийн мотт бийцахь а, вайма цуьнга доьхьал: «х|ун бахар ахьа ваша?, я не понял» эра долуш хьал ду! Само йе!