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Сделали стикеров с танком WOTAN, закинем всем в отправки
Media is too big
Когда очень хочется мош и слем, но в наличии только акустическая гитара, небольшой пивной паб и пол сотни скинов со всего СНГ. Луганская область, г.Рубежное, паб Айсберг, примерно 2007-й год. На сцене Арсений Билодуб (Секира Перуна) и Митя Садко (Коловрат\Антиситем)😈 Всем олдскул, братва!
Второе издание Реконкисты от Молотх на нашем сайте -
Тут Фамин неожиданно для всех выкатил то самое (частично по крайней мере) интервью! Смотрим вместе!
Forwarded from Baise Ma Hache Official
Forwarded from Militant Zone World Wide
In the current year we have been observing tightening censorship by the (((system))) to silence all the dissenting voices on every digital platform still available to the public. In reality, those are just few giant corporations censoring people that are contradicting institutions owned by other giant corporations and (((billionaires))).

The brutality of the power structure and oligarchic nature of the west is camouflaged under insidious branding and sophisticated PR, but let it not fool you – the system we are all opposing is tightening the screw.

Obviously, the black metal scene is not immune to this censorship. Last Facebook and Youtube pages of uncompromising bands and labels have been removed, and few alternatives are available (VK currently being the most accessible of those). The last debacle surrounding the Steel Fest is just another of those symptoms, and a sign that the censorship is not only digital but widely seeping into the real world.

However, the growing divide into accepted milk-toast fake scene and the real radical underground, initiated by the push from the outside sources can be good for us. Those, who still have the honor and resolve will be pushed out from the cozy ‘neutral’ position, as it is quickly becoming non-viable, and will inevitably be drawn towards us. The true black metal will return to the underground, just like it was in the past.

We must build our own platforms and organize our own events. Asgardsrei and are the first attempts to do so, but more will appear in the future. Reach out to radical black metal fans and bands and build the networks. We will have our own invisible empire that will be a spark of a rebirth of the black metal scene, this time, stronger, and more resilient to corruption. The strongest of steel is forged in the hottest of fires.
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